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March 02, 2007 by Swissvale72


....and I don�t care about being �right�

By Swissvale72




Okay�.haven�t written an article for awhile�..been in a bit of a hibernation.  It was only after watching a show on �Animal Network� (see�I really am a balanced, well-rounded�maybe just rounded�.individual) that I knew that animals really went to sleep, body temp. dropped, etc., while hibernating.


Anyway�I haven�t written for awhile, subscribing to the belief that it�s best to Shut the Fuck Up when I have nothing meaningful to say.  Of course, the majority of the readership may well feel that I should Shut the Fuck Up especially when I have something meaningful to say, or may feel that I never have anything meaningful to say, therefore Shutting the Fuck Up should be my permanent condition.    Ay�.maybe I should Shut the Fuck Up about Shutting the Fuck Up??


Was in Anaheim for a conference about a month ago��what IS it with the Main Street of Anaheim??  Goes like this�.Bail Bondsman, Sushi Joint, Bail Bondsman, Sushi Joint, Bail Bondsman, Sushi Joint.  What the fuck??  Is there some connection between raw fish & criminal activity??  And why all the Bail Bondsmen?  Don�t see that kind of activity in Pittsburgh, in Boston�.numerous stops in between.  Plus, I wouldn�t think that bailing out illegals would be a particularly good risk.  Just wondering�.Was a certain turn off of Santa Ana Canyon Road....okay.....movin' on....


JPeezy�.first with all due respect to my friend Mill, and also to CK�.I�ll use a Peezy term�..�I�m tired�.makes me tired��.all this self-congratulatory bullshit about being �RIGHT.�   Then�.there are so very many posters on this site, who, replete with rolling smilies, etc� more emphasis on being right than on SBI (Steelers Best Interest).  Examples:  �I was RIGHT about Duce�.fuck you all.�  �I own you�I�m always right.�  �I was right about Plaxico, right about Bettis, right about Cowher, now right about Peezy.� 


Me�I�m more inclined to let you know when I�ve been wrong.  Of course, I�m wrong a whole lot more than I�m right, so that makes it easy to do.  I had a good streak of being right with Steelers� #1 draft choices from 1969-1972�.even getting #1 & #2 right in �71�but�ain�t been right about much since.


Okay�.that said�.and I bantered back & forth with Mill about this last year�.


Similar to how Alabama doesn�t apologize for beating Florida International, and Penn State doesn�t apologize for trouncing Temple�..Joey Porter can only beat the guy who�s assigned to block him�if nobody blocks him, well, Joey can�t help that�.can he?


Last year�s Indy Playoff game�.only showing up in the last 2 minutes??  Sorry�haven�t watched that tape lately, but I remember Joey putting heat on Manning much earlier�.and often.  Joey�s fumble �causing sack in 1Q against Denver in the AFCCG�..yes, Joey beat the tight end, so what�he made the fuckin� play.  What�s he supposed to do�.fuckin� call timeout�.demand that a tackle be assigned to him.  Drives me fuckin� crazy when the good plays our players make are qualified as �Dong sacks� or some such such drivel.  A play is a play�.would we rather the guy didn�t make the fuckin� play??


One of my colleagues 44 today asked me��What�s the guy�s name on Mike & Mike?�  After establishing that his name was Mike, said poster described that Mike was shocked that Peezy had been cut.  Let�s get one thing straight�.a guy getting cut, particularly one of Peezy�s status, is almost never all about their diminished ability, but rather about cap implications, contract negotiations, etc.  Was reported today in PG, PFT, etc�.this situation was headed for a standoff in training camp.  Peezy wanted a big payday�wasn�t happening with the Steelers.  Had they thought he�d report to camp, play out his final year, had they been able to renegotiate for a more  palatable number, perhaps Peezy would still be wearing #55 for the B&G (oh�.and how many of you are owners of jerseys with #55 Porter on the back�.what do with them now?).  Peezy had been sliding, no question��don�t think Peezy thought so though, and thus the stalemate, and the decision to let him go.  Like other Steelers that have moved on, I�m hoping that Peezy now toils in mediocrity for the balance of his career.


Wish I could remember the poster, and it wasn�t an original line, but he said last year�.�Joey�s mouth writes checks that his ass can�t cash.�   True statement.  Mill called him �Joey the Mouth.�  And he was never short of inflammatory words; that�s for sure.


Think about it though�..and I�m not making a statement of causality here.  Indy Playoff game�..Peezy says that Indy�s soft�.firestorm over that.   Steelers come out as ready to play as we�ve ever seen them, kicks Indy�s ass most of the game.  SB XL��gets into it with Jeremy Stephens.  Stephens fucks up big-time!!  Had Stephens caught the balls that he had 2 hands on,  Steelers could well still be looking for that One for the Thumb!   Joey�s mouth didn�t� win us those games�..but might it have helped�just maybe??


I�m not surprised with this decision, and I generally trust the Steelers FO to know what the fuck they�re doing.  I really think they looked down the road, and saw a situation come training camp that could have a divisive effect on this team and it�s very young, rookie Head Coach.  Let�s not though, denigrate the play of JPeezy, his contributions over they years, his leadership on the way to a Super Bowl victory, and certainly his pure entertainment value.  


And please�.those of you who insist that you were right�.who are now validated�.keep patting yourself on the back�..I generally don�t speak for others�..but I don�t think many of us care if you were right, wrong, in between.


I�ll miss JPeezy��I just pray, hard, that he doesn�t end up down the street from me in Foxboro.

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