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Joey Porter

Postby PGHeaven » Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:13 pm

I have been isolating Joey Porter last few games I have been able to watch. I wanted to verify what I thought might be a horrendous drop off and I think I am right. Watching him today I see someone who has nothinbg - I mean nothing to offer a defense. He never was able to bull anyone over then make a swim move or otherwise, in his younger days it was timing and speed. Now there is nothing. He is actually a liability because opposing offenses dont need to consider him at all. He stands upright and looks at his blocker instead of the QB and merely slaps hands as he actually gets pushed backwards. I am talking about pass rush. Then he is nowhere near the play when they run towards him

Shame that he still talks with so little to back it up. As opposed to Still I always liked JPeezy and enjoyed his antics. But Still was right in his analysis (again)

J Porter is washed up. Probably was washed up

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Re: Joey Porter

Postby Pommah » Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:29 pm

The Steelers personnel system has been spectacular the last few years, best in the league. I'm not saying its perfect. The guys we've lost we've replaced with equals at lesser cost, the guys we've retained have been good performers, we've picked up key contributors in free agency, and the drafts have been well above average, especially considering our draft picks are always amongst the lowest.

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Re: Joey Porter

Postby frankensmith91 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:03 pm

joey gildong

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Re: Joey Porter

Postby stillgrill » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:57 am

Jay-Peezy still speaks his mind:

Miami Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter says that as he prepares to face New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady on Sunday, he has to prepare for a particularly difficult challenge: A quarterback who gets protected by a special set of rules.

Asked by Rich Eisen on NFL Network's Around the League whether Brady has a special set of rules to take care of him, Porter went off.

"No question," Porter said. "When a guy can tell a ref when to throw a flag, and he gets it, he's got his own rules. They made the rule that you don't go at the legs for Tom, so when he feels that someone is going at his legs, he just points to the ref and he gets a flag. So I can honestly say that he gets his own rules."

The comments come a day after Porter said he had "a natural hate" for the Patriots. When pressed by Eisen about why he feels that way, Porter said it all goes back to the Patriots' practice of videotaping defensive coaching signals.

"I still don't care for New England," Porter said. "The hate's been there for a while, especially after all the cheating they did back in the day. . . . They can sweep it under the rug if they want to, but just like anybody else that's cheating that gets caught, you put an asterisk by it. But nobody puts an asterisk by those championships they won."

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Re: Joey Porter

Postby Fire Arians » Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:15 am

lol joey rocks

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Re: Joey Porter

Postby Nashsteeler » Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:47 pm

No doubt he as in decline and the FO did the right thing in letting him go.

...But I love listening to him talk, lol! He never leaves anything he's feeling unsaid. I tune into Total Access spefically on Thursday for his segment.

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