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- bigjoespompano
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Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Well Libs, looks like you will soon be running the entire show. I wanna hear YOUR (not some regurgitated Rolling Stone leftist gobbledygook) ideas and thoughts as to how we are going to deal with this problem. You wanted to be in control and correct all those stupid mistakes those evil Republicans made over the last eight years and you will soon have your wish. Hop to it! What should President Obama and His pals Nancy and Harry do to get us 'on track' energy-wise? And PLEASE don't give us that tired old sh*t about "That stupid old GW has messed things us so badly that we'll NEVER be able to fix it..." That craps plays outta town now. Step up to the mic and let's hear it! Libs?....Libs?........Are you there?.......*crickets*........
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
We are all going to move into John Edwards mansion. 

- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Sure, we can respond. Can you admit that your party's policies have totally fucked the country now? American jobs are flooding out of the country because Republicans think that competing with slave labor and no environmental standards overseas is GOOD BUSINESS. We have a monstrous debt that will take decades to pay down. The dollar is worth less than the pound, euro, and even the friggin, Canadian dollar. Did you hear your boy Phil Graham today or Jim Cramer? The both say that everything is really peaches; this bad economy is all in your mind. Phil called us a nation of WHINERS!!!!
Remember how you used to laugh at those "tree-hugging hippies" who told you about our dependence on foreign oil and where it would take us? Remember how you ridiculed politicians who proposed a 50 cent tax on gas to force the market to find alternatives? Maybe that was a bad idea, but you're seeing that now that gas has actually risen 4x that, our oil usage is down 10%. Do you still believe in the inviolate laws of supply and demand? We're using LESS oil yet the price is rising at an unaccounted-for rate. You might not understand why, but all your fat cat Wall Street idols do, and they're making a killing while they're killing this country.
So, you want to hear solutions? You've been HEARING them for years and just dismissing them since you didn't have the foresight to understand what was coming. Just go out and take a look at all the data currently out there. And, NO T. Boone Pickens doesn't have any new ideas.
Remember how you used to laugh at those "tree-hugging hippies" who told you about our dependence on foreign oil and where it would take us? Remember how you ridiculed politicians who proposed a 50 cent tax on gas to force the market to find alternatives? Maybe that was a bad idea, but you're seeing that now that gas has actually risen 4x that, our oil usage is down 10%. Do you still believe in the inviolate laws of supply and demand? We're using LESS oil yet the price is rising at an unaccounted-for rate. You might not understand why, but all your fat cat Wall Street idols do, and they're making a killing while they're killing this country.
So, you want to hear solutions? You've been HEARING them for years and just dismissing them since you didn't have the foresight to understand what was coming. Just go out and take a look at all the data currently out there. And, NO T. Boone Pickens doesn't have any new ideas.
- The Fan Of STEEL
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
It's not like the left has not presented plenty of alternative plans that would have paid off in the long run.
Here is an idea...
We take all the fat douchebag republicans that fucked our country for the past 8 years and put them in an incinerator that produces electricity. The fat from these dumbfucks like joe should burn for years.
Here is an idea...
We take all the fat douchebag republicans that fucked our country for the past 8 years and put them in an incinerator that produces electricity. The fat from these dumbfucks like joe should burn for years.
- bigjoespompano
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Ah yes, some things never change! I ask a Liberal for a straight answer to my question and all they can do is give me those tired old Democrap talking points. C'mon Libs! You can do better than this. What are YOUR suggestions as to how this nation should fix it's energy mess? We have oil and we have coal. Should we go after them? What about nukes? France gets up yo 80% of it's civilian energy from them, 'ya know! Why can't we?
Well Libs? What's it gonna be? What are we gonna do???
Well Libs? What's it gonna be? What are we gonna do???
- TheOldRanger
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Wind turbines can generate electricity, and the newer vertical-turbine kind doesn't puree wildfowl like the rotating blades of conventional windmills. Geothermal energy can both heat and cool homes, for free (once you've paid for the system, of course: a friend of mine is installing one, and it's costing him around $20K, mostly for the digging of wells). Electric cars for the city are both practical and sensible. Solar power can power homes; this technology was getting cheaper, but expect it to get more expensive as the price of heating oil soars. We should tap into some of our own resources, but with a plan and not simply remove mountaintops and drill in pristine wilderness areas. Nuclear energy is safer than it was thirty years ago (around Three Mile Island-time). Tax credits for homeowners who install alternative energy systems, incentives for corporations to develop alternative systems, and SMALLER FUCKING VEHICLES.
How's that, Big Joe? Enough answers for you?
And, for the record: you neocons have fucked up the world royally, and you know it. Your arrogant masters have you mesmerized, and terrorized. Learn to think or die in a ditch, bitch.
How's that, Big Joe? Enough answers for you?
And, for the record: you neocons have fucked up the world royally, and you know it. Your arrogant masters have you mesmerized, and terrorized. Learn to think or die in a ditch, bitch.
- bigjoespompano
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
TheOldRanger wrote:Wind turbines can generate electricity, and the newer vertical-turbine kind doesn't puree wildfowl like the rotating blades of conventional windmills. Geothermal energy can both heat and cool homes, for free (once you've paid for the system, of course: a friend of mine is installing one, and it's costing him around $20K, mostly for the digging of wells). Electric cars for the city are both practical and sensible. Solar power can power homes; this technology was getting cheaper, but expect it to get more expensive as the price of heating oil soars. We should tap into some of our own resources, but with a plan and not simply remove mountaintops and drill in pristine wilderness areas. Nuclear energy is safer than it was thirty years ago (around Three Mile Island-time). Tax credits for homeowners who install alternative energy systems, incentives for corporations to develop alternative systems, and SMALLER FUCKING VEHICLES.
How's that, Big Joe? Enough answers for you?
And, for the record: you neocons have fucked up the world royally, and you know it. Your arrogant masters have you mesmerized, and terrorized. Learn to think or die in a ditch, bitch.
Well Old Stranger, I'll give you credit for at least having the guts to step forward as opposed to your Liberal pals who have their nervous systems plugged in to CNN. Good Job! Now, on to your 'points'.
Wind Turbines: Great! Nice and clean (and free!) One slight glitch, though. Where 'ya gonna put 'em? Arizona and New Mexico? West Texas or Montana perhaps? Thats nice. I'm sure the people in New Friggin Hampshire will appreciate them. Ya' see, Einstein, those 'farms' take up a lot of space. Where I live is heavily forested. Gonna cut down the trees to make room? *GASP* Your enviro-wacko friends would have a real problem with that. Next.
Geothermal: Another excellent source. Do ya think we all live in Hawaii? Personally, I don't have any VOLCANOS in my backyard. Nor do I live in Yellowstone National park. What are ya gonna do about the folks who live in far off places without this resource? And again, what are 'ya gonna do with the enviro-nutburgers when you go national with this and begin drilling on a massive scale? Oh, I can just hear their little girly screams now. Oh, and unlike your yuppie/hippie tofu-eating commune pals, I (and many other 'Gun toters') don't make six figures a year working in some cooshy office building. We WORK for a living and don't have this kind of lettuce to toss around. Next.
Electric cars: Ahhh, my Favorite! Just plug the little sucker in at night and off 'ya go in the morning to your cooshy office job! It's all soooo clean and easy! Hey Steven Hawking, where does that 'juice' in the wall come from? Think it just appears out of the void of space? No Edison, it comes from a power plant somewhere. probably an old one that's just keeping up with demand (G'head! Ask the Californians about brown-outs due to under capicity) You're gonna need more power generators sweetheart. Again, you have a problem. Your enviro-fukkface buddies won't allow it. Can't do Nukes! Three Mile Island, ya know! Can't do coal fired as you know those evil, rich, Capitalist whore-mongers just want to rape poor old Mama Earth! No, we must consider the three-toed, lavender bellied geko lizard first! Endangered, you know! And what about all the Bambis and spotted owls that live on these grounds? Oh no! Can't disturb them.
Smaller vehicles: That's wonderful. You go first. Personally, I like my truck and NEED it for work. How muck work you think I can get done with some teeny-tiny four cylinder job? Are 'ya NUTS? (oh wait, we've already determined that...) If YOU wanna drive a piece O' sh*t Yugo then by all means! Do so. Myself, I put the safety of my FAMILY FIRST over some precieved 'carbon foot print' crappola. Screw Al Bore and all his Enviro pals. My Family's safety and comfort COMES FIRST!!!
To sum it up, pal, you can do what ever the hell you want to do. Eat a bowl of Flax seed, dress up in a Tu Tu and go join a Gay rights Parade down fifth avenue. The real Americans don't really give a flying crap what you do because we know you're gonna do it whether we like it or not so have at it, Toots! Just one thing to keep in the back of your mind as you and you little commie pals plot to 'create a better world for all the peoples of Africa' (or what ever sh*t you're into saving this week) Come onto MY property and attemt to remove something that offends you (my Bible, my Guns, my 'fridge full of RED MEAT and SASUAGE) and you'll be looking down the business end of 'Ol Blue. She protected my Grandaddy, My Daddy and now ME! I think she might even take a shine to you! Wanna find out?
- Schrodingers Cat
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Geothermal: Another excellent source. Do ya think we all live in Hawaii? Personally, I don't have any VOLCANOS in my backyard. Nor do I live in Yellowstone National park. What are ya gonna do about the folks who live in far off places without this resource?
Holy Shit!! This cretin thinks Geothermal energy is about geographical location...
Keep it up, doofus. What a fucking joke you are.
- TheOldRanger
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Wind turbines can be placed offshore, away from land. Geothermal energy does NOT depend on molten lava. My friend's home, in which he's installing geothermal energy, is in Maryland. Smaller trucks can serve the same purpose as larger trucks. Joe is an idiot. Maybe he can persuade his kids to go serve in the oil war in Iraq, so they can be heroes. And, I'd love to meet Ol' Blue. You're quite the Internet Tough Guy, aren't you , Joe? You're what's wrong with this country: undereducated, small-minded imbeciles who don't care if there's nothing left for future generations, as long as You Got Yours. Enjoy your hellish existence, wherever you are, Joe No Brains.
- GodfatherofSoul
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Schrodingers Cat wrote:Geothermal: Another excellent source. Do ya think we all live in Hawaii? Personally, I don't have any VOLCANOS in my backyard. Nor do I live in Yellowstone National park. What are ya gonna do about the folks who live in far off places without this resource?
Holy Shit!! This cretin thinks Geothermal energy is about geographical location...
Keep it up, doofus. What a fucking joke you are.
That's why you shouldn't bother. My whole point is that had he not been living in Conservative Free Market Dream Land, he'd have the answer to his questions already. And, if he truly cared rather than looking for more to snipe at, he would do a smidgen of research himself.
- Schrodingers Cat
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
My whole point is that had he not been living in Conservative Free Market Dream Land, he'd have the answer to his questions already.
I'd offer that there's nothing Conservative about idiot Joe or his NeoCon ideology. His POV revolves around the idea that he's entitled to consume as many resources as he wants at a price of his choosing. That's not a free market idea, it's the dream of spoiled children. What exactly are the Cons proposing to conserve? I see nothing.
How the idolatry of unlimited consumption came to be called Conservatism, I do not know, but I think you err in relating the Free Market to dreamland, for it is in fact the only thing that may finally jive our behavior with the present reality.
Last edited by Schrodingers Cat on Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- TheOldRanger
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Joe is like a lot of dumb Americans: he thinks that it's our God-given right to suck up all the natural resources from the entire planet, because we're big and can kick ass and what are you gonna do about it, punk? Well, we've been living on that particular line of credit for far too long, and the big-ass bill is coming due.
If Joe had been alive in the nineteenth century, he'd have dismissed the telegraph and electricity also. Newfangled ideas that don't jibe with his narrow worldview (hell, the Pony Express gets the message through nearly every time! And, who needs them fancy electricital lighted bulbs when we got whale-oil lamps?)
I think Joe is a lot like Matthew. He likes to toss out some controversial point of view, then he revels as the responses come in. I think his baggy Wranglers are in a bunch around his ankles...he has one hand on a lukewarm can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and the other on his gnarled and tiny pecker.
Really, fake-ass neocons like Joe fear the future, they fear change, and anything that threatens their stale conventional frame of mind is to be vilified. Notice how he compares all liberals to homosexuals. That's another red flag. Hey, Joe, nothing to say? Is it time to put on your pink party dress and go to the karaoke bar? I hope nobody else intends to sing "I Will Survive," because I know it's "your song."
If Joe had been alive in the nineteenth century, he'd have dismissed the telegraph and electricity also. Newfangled ideas that don't jibe with his narrow worldview (hell, the Pony Express gets the message through nearly every time! And, who needs them fancy electricital lighted bulbs when we got whale-oil lamps?)
I think Joe is a lot like Matthew. He likes to toss out some controversial point of view, then he revels as the responses come in. I think his baggy Wranglers are in a bunch around his ankles...he has one hand on a lukewarm can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and the other on his gnarled and tiny pecker.
Really, fake-ass neocons like Joe fear the future, they fear change, and anything that threatens their stale conventional frame of mind is to be vilified. Notice how he compares all liberals to homosexuals. That's another red flag. Hey, Joe, nothing to say? Is it time to put on your pink party dress and go to the karaoke bar? I hope nobody else intends to sing "I Will Survive," because I know it's "your song."
Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
haha looks like good ol' joe finally realizes his time of debauchery is ending... finally feels good to be an American 

- Schrodingers Cat
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
There exists the notion that the continuously high prices of energy will play a role in a serious reduction in the average American's standard of living. Seriously, this was presented on cable news as if they were announcing a national know...sonething almost as serious as American Idol being cancelled.
My opinion: so what if our standards of living diminish to levels of the 1960s or 1970s? Were those particularly horrible times to be raising a family? What's the rub? No cell phones for every 8 year old? Really, I'd embrace such a change. Maybe my children could grow up in a world without so much contrived bullshit.
My opinion: so what if our standards of living diminish to levels of the 1960s or 1970s? Were those particularly horrible times to be raising a family? What's the rub? No cell phones for every 8 year old? Really, I'd embrace such a change. Maybe my children could grow up in a world without so much contrived bullshit.
- bigjoespompano
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Schrodingers Cat wrote:There exists the notion that the continuously high prices of energy will play a role in a serious reduction in the average American's standard of living. Seriously, this was presented on cable news as if they were announcing a national know...sonething almost as serious as American Idol being cancelled.
My opinion: so what if our standards of living diminish to levels of the 1960s or 1970s? Were those particularly horrible times to be raising a family? What's the rub? No cell phones for every 8 year old? Really, I'd embrace such a change. Maybe my children could grow up in a world without so much contrived bullshit.
Seriously Mr. Cat, how old are you? Mid twenties or perhaps early thirties?
- TheOldRanger
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
That's it? That's your response, Joe? You're weak, man. You post your insane neoconservative ramblings, then wait for responses, and that's all you bring to the table? You suck, man. And, I'm a self-employed, college graduate farmer who thinks that you're a fake. Go get Ol' Blue and sit on the porch, redneck. You're George Bush's power base: ignorant kneejerking morons who don't have the first idea about how to improve the lot of Americans. You're a fake and a poseur.
- bigjoespompano
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
TheOldRanger wrote:That's it? That's your response, Joe? You're weak, man. You post your insane neoconservative ramblings, then wait for responses, and that's all you bring to the table? You suck, man. And, I'm a self-employed, college graduate farmer who thinks that you're a fake. Go get Ol' Blue and sit on the porch, redneck. You're George Bush's power base: ignorant kneejerking morons who don't have the first idea about how to improve the lot of Americans. You're a fake and a poseur.
Excuse me Strange Man, but I wasn't calling you. I was calling that Cat fellow. Perhaps you ought to go smoke another bowl full and go pick off a few more fleas you Hippie. Now kindly shut your fukking pie hole while Mr. Cat answers my question.
- Schrodingers Cat
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
You got me, Joe. I'm in my 30s.
Why does it matter?
Why does it matter?
- thesteelhammer
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
Schrodingers Cat wrote:There exists the notion that the continuously high prices of energy will play a role in a serious reduction in the average American's standard of living. Seriously, this was presented on cable news as if they were announcing a national know...sonething almost as serious as American Idol being cancelled.
My opinion: so what if our standards of living diminish to levels of the 1960s or 1970s? Were those particularly horrible times to be raising a family? What's the rub? No cell phones for every 8 year old? Really, I'd embrace such a change. Maybe my children could grow up in a world without so much contrived bullshit.
Diminish to the standard of living of the 60's?

What are you talking about? How do you figure that was a diminished living?
Back then it only took one parent having a job and it could feed an entire family of 4 , pay the mortgage, car payment, and Dad would probably have that job for 30 years. You think that is going to happen with gas prices over $4 a gallon driving the price of everything up? My pay check sure isn't keeping up with it.
you better do some research. The consumer price index has gone up every year. For a number of years it has gone up in a higher precentage than the average Americans pay.
- Schrodingers Cat
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Re: Suggestions from the 'Left' on our Energy situation?
How do you figure that was a diminished living?
I don't at all, that's the point. Popular culture probably percieves it as being diminished, though, due to the fact that there were less gadgets and crap with with which one could waste their lives.
You know, how exactly could a poor soul make it through life without Ipods and video games?
The idea would be that those years didn't have all those things, and now we have them available but can't easily afford them, in light of all the other expenses. In that sense, it's a step back, but in my eyes, not really.
Your point is sound, though. Money buys less today, so we work more.
Back to the energy thing, all these avenues must be explored, and the price of oil is driving this onward, as it should. But realistically, were trying like hell to do anything and everything other than change our consumption, and I don't think it's gonna work.
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