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September 25, 2006 by Swissvale72



By Swissvale72



Okay�.enough with the niceties��


How the fuck do we run the ball (to the tune of 170 yards), stop the run (to the tune of 87 yards)� and fuckin� lose???


How do we sack Gaybo Carson Palmer 6 times�and fuckin� lose??


How do we possess the ball for 34 minutes, have 27 first downs to their 15�and fuckin� lose??


This game will haunt us all fuckin� year�.hopefully we recover�.happened before:

The game at Jax in �97�.40 yd. FG to win was blocked after a high snap�.sent us to 1-2, haunted us all fuckin� year�.took all year to seal the division.

The Ravens game in Heinz in �01�.that little fuckin� dweeb Chris Brown missed 5 FGs in a 3-point loss��haunted us all fuckin� year�.wasn�t until a win in Baltimore in late December that we recovered.


I�ve railed a good bit lately on this site, coming down on those that prioritize being right vs. SBI (Steelers Best Interests).Okay�I�m gonna sort of do the same thing�..only I�m not proud of being right�in fact, I�m goddamn sick of being right (�.or �doddamn� sick�.a phrase my dad used for years, so as not to take the lord�s name in vain�.wasn�t until I was 30 years old that I found out that he wasn�t� saying �goddamn� all those years�.�goddamn beatles ruined my business��..�goddamn Bob Prince���) on two counts:


  1. Said last week that the GOP (Gang of Pussies), the Cincinnati Bengals could still defeat the tougher, stronger Steelers�.guess what just happened�.despite getting their collective asses handed to them on both sides of the line of scrimmage, the shitty fuckinBengals (�.what I�ve called them for years�.SFB�.shitty fuckinBengals�..people who hang with me, unfamiliar with geography and American cities, think this team is from a town called Shitty Fuckin�).
  2. Said during the off-season that Dicardo Colclough (�I don�t claim ownership of that name) would return punts this year for the Steelers.Disclaimer:I made this prediction prior to Draft Day�.no fuckin� way did I think that we�d draft not one, but a pair of capable punt returners, and still entrust this duty to a guy that can�t fuckin� catch!!Not listened to Cowher, but I can just imagine the shit he�s selling�..�Well, harrumph harrumph�..rather than entrust this duty to a rookie in such a big spot�..blah, blah, blah�..we felt more confident in a 3rd year player, blah, blah, blah�..yeah�.I know he can�t fuckin� catch��but what�s your point�..have to keep that in perspective.�


What the FUCK was this dipshit Coclough doing back there, a guy that makes every punt a fuckin� adventure???Eight fuckin� minutes left�..D is shutting them down the whole 2nd half�..Cornhole Palmer is runnin� for his life!!


I feel about Cowher right now like I did after last year�s Jax loss�.you remember, when he said he had �thought� about replacing Maddox�.when the fuck were you gonna do it, Bill??Had you thought about not letting a guy return punts that can�t fuckin� catch???Y�know, my bottom line for a punt returner�.don�t really care if he averages zero-point-shit a return� long as he catches the goddamn ball�..just catch the goddamn ball�..don�t give it up�.and I�ll never criticize you!!


More stuff�.and usually I�m not one to second-guess playcalls gone bad�.but�..we�re runnin� the ball down their fuckin� throats, up 7-0, first down on the 6�.and we pass?????


What a fuckin� waste of a great effort in so many way.This game will haunt us� this point, I can only hope that we go into Cinci on New Year�s Eve, needing to win to take the division.�� Even today, I would like our chances in that one.


Unlike last week, my friends, if ya hadn�t noticed�..I�m waaaaaaaaaaaaay upset this week.Bye week, gotta think about this bullshit for 2 weeks�..and then, we go into San Diego.


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