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Billy Cowher's Opening Day Woes: The Real Deal

September 05, 2005 by Still Mill

Cowher's Opening Day Woes: The Real Deal

Billy Cowher's Opening Day Woes: The Real Deal



Billy Cowher -- he of stubbornness initiated as a toddler while pounding a square peg into a round hole -- lamented 3 summers ago that his preparation for the opening of the regular season was lacking.


"I try to sit back every year and try to look at what I can do," Cowher said, "and maybe there's something about why we've played poorly the last couple of years."�� Yes, that "something" -- the reason the team has arrived on opening day prepared to do little more than run backwards in full retreat -- is none other than William Laird Cowher.����


In a typical Cowher understatement, the Sultan of Spittle stated 3 Septembers ago, "Hey, we're changing. It can't be any worse than the last two [openers] we played.I look at myself too and maybe I've done a poor job of getting this thing prepared."Cowher, of course, then went to the season opener in 2002 and had his ass handed back to him quicker than a liposuction patient.


The real deal on Cowher's gross, overt inability to have his team prepared for the season opener is this: since 1993, his team has stunk and sputtered in every meaningful opening day game in that 12-year timeframe.Cowher's memory is obviously short; after all, who else would want to remember such horrific details?�� And, the Cowher-loving media that covers the Steelers on a regular basis is either too ignorant of the facts surrounding Cowher's near decade-long bout with opening day futility, or too enamored/too afraid of The Chin to ask the hard questions and write the hard analysis that should be written.It's currently trendy for the Pgh. media to point at Cowhead's opening day record, but the root of the problem is much, much deeper than merely the win-loss record.�� In fact, since 1993, in every opener versus an NFL-caliber team, Cowher's teams have slopped and slathered.EVERY one.1999 and 2003 were aberrations of sorts, since Cowhead got to whip up on a JV team each time�.but sure enough, facing an NFL-caliber team the following week, it was more stink, slop, slather, and vomit.


Luckily for the readership of, we don�t shy from the facts, presented here for your amusement and/or gastro-intestinal torment.


�93 - Playing at home game versus San Fran, Cowher's team slopped and slathered its way in a complete stupor, en route to a 24-13 loss.To be sure, San Fran was a very capable opponent, but coming off a very strong season, Cowher's Stiller team was far from out manned and outgunned, yet was shamefully unprepared and their execution was utterly horrendous.The crowd that sunny Sept. 5th afternoon departed 3 Rivers Stadium amidst a pungent stench that was created by the 3 previous hours of futility and stupidity by Cowher's team in a game that was entirely winnable.�� Not to be outdone, the Stillers went out the following week and were thrashed by the Rams, 27-0.��


�94 - Playing at home, Cowher's team got thoroughly whipped, dominated, and embarrassed in every phase of the game in a hideous home blowout to Dallas.The 26-9 final score didn't even begin to tell the full story of this laughable but extremely embarrassing blowout.


�95 - At home, against an exceptionally average Lions team, the Stillers eked out a sloppy 3-point win in OT.�� Here you have a veteran-laden team that came 3 yards short of going to the Super Bowl, and 8 months later -- with virtually the SAME team intact and healthy -- they're clawing for a home win against one of the very average teams in pro football, all because of slop, slather, disorganization, and lethargy.����


�96 - At Jax, the Stillers lost to the 3-13 (in �95) Jags in one of the shoddiest, most ill-prepared opening-day efforts ever witnessed in the NFL.�� Cowher's team looked sloppy, lethargic, and physically unprepared for the rigors of a regular season game.�� Additionally, Cowher's imbecilic 3-headed QB derby at training camp badly misfired, because none of the QBs had gotten enough work with the starting unit.Cowher jerked Jim Miller out of the starting lineup early in the 3rd quarter, but Mike Tomczak's first pass was INT'd and returned for a TD.�� This 24-9 beating was undoubtedly one of the most embarrassing losses in Stiller history.


�97 - Once again at home against the Cowboys, the Stillers got thoroughly whipped, dominated, and embarrassed in every phase of the game in a hideous 30-point loss to Dallas.The 37-7 final score didn't even begin to tell the full story of this laughable blowout.There was talk going into the of the "revenge factor" of beating the Cryboys, since the Stillers had lost to them just 19 months prior in Super Bowl 30.Despite the "revenge factor" and the fact that about 80% of the '97 team had bitter memories of SB 30, the Stillers were nonetheless handed a can of whipass by the Cowboys.


�98 - In yet another sloppy opener, the Stillers sputtered, slumbered, and slothed throughout the entire afternoon against the lowly Ravens.Remember, this was a game with a team that narrowly lost the AFC Title game just 8 months prior, against a shoddy relocated club that had never sniffed the playoffs.Only the gross ineptitude of the Ravens, to include rookie Priest Holmes tripping over his own two feet on a critical 3rd down run that had "TD" written all over it -- precluded the Stillers from yet another opening day loss.�� The Ravens also helped immensely with a day full of woeful QB play and special teams blunders, to include two horrific long-snaps that allowed the Stillers to get the ball in golden field position.The Stillers were lucky to slop out this narrow 20-13 win.


�99 - Bill Cowher was able to pad his opening day win-loss record with this laugher of a game against a junior-varsity Cleveland team.�� No less than 75 NCAA teams could have beaten the woeful, expansion Browns that evening.�� In all actuality, this game was nothing more than a tune-up game; no different than when a big-time college football team opens its season against the likes of Arkansas State.�� The next game -- facing a legitimate, genuine NFL team (the Ravens) -- in a repeat of the �98 opener, the Stillers sputtered slumbered, and slothed their way through an afternoon of sloppy football, and held on for a narrow, fortuitous 3-point win.�� Of course, the Stillers went on to stink and sputter en route to a miserable 6-10 season.


�00 - Again opening the season at home, the Stillers once again sputtered and slumbered throughout the entire game, and allowed the bumbling Ravens to steal a win at 3 Rivers.It was rather evident that, for the 8th year in a row, Cowher's team was no more prepared to play football on opening day than it was prepared to drive a space shuttle from Earth to the darkest reaches of Jupiter.


'01 - Facing an injury-ravaged Jaguars team that was also totally decimated by free agency and the salary cap, Cowher's team nonetheless went down to J-ville and got their asses physically beaten in every phase of the game.Not only was Cowher's team disorganized, confused, and befuddled, but they were also badly out-hit and manhandled at the point of attack the entire afternoon.2 days later, the 9-11 attacks occurred, and no less than Billy Cowher was the very first person exonerated by the CIA due to "a total incapability, along with a total lack of brains and common sense, of planning and coordinating such an attack".��


�02 - Not many fans need much of a reminder of the 2002 opening day hilarious embarrassment on Monday Nite Football.�� Cowher's minions thumped their chest for 8 months about "revenge" and how "Cowher will upstage Belichick".By the end of the evening, Bilbo Cowher was beet red with embarrassment and humiliation, as the Pats gave Cowher a brutal, thorough 30-14 ass-whipping.�����


'03 - Thanks to Brian Billick's foolhardy gratuity, greenhorned rookie Kyle Boller got the start at QB, and the Ravens never had a chance in the '03 season opener.Boller's scattershot manners made the defense's job as easy as shooting ducks on the pond, and Boller also threw 1 INT and fumbled the ball twice (recovering each time).Of course, the game was hardly devoid of slop.�� 9 Stiller penalties.A wasted 1Q TO because there weren't enough men on the field for a Stiller FG try.Another wasted TO late in the 1st half, when Balt. called a TO, and after that TO was completed, the Stillers had to call a TO of their own because of confusion and/or 12 men on the field.A flag on a late Raven 2-pointer for 12-men on the field (�and, despite the extra man, the Ravens still scored).�� This game was very similar to the '99 opener versus Cleveland; as easy and soft as a Duncan Hines cupcake.The following week, of course, Cowher had his ass handed to him by the KC Chiefs, and, just like 1999, the 6-10 season was well on its way.


'04 - Playing at home against an inept, blundering, disorganized Raiders team, under then 1st-year HC Norv Turner, the Stillers stumbled and bumbled, turning what should have been a rout into a nail biter that the Stillers pulled out on a last-second FG for a meager 3-point win.The lowly Raiders should have had their asses whipped and beaten by at least 14-20 points by any playoff-caliber team playing in its home stadium.


So there you have it -- 12 years of embarrassing opening-day futility by the NFL's most overpaid, over-hyped coach.


When something happens year in and year out, over a period of several years, it no longer is an aberration or a random bit of bad luck.It is an undeniable trend based on a causal (not casual) relationship; the cause being, of course, Billy Cowher.��


"Why is Cowher incapable of preparing his team adequately on opening day?", some will ask.Good question.�� The short answer from some folks is that Cowher simply isn't very bright, and I won't spend time expounding on that obvious point.


Here's the more complete answer:Just like Cowher's overt, time-honored inability to prepare his team for the playoffs, the jump up from pre-season to the regular season is one of enormous magnitude.This is where Cowher fails miserably: he fails to grasp and adjust for the size of the "jump" from preseason to regular season, as well as the jump from the regular season to the post season.In the case of both jumps, the increase in preparation, intensity, and focus that is necessary to win is probably 10-fold, yet Billy Cowher is perennially content to slumber along and go from week to week with the same mindset, totally oblivious to the change in the battlefield and its increased tempo, intensity, and preparation requirements.Additionally, Cowher is fond of frittering away precious time at camp.While other teams are working and gelling, Cowhead is off at the movies with his entire team; or wailing and moaning about wet fields & poor drainage, or is content to stand around with thumb up orifice as his O-line stumbles and bumbles.In essence, Cowhead operates during camp as though camp were 14 weeks in duration.


The Stillers open this season against a very average -- at best -- Titans team.�� Look for more slop and slather from Billy Cowher on Sept. 11th.Bet the house on it. 12 years of slop and futility cannot be refuted.Just like a playoff game associated with Billy Cowher, this one will have to be watched with a bottle of Pepto Bismol, a jar of Rolaids, and a few caplets of Tylenol.��


(Still Mill and -- the only nationally read coverage on the Pittsburgh Stillers that has accurately predicted the how's and the why's of the past 4 Stiller playoff losses�.)



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