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CHARGERS WEEK: Look Back, Look Ahead.....

October 03, 2006 by Swissvale72




I guess I�m just slow to kick my various ailments.PEIS (Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome) hung with me all off-season, even into September.Last week, I was lamenting the onset of WTFWWMINS (What the Fuck is Wrong With ME�I�m Not Suicidal).


This week�.I�m more upset than at the same time as last week about our lost to the GOP (Gang of Pussies) Bengals�.the SF (Shitty Fuckin�) Bengals.Why?Here�s why.I watched the NE Patsies tear the Bengals limb from limb.I rooted for the Patsies, as we needed a Bengals loss�.probably the first time I�ve done so in this millennium.People said to me, �I can�t believe you�re rooting for the Pats.�My response was, �Don�t get me wrong�I still despise these mother-fuckers�..just have to have them beat the Bungals.�Pats did what we should have done�what we were doing� the ball down their fuckin� throats.To me�.the biggest play of our loss to the Bengals was still our foolhardy decision to throw from 1st & goal at the 6, up 7-0 to begin 2Q when we were running the ball at will�.all fell apart from there, though we still should have beaten them.


And�.lest anyone believe that Knucklehead Cowher can hold a candle to Belichick�..Belichick pounds the ball despite having a rookie at an OT spot.Belichick holds the Bengals to 13 despite having a ragtag secondary, including the likes of Charred Scott, and Artrell Hawkins, late of the Monesson Greyhounds (BTW�..Belichick�s dad, Steve, the Navy coach, was born in Monesson).Lots of good players from that part of the Mon Valley�..I bet Belichick could have taken Donora�s Arnie Galiffa, and shut down the shitty Bengals.


One thing you can be sure of with my articles is their digressive nature.Okay, first digression.Nobody gets named �Arnie� anymore�.do they?Famous Arnie�s�.Latrobe�s own Arnie Palmer.Then there was Arnold Ziffel, the pig on Green Acres.We had a teacher at Swissvale High�.name was Mr. Arnold�.no joke�guy looked like a pig�.called him Arnold Ziffel.Nor more Arnies though.


On the female side�no one names their little girls Frances anymore.Famous Frances�s�.remember �Dirty Dancing,��.Patrick Swayze�s dance partner, then lover�Baby�.Swayze told Baby�s dad, whose name escapes me, but now is on Law & Order, partnered with a guy, whose name also escapes me, but played a gaybo in Rent��No one puts Baby in a corner.�Baby�s name�..Frances!!My mom had an Aunt Frances�..typical, mega-fat Italian lady from East Liberty�.dressed in black�..visited her periodically, boring-ass place to go for a kid.


I remember a girl in school, Francine Capasso�not Frances.Pretty girl, sat right in front of me in 6th grade.Our teacher, Mrs. Siler, sometimes had us do stretching.Had us bend over, touch our toes.Francine bent over�..OMG!!!Whenever Mrs. Siler asked us to suggest stretches, my hand was up�.�How �bout we touch out toes, Mrs.Siler.�Sixth-grade, I was still a fat enough kid that there was no way I could even touch my fuckin� toes�..could bend though, and stare straight ahead!!


Wow�.things you think of watching the Pats demolish the Bengals.Ron Borges from the Boston Globe is a great football writer.Here�s an excerpt from his column yesterday.�The Patriots� defense has a habit of dismantling an offense a bit at a time, slowly squeezing the life out of it until the pressure begins to mount and it implodes, victims of its own forced missteps.��and���They did some things differently, but it�s too complicated to try and explain it,� Palmer said, a statement one could hardly quarrel with since he was unable to explain it to his teammates when it counted most � when the game was being contested.�


Belichick�..Cowher�.no contest�.but none of you are surprised, I�m sure, with this assessment.


This week�s game�.we�ll win�.�cause Schottenheimer outCowhers Cowher.Or is it that Cowher doesn�t� quite outSchotteheimer Schotteheimer.Cowher�s fond of saying, �Keep it close�.win it in the 4th quarter.�As much as this philosophy drives me crazy�.as much as it may �cause us to keep games unnecessarily close, it generally works (..though it didn�t last week).


Schottenheimer�s mantra, by contrast should be, �Keep it close�lose it in the 4th quarter.�Happens to him all the time�.the guy consistently loses games he should win.


Okay�.this week�.close game, get ready to trail for much of it.This game though, my Stiller brother and sisters, will be the return of the Messianic Ben, the one we now and love.Ben will lead the Steelers on a late drive to win.The biggest difference in this game�.we have Ben, SD has an untested Phillip Rivers.Funny�.writing this, I�m thinking of Ben as the wily and savvy vet, Rivers as the untested youngster.Was just now, I remembered that Rivers was drafted ahead of Ben!!!


Look for our D to harass Rivers all game, kick LT�s ass pretty good�..give up some throws though.Will be touch sledding for us against SD, but Ben will get the passing game going.


Also, of note, will be the indomitable presence of Steeler fans at Qualcomm.Damn�.wish I could be there for it.The Irrespressible Still it will be there with her Orange County Organisms.Believe ChiTraderRob is making the trip.Is Fres going�..fresh off his Trivia victory?What about the unheard of SacoSteel��he can bring his terriers� #2 all over the Qualcomm lot for good luck


Steelers-20 Bolts-16

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