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- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
Your 3 points aren't quite what was said.
Ever heard of a the patriot missle? Just a "ridiculous concept" once also. You might want to check into the test of shooting missles out of the sky also. There have been some positive results.
If you can't see how disarming our country can possibly be viewed as a negative, then you must be willfully blind?
Father George wrote:2) stop spending billions on Star Wars missile defense shield. - sounds good to me. Huge waste of taxpayer money on a ridiculous concept that will never protect anyone - shooting a missile out of the sky? - sounds good to me.
Ever heard of a the patriot missle? Just a "ridiculous concept" once also. You might want to check into the test of shooting missles out of the sky also. There have been some positive results.
Not quite sure how you can view any of those as a negative.
If you can't see how disarming our country can possibly be viewed as a negative, then you must be willfully blind?
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
thesteelhammer wrote:Your 3 points aren't quite what was said.Father George wrote:2) stop spending billions on Star Wars missile defense shield. - sounds good to me. Huge waste of taxpayer money on a ridiculous concept that will never protect anyone - shooting a missile out of the sky? - sounds good to me.
Ever heard of a the patriot missle? Just a "ridiculous concept" once also. You might want to check into the test of shooting missles out of the sky also. There have been some positive results.Not quite sure how you can view any of those as a negative.
If you can't see how disarming our country can possibly be viewed as a negative, then you must be willfully blind?
The Patriot is a hugely different issue because of the speeds and altitudes that ICBMs travel. Don't believe me? Go google for articles on how those tests were "enhanced" to get the missiles to hit their targets. They even once put a GPS in the test target missile after several public tests failed! What I find funny/scary is that you don't KNOW that. These bogus tests were well covered in the news. The missile shield has never worked and will never work. It's another corporate gravy train to funnel your tax dollars into a company owned by the friends (or donors) of senators.
Also, I recommend you read up on just how successful the Patriot missile was in Iraq circa 1991. It was greatly hyped as an anti-ICBM defense (it was intended for air defense).
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
I know the patriot is a hugely different deal. I'm just bringing it up because it too was once a "ridiculous concept that will never protect anyone" regarding "shooting a missile out of the sky".
That is the way technological advances happen through ridiculous concepts.
Yes there have been many failures with "star wars" defense. There have also been some success and advances.
No technological advancement ever happened with out some failure.
Check out some of the success at
I know the patriot is a hugely different deal. I'm just bringing it up because it too was once a "ridiculous concept that will never protect anyone" regarding "shooting a missile out of the sky".
That is the way technological advances happen through ridiculous concepts.
Yes there have been many failures with "star wars" defense. There have also been some success and advances.
No technological advancement ever happened with out some failure.
Check out some of the success at
Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
Obama is just like Jimmy Carter....his policies are the same, his ideas are the same. Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush and 2) will vote for Obama just because he is not a republican. People need to use their brains and think about what Obama is proposing. Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then? People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work, disarming our military doesnt work, "negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work. Obama is so wrong on so many things...his Presidency would be an absolute disaster.
John McCain for President
John McCain for President
- Father George
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
If you can't see how disarming our country can possibly be viewed as a negative, then you must be willfully blind?
Do you actually think Obama intends to completely disarm our country or are you being willfully blind? I swear I heard him say he would attempt to "achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal" as well as that of Russia. I'm sure he'll just get rid of our nukes and leave us completely susceptible to a Red Dawn type of attack.
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
Funny reference to Red Dawn, since nukes weren't used in that movie due to the very type of attack depicted.
BTW - I heard they are going to re-make that movie. Not sure why as it is still a great flick.
BTW - I heard they are going to re-make that movie. Not sure why as it is still a great flick.
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
chaniel wrote:Obama is just like Jimmy Carter....his policies are the same, his ideas are the same. Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush and 2) will vote for Obama just because he is not a republican. People need to use their brains and think about what Obama is proposing. Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then? People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work, disarming our military doesnt work, "negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work. Obama is so wrong on so many things...his Presidency would be an absolute disaster.
John McCain for President
Wow, have you been awake the last 8 years? Just what has Bush or Republican policies done for you? And, your bullet points are all demagogued. Obama isn't a socialist, isnt for disarming the military, isn't for negotiating with mad men or appeasing dictators. As Kevin James proved, you right-wingers don't even know what that means.
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
thesteelhammer wrote:GFS,
I know the patriot is a hugely different deal. I'm just bringing it up because it too was once a "ridiculous concept that will never protect anyone" regarding "shooting a missile out of the sky".
That is the way technological advances happen through ridiculous concepts.
Yes there have been many failures with "star wars" defense. There have also been some success and advances.
No technological advancement ever happened with out some failure.
Check out some of the success at
You know what he meant by "shooting a missile out of the sky." You should also know that we've never gotten close to a working system and never will because it's too easy to defeat these systems. The speeds are too great and the margin of error is too small. Again, this is a pro-corporate hand-out. It has never worked, does not work, and will never work (in the reasonably near future). Now, do you want to give me $1 trillion in tax dollars for my anti-gravity hover car? I'm not close to an actual prototype, but "no technological advancement ever happened without some failure."
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
Before Americans went to the moon, that had never happened either.
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
thesteelhammer wrote:Before Americans went to the moon, that had never happened either.
Good God, do you have any reading comprehension? I'm talking about the difference between the feasible and the near impossible. If they thought it was feasible, they wouldn't have doctored the tests! I remember when I first read about it, I thought to myself "they must think we're REALLY stupid to not know what they're trying to do." Now, I understand.
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
My reading comprehension is excellent. Maybe you just aren't cabable of expressing your point very well.
I get what you are saying. You doubt that it can be done
What great technology didn't have its doubters?
Here is the question:
Is the idea of missle defense an idea this country should be interested in?
I think the answer is yes, therefore, I think it is worth pursuing possible technologies or the development of them.
I get what you are saying. You doubt that it can be done
What great technology didn't have its doubters?
Here is the question:
Is the idea of missle defense an idea this country should be interested in?
I think the answer is yes, therefore, I think it is worth pursuing possible technologies or the development of them.
- Father George
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
thesteelhammer wrote:My reading comprehension is excellent. Maybe you just aren't cabable of expressing your point very well.
I get what you are saying. You doubt that it can be done
What great technology didn't have its doubters?
Here is the question:
Is the idea of missle defense an idea this country should be interested in?
I think the answer is yes, therefore, I think it is worth pursuing possible technologies or the development of them.
Of course if we and the reds just got rid of all of our nukes we wouldn't need to spend all that money on development of a missile defense system.
I know, I know - that has about as much chance of happening as shooting a missile out of the sky!

- thesteelhammer
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
Father George wrote:thesteelhammer wrote:My reading comprehension is excellent. Maybe you just aren't cabable of expressing your point very well.
I get what you are saying. You doubt that it can be done
What great technology didn't have its doubters?
Here is the question:
Is the idea of missle defense an idea this country should be interested in?
I think the answer is yes, therefore, I think it is worth pursuing possible technologies or the development of them.
Of course if we and the reds just got rid of all of our nukes we wouldn't need to spend all that money on development of a missile defense system.
I know, I know - that has about as much chance of happening as shooting a missile out of the sky!
Or we could just end all of the government hand-outs people refer to as "entitlements".
- steelerspaz
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
"Obama is just like Jimmy Carter....his policies are the same, his ideas are the same. Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush and 2) will vote for Obama just because he is not a republican. People need to use their brains and think about what Obama is proposing. Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then? People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work, disarming our military doesnt work, "negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work. Obama is so wrong on so many things...his Presidency would be an absolute disaster."
Okay, okay. This is awesome. You contradicted yourself so well here, let me explain.
"Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush "
So bad things, admittedly, are happening to Americans right now. But it's STUPID to blame bad things happening to americans on the incumbent president!
"Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then?"
Oh, okay. So I guess we should alter that argument. It's only stupid to blame bad things happening to americans when the incumbent president is a Democrat. Gotcha.
" People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work"
Socialism: Socialism refers to any of various economic and political concepts of state or collective (i.e. public) ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
You're right, it doesn't work. But your implication that Obama's a socialist is stupid. What's socialist about providing middle class tax relief? About protecting home ownership? About creating jobs?
"disarming our military doesnt work"
Obama plans to disarm the US army? Really? "Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families."
""negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work."
So what does work? Going to war based on false premises? Do you really think the best way to deal with dangerous countries is to ignore them? Ignoring the facts is what's causing problems for the Bush administration.
Now, don't get me wrong. I like McCain. He's the best Republican candidate in a long, long time. But seriously. Stop making false charges about Barack Obama. George W. Bush has COMPLETELY ripped apart the economy, the environment, and the nation's stature around the world. People have good reason to think Republicanism is evil.
Okay, okay. This is awesome. You contradicted yourself so well here, let me explain.
"Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush "
So bad things, admittedly, are happening to Americans right now. But it's STUPID to blame bad things happening to americans on the incumbent president!
"Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then?"
Oh, okay. So I guess we should alter that argument. It's only stupid to blame bad things happening to americans when the incumbent president is a Democrat. Gotcha.
" People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work"
Socialism: Socialism refers to any of various economic and political concepts of state or collective (i.e. public) ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
You're right, it doesn't work. But your implication that Obama's a socialist is stupid. What's socialist about providing middle class tax relief? About protecting home ownership? About creating jobs?
"disarming our military doesnt work"
Obama plans to disarm the US army? Really? "Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families."
""negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work."
So what does work? Going to war based on false premises? Do you really think the best way to deal with dangerous countries is to ignore them? Ignoring the facts is what's causing problems for the Bush administration.
Now, don't get me wrong. I like McCain. He's the best Republican candidate in a long, long time. But seriously. Stop making false charges about Barack Obama. George W. Bush has COMPLETELY ripped apart the economy, the environment, and the nation's stature around the world. People have good reason to think Republicanism is evil.
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Democrats messing up Steelers game time with Panthers
steelerspaz wrote:"Obama is just like Jimmy Carter....his policies are the same, his ideas are the same. Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush and 2) will vote for Obama just because he is not a republican. People need to use their brains and think about what Obama is proposing. Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then? People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work, disarming our military doesnt work, "negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work. Obama is so wrong on so many things...his Presidency would be an absolute disaster."
Okay, okay. This is awesome. You contradicted yourself so well here, let me explain.
"Im tired of Americans being so stupid that they 1)blame every bad thing that happens to them on President Bush "
So bad things, admittedly, are happening to Americans right now. But it's STUPID to blame bad things happening to americans on the incumbent president!
"Its the same crap given to us by Jimmy Carter....anyone remember how bad the economy was then?"
Oh, okay. So I guess we should alter that argument. It's only stupid to blame bad things happening to americans when the incumbent president is a Democrat. Gotcha.
" People are stupid....look at history....socialism doesnt work"
Socialism: Socialism refers to any of various economic and political concepts of state or collective (i.e. public) ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
You're right, it doesn't work. But your implication that Obama's a socialist is stupid. What's socialist about providing middle class tax relief? About protecting home ownership? About creating jobs?
"disarming our military doesnt work"
Obama plans to disarm the US army? Really? "Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families."
""negotiating" with madmen doesnt work and appeasing dictators doesnt work."
So what does work? Going to war based on false premises? Do you really think the best way to deal with dangerous countries is to ignore them? Ignoring the facts is what's causing problems for the Bush administration.
Now, don't get me wrong. I like McCain. He's the best Republican candidate in a long, long time. But seriously. Stop making false charges about Barack Obama. George W. Bush has COMPLETELY ripped apart the economy, the environment, and the nation's stature around the world. People have good reason to think Republicanism is evil.
You're arguing facts with someone who gets his information in demagogued sound bites. Everything you just posted blurred into an incomprehensible haze of elitist know-it-all jibber-jabber. His head would explode if he could ever bring himself to an adult level of critical thinking.
I heard a great anecdote on TV last night. During a 1970s-ish campaign, a woman said she wouldn't vote for a candidate because he "wanted to take away our TVs." The interviewing newsman said "Oh! Ma'am you're mistaken. He wants to end the TVA, the Tennessee Valley Authority." The woman replied, "Maybe so, but I'm not taking any chances." This is how about 1/2 of the country thinks which is why our political process is so jacked up.
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