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January 12, 2007 by Swissvale72







�the last acceptable prejudice?

By Swissvale72



Pittsburgh radio personality (until recently getting shitcanned), the rotund Mark Madden, oft maintains that while our society comes down on those that discriminate based on color, religion, gender, etc�..that it�s still generally acceptable to criticize on the basis of one being fat.Madden, who�s eaten his share of Danny�s Hoagies (extra everything) cites numerous examples of personal experience.


Which makes me wonder�.are we, self-included, critical of the possibility of Russ Grimm as our Head Coach because he�s a Fat Fuck?Is it tough for us to accept that he�s smart enough, creative enough to lead our Pittsburgh Steelers �cause he has jowls?Or is it simply that his O-line has been putrid enough in enough big spots, that our reluctance is appropriately football-based??


What about other Fat Fuck head coaches?


Charlie Weiss is a Fat Fuck�.done well at ND, �cept he should keep his fat fuckin� mouth shut more often re: his poll position for the mythical national championship�.especially if he�s gonna get blown the fuck out, alternately by the Big Ten, then the SEC.


Bill Parcells is a Fat Fuck�..2 SB rings�.in mourning over Tony Homo last week, but knows enough not to carp & whine about it.


Think about both these Fat Fucks.They have similar body types.They�re not fat like most of us�y�know, big belly above our belts, no ass to speak of�.causing our jeans to droop.These 2 Fat Fucks both have ample belly below the belt, as well as above�.and both have big fat asses�..both have Rosie O�Donnell body types.


Biggest Fat Fuck Head Coach though had to be Abe Gibron, late of the Chicago Bears.I always get Gibron confused with Taft, the US President that got stuck in the White House bathtub.Gibron didn�t do too well with Da Bears.


The other extreme was Lou Holtz��how could such a Little Skinny Shit win so many games�.particulary against Bear Bryant & Alabama??Little Skinny Shit�lisp�.walked funny.


So�.is it so�.are we biased against Grimm �cause he�s a Fat Fuck??I think Mark Madden�s right this time.

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