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44….and other Media Guide stuff

January 11, 2007 by Swissvale72


44�.and other Media Guide stuff

By Swissvale72



It�s amazing that one can look at the Steeler Media Guide every day, and still come up with new information.


For instance�..while the Steelers have only had 2 coaches for the past 38 seasons, the initial 36 years of the franchise brought a multitude of coaches, some of them for multiple stints (Joe Bach, Walt Kiesling).The longest tenured pre-Noll era coach though was Buddy Parker (1957-1964).Parker, per my own feeble memory, resigned abruptly just before training camp in 1965, resulting in the one-year reign of Mike Nixon.Nixon, while maybe not related to President Richard Milhous Nixon, was inextricably linked to him by way of disastrous administrations.Mike Nixon went 2-12 in his sole campaign, but had no Watergate corollary; he was, by all estimation, an honest failure.


Anyway, too bad the NFL post-season in that era consisted solely of the respective Eastern & Western Conference winners playing for the Championship.Parker�s 1958 Steelers, after a 1-4 start, went 6-0-1, but had no post-season berth.The NY Football Giants took that one, before losing to the Colts in the �Greatest Game Ever Played,� the first ever overtime game, held at Yankee Stadium.Parker�s 1962 editon finished 6-1, for a 9-5 season, and did travel to Miami, where they lost to Detroit in the Playoff Bowl.For you youngsters, the Playoff Bowl concept was truly bizarre.It was played yearly in Miami, the week AFTER the NFL Championship game.So, once everything was decided, this meaningless game was played.


Media Guide�s a great buy for $10�..all-time Steeler rosters are in there, as well as all players that have worn particular jersey numbers.#44 worn by Frank Pollard, Harvey Clayton, Ray Matthews, Laurance Wallstreet, and Bert Rechichar.Rechichar, a former Colt, and for years holder of the longest FG in NFL history at 56 yards, was a particularly interesting #44.Rechichar ALWAYS referred to himself in the 3rd person, and simply as �44.�His practice on the road was to turn on the shower in his hotel room for the duration of his stay.He would instruct his roommate thusly, �Coach comes looking for 44�.44�s in the shower.44�s goin� out now�.see ya.�


Anyway�.love the Media Guide�.you will, too!!


Other playoff thoughts:


Bill Belichick is getting fried this morning for pushing a cameraman out of the way on his way to shake hands with Eric Mangini.Low-class?Yep.Boorish?Absolutely.But ya know what?I like that about Belichick.I also liked when he shoved our trainer aside last season who was tending to one of the fallen Pats on the Heinz Field turf (I think it was Matt Light) saying, �Get the fuck away from my player.�His concern is singular�winning football games�..doesn�t give a shit what he looks like, who he offends�..just wants to win.�� By the way�I despise his fuckin� team�.respect them�.immensely�but despise them.If I didn�t live in New England, I might root for them, though I don�t want them having 4 rings in 6 years.But just when I think I can actually like this team, one of the insufferable local populace opens his�.or her�.mouth, and one of the talk radio idiots starts one a maddening rant��and I want so badly to have a stake driven through their heart�..want them all to break their fuckin� legs.


So�.I�ll be rooting for the Chargers this week.But what the fuck�..a defensive line comprised of a Communist, a wetback, and a Fat Fuck??Can�t help but look at the spots of greatest import: Chargers have Rivers & Schottenheimer at QB & Coach�.Pats have Brady & Belichick.Who gets our confidence?


Be rooting for the Colts�not confidently.Seahawks?? Believe it or not�..looking at that fuckin� crying Walrus and Gaybo Hasselbeck on Saturday night, actually made me root for Tony Homo & the Cowboys.Either the Eagles or Saints would be alright with me��though I know if I lived in Philly, I wouldn�t be able to cope with a fan base that rivals New England for insufferability��but at least they�re not undeserving bandwagoneers.


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