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Watching with the Enemy

January 03, 2005 by Swissvale72

Watched yesterday�s game with 3 self-described �big Bills fans

Watched yesterday�s game with 3 self-described �big Bills fans.�By way of explanation, they can�t be that �big,� �cause none of them has the Sunday Ticket (�one of the 3 is 11 years old; we�ll give him a pass), nor is willing to go to a sports bar to see their team.Additionally, one of the three didn�t show up until halftime.By definition, one that lives away from their team�s area, doesn�t have Sunday Ticket, and doesn�t see every game in a bar is not a �big fan.�Yeah�they have their excuses: �A lot of their games are on this year,��..�I follow along on the computer.�Bullshit!!If you�re a �big fan,� you do whatever it takes to never miss a game.


The first guy called me on New Year�s night, pleading his case.�You�re the only guy I know that will have Steelers-Bills on tomorrow.�I allowed that it would be okay for him to come over, only �cause the Steelers had wrapped up homefield; otherwise I would not be watching the game with people rooting against my team.Anyway, he vows to bring beer and plenty of snacks.I don�t make my kids lunch, �cause �plenty of snacks� are on their way.Cheap ass shows up with a bottle of root beer and a bag of pretzels!!Good thing I had my own beer.Next very good thing�.all the Bills fans left my house very upset.


Anyway�my Monday morning game thoughts, good and bad. I liked:

1.Obviously, the effort put forth by all of the subs on the roster.It was great pointing out on a Kriewaldt sack, �This guy never plays from scrimmage.�After the Parker 58-yard scamper, the 11-year old says, �That guy�s a starter..right?��Uh�.no, Liam; he�s 4th string.�Pointing out that the QB that presided over the 4th quarter comeback had never stepped foot on an NFL regular season field.

2.�� Good pass protection for what was expected to be a ferocious Buffalo rush.

3.�� Seemed to me like Chad Scott did alright.

4.�� Love the depth of our linebacking corps.

5.�� Good pass rush, better than it�s been in awhile


Didn�t like:

  1. Play of Tommy Maddox (I had predicted that he would play well).Missed a wide open Randle El, followed the next play by throwing to Krieder in the flat about 5 minutes too late, almost resulting in a pick.The pick for a TD was horrible.The fade to Mays looked bad off of Maddox�s hand, but it seemed to go right through Mays� hands.Yeah�it was windy, but.�� Can�t blame Maddox for this, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to call a QB draw from the 7.Who�s more immobile; Maddox or Bledsoe?Maddox continues to be consistent in that if it looks like he�ll be sacked, he is sacked.
  2. Another Randle El fumble (�though he had been cured of this ill; now he puts the ball on the ground in consecutive weeks.
  3. Three FG�s on goal-to-gos inside the 10, including two false starts inside the 5.We�ll go ballistic if this happens in a playoff game.Hope some of this can be attributed to Maddox and a different voice�probably not.The culprits were Starks & Krieder�.two guys that will be in there on the goal line.


Looking ahead:

  1. Would love to see Denver upset Indy, but assuming this won�t happen, I would rather face the Jets again and their candy-armed, thin-skinned QB.
  2. I know that the Chargers are tough, but I�m still glad that we�re likely facing them rather than Indy.I�ve still got to believe that the Achilles heel of our team lies in our pass defense, and while the Indy defense is week, I would be awful damn concerned going against Peyton Manning, and his fleet of receivers.The Chargers seem to be cast in the Steelers mold, and we can usually grind out wins against our mirror image.
  3. Assuming that we draw the SD-Jets winner, I think it�s now reasonable to assume that we�ll also be placed in the Saturday slot for the Div. playoff.
  4. Have I told you before that I hate the Patriots???More on this in an upcoming piece
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