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Steelers at Chargers Wrap-Up, Chiefs at Steelers Preview

October 12, 2006 by CK Stiller

Steelers at Chargers Wrap-Up, Chiefs at Steelers Preview

By CK Stiller

After spending a day in deep depression, I was actually cheered up by re-watching the game against the Chargers�at least until I saw the Steelers defense in that second half. This loss goes almost entirely on the defense, and the coaching staff as a whole.

LeBeau called a terrible game. For every game he looks like a genius, like last years win over the Colts, there�s another where he looks foolish. I can name a few from last year. The Steelers made the likes of Joey Harrington and Anthony Wright look like Pro Bowlers, and they did the same thing with Phillip Rivers. The Steelers vaunted pass rush broke down, once again. The Steelers were then shredded as they forced their ill-suited corners to play soft zone defense all night against a bunch of bum WR�s. Teams throw for 300 yards on the Steelers every week because they can�t create pressure unless the other team forgets to block someone. This may happen on a key third down here and there, and kill an opposing drive. There are too many nights it doesn�t happen, though, and the Steelers are screwed.

I�m done with Joey Porter. It isn�t because I really think he�s that bad. He�s still a top OLB in many respects. He just isn�t what this team needs. Where other 3-4�s consistently create pressure from the outside with players who are pretty much just extra DE�s, the Steelers don�t. The only way Porter gets pressure is if he�s untouched, or by some rare chance is blocked one-on-one by a back or TE�and even then it�s not consistent. Haggans is the best pass rusher on the team. He was last year, as well. What the Steelers need next year is a 270 pound DE playing LB, like what the Chargers and Cowboys have. I would gladly trade Porter for Ware or Merriman, but I don�t think either of those two teams would even consider it.

I said it in the first week of the season, and I�ll repeat it now�the Steelers run game is a paper tiger. I took a lot of crap for that one after the game. I was certainly wrong about the Dolphins, who were afraid to put 8 men in the box to stop the run because of their crummy secondary. They wore down as the game went on. However, I have not been wrong about the Steelers run game as a whole. It does not perform up to par compared to other elite run games. The Steelers aren�t even top 10 right now, and I put this almost entirely on the overrated offensive line. This unit has three (supposed) Pro Bowlers on it. Another first round pick at RG, and a RT taken in the third. For the investment the team has made, they have not gotten the results. I was embarrassed by how badly the interior (mainly Simmons and Hartings) got their asses handed to them by Jamal Williams. I didn�t expect much success on the ground, but I didn�t expect complete domination by the Chargers, either. The Jacksonville game was an equal disgrace. Anyone watch the Redskins knock those feared Jacksonville defenders backwards two weeks ago? Steelers fans think the line is way better than it really is. Their run blocking is above average (in that they can at least dominate some of the inferior competition), and their pass protection is terrible.

I didn�t like Turner matched up on the Steelers special teams or defense, but it ended up hurting more than I thought. Seemingly lost in the loss was Turner�s big return on the kickoff, which was a big momentum boost for the Chargers. Near the end of the game, it was Turner who iced things for the Chargers, as the Steelers defense couldn�t get off the field. There was a report that Hoak had wanted to draft Turner in the fourth round a few years back, and the team ignored him to take a scrub LB�Colbert has done a great job drafting on day-1, but there is little denying how terrible the team has been on day-2. They seem to reach based on position, instead of going after the best talent. Most of these guys don�t even to get make the roster.

Steelers special teams is in trouble. No Harrison. Chidi�s gone for good. Special teams ace and captain, Sean Morrey, is the worst football player on the team. They are very lucky they may not have to see Daunte Hall this week.

Chiefs Games Notes

The Chiefs offense is a shell of its former self. I actually don�t put this on Herm Edwards, but simply the loss of their two great tackles. They don�t trust this line to keep their QB upright, and with good reason. They looked awful in both areas of the game. They want the ball out of Huard�s hands as quickly as possible.

Damon Huard isn�t much worse then Trent Green. If there is a system QB in the league, it�s Green. He�s no different then Marc Bulger or Kurt Warner. Huard can operate this offense with success, if given time. The Steelers had better not give them time. I would say the Steelers pass rush should be back this week, but Porter is out (maybe this is a good thing�) and Chad Brown is in. After seeing him swallowed up by a rookie last week, maybe this isn�t a bad thing. Haggans should dominate the right side completely. These tackles suck. This would have been a nice game to see Harrison come out, but it seems that won�t be happening

Larry Johnson is incredible. He is the most powerful runner in the league, but has big play ability on par with any other runner. Normally, I wouldn�t take him against the Steelers. The Chiefs will look for anyway they can to get the ball into his hands. He ripped off a game-winning screen last week against the Cardinals. They�ll be throwing plenty of these again this week. I expect the Chiefs to run hard left all day long on a Steelers without Porter�Well, if they are in a position to run him by the second half.

I say that because the Steelers should dominate on offense. That may sound strange, considering Roethlisberger�s numbers. He�s back, though. People are hyperventilating over last week, and calling for Batch, but Roethlisberger was pretty much his old self against San Diego. He played a good game for most of the night. His first pick came on the retarded flea flicker call, which I don�t put on him in anyway shape or form. The other came with a defender in his face. He tried to do too much with the game on the line, and the ball was a floater as he was hit on release. A horrible decision. Still, his biggest problems are gone. He�s got his accuracy and touch back, and he�s on the same page with his WR�s. He was one play away in that game from being the Roethlisberger of old against the top defense in the league. He�ll be there this week, and the Steelers will finally get going. They�ll need the momentum against the Falcons�

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