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January 28, 2007 by Swissvale72

Basking in PGFH�

Basking in PGFH�..


Thought that my affliction with PGFH (Patriots Got Fucked Hysteria) had subsided�.thought the symptoms had passed.


However�.all I have to do is spend a little time with the New England populace, and this wonderful disorder is back full throttle.


Talk radio on Friday�.NFL says that the pass interference on Ellis Hobbs should not have been called (yeah, yeah, yeah�..they�ve since backtracked & clarified). Some callers are taking the �shouldn�thave come down to that� tact, or �Colts made the plays when it counted.� Others are fuckin� insane�.about to leap from the highest bridge�.thinking that their team was truly fucked. Me�..I�d be insane had it happened to the Steelers�.I�d be scouting out the highest bridges, looking affectionately at sharp objects, looking to OD on my Lipitor.


Then, I go to a swim meet yesterday. The anger of Pats fans there was palpable, it was raw, slamming their fist into their open hand, speaking of depression. I pretend to be supportive� reality, the lower their depth, the greater my elation!!


Short article this�..PGFH�.nowhere near the high of last year�s post Super Bowl chronic case of PEIS (Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome)�..but this acute case of Patriots Got Fucked Hysteria�.it�s quite enjoyable�..looking forward to another dose today.

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