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Trap's Report

November 29, 2005 by Still Trap

Thoughts While Caught in the Trap�

Thoughts While Caught in the Trap�


In the RCA Dome last night:


-          Yet another of one of the most wretched offensive gameplans in the history of Stiller football.Cowherd again shows his cowardly side, as well as his stupid side, with the ill-fated onsides kick that looked as if it were executed by a Australian Junior High rugby team.

-          Contrary to most of the Simmons-hating posters on this site, Kendall was not the worst Stiller OL on the field last night.Neither was Gay Essex.That honor belongs to the Tampon Man himself, MaxiPad Starks.The play of Max Starks rivaled that of heralded right tackle, Pis Conrad, of a few years back.Down to the level of another right tackle named Wiggins.Even as bad as Pis Ferris, another right tackle of regurgitation fame.Starks graded out at a 10%, maybe, and barely ever made a block the entire game.When he wasn�t oafishly whiffing on blocks, he was getting bullied straight back into the backfield by guys he outweighs by 75 pounds.It was an abhorrent display of football by this fraud from Florida.The Stiller front office needs to make some decisions in the offseason, and they are decisions that cannot be solved by the draft alone.A trade, or a free agent signing, for the offensive line is an absolute must if this team is serious about winning.

-          There is no excuse for Ike Taylor to be peeking in the backfield on the first play of the game.NONE!�� He is not responsible to stop the stretch play � the linebacker is.If there is anything a defender should know about Manning and the Dolts� offense, it�s that they love to run play action off the stretch play.Was Taylor not coached on this incessantly, or did he brainfart on his own??

-          Parker was the wrong back to start, if all you were going to do in the first quarter was run between the tackles.Duce was.That said, there is no excuse for running ZERO pitch plays when you have a guy with the speed of Parker in there.No misdirection plays, no reverses, and no gadgetry.

-          From the high endzone seats Trap had, he was able to see the entire offense spread across the field, and see the plays develop.The view was very similar to the tape that Jaworski uses in his ESPN film studies.Clearly, the Dolts were jumping routes, sometimes before Ben was even throwing.This is a situation that just begs for the offensive coaches in the press box to recognize and exploit.Pump fakes, stop and goes, play action�anything to counter that.The Stillers did NONE.

-          El was open down the sidelines on a few plays that the Stillers clearly chose to go to the other side of the field.He was never even looked at on these plays.Likewise, Heath Miller was so open on a play that Ben actually surveyed the entire field, before dumping a little pass to Parker for a small gain.Miller was at the 10-yard line, and the defender was at the 20.

-          Heath Miller is phenomenal.You appreciate this even more when you watch him in person.He�s everything Shockey is, and more.He will be the premiere tight end in football in no time.The Stillers must use him.He should even be lined up in the slot like Indy uses Dallas Clark.

-          Bob Sanders had the game of his life.He played heads above how he�s played all year.He was the best player on the field last night.

-          A defense must have quick linebackers to deal with Reggie Wayne�s delayed crossing patterns.You cannot rely on the cornerback to guard the deep route, then be able to defend Wayne running all the way across the field.A linebacker must help.The Stiller linebackers did not.

-          Don�t know if it was obvious on TV, but Morgan replaced Coclough as the deep man on kickoffs, and for good reason.Question is, what took so long?

-          The clock management in the 4th quarter was Classic Cowherd.No urgency, no hurry, take our good ol� time.You only have so many possessions, and you have to make the most of them, and get an extra if you can by conserving the clock.Trap was irked when the Stillers eschewed an extra play at the end of the 3rd quarter to let the clock run out.Pathetic.Even worse was running plunges on the last drive of the game to run out the clock.Nice message to send to your players, and also to the team you may play if you make the playoffs.

-          Something Trap got out of the game that wasn�t evident on TV�the Stiller defense was confused, and scared shitless, the entire 1st quarter.Specifically, the secondary.Perhaps it was Ike�s blunder on the first play, perhaps it was lack of preparation, but the secondary was a Chinese fire drill, and they were confused and back on their heels.They seriously looked scared, as if Manning was going to burn them at any moment.However, some time in the 2nd quarter, they got it together, and the rest of the game, the secondary looked very prepared.They were not scrambling before every play, and they were not back on their heels.They did not look scared.Trap thinks that this bodes well for the rest of the season, since they will not face any team with the offensive guile that Manning�s has.

-          For the Stillers to make the playoffs, and make any noise, two things have to happen (besides Cowherd extracting his cranium from his gluteus):they must solve the offensive line problems, and they must find some plays in the linebacking corps.Good luck.

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