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Tomlin Hired…Thoughts and Q&A

January 23, 2007 by Still Mill

Tomlin Hired

Tomlin Hired��Thoughts and Q&A


As you've seen by now, Mike "Tommy" Tomlin has been hired to be the head coach of the Pittsburgh Stillers.�� He beat out Fat Russ Grimm and Bears assistant Ron Rivera, who could not be hired until after the Super Bowl on Feb. 4th.


Tommy has an interesting background & history.In high school, where he played football and ran track at Denbigh High school in Hampton, VA, he was voted "most likely to succeed" by his classmates.He then went on to star at WR at College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, graduating in 1995.His coaching tenure has been as follows:


1995��� ���������� VMI��������������� WR coach

1996��� ���������� Memphis������� Grad Asst.

1997��� ���������� Ark. St.����������� WR coach

1998��� ���������� Ark. St.����������� DB coach

1999-2000����� U. of Cinci������ DB coach

2001-05��������� Tampa Bay����� DB coach

2006������������� Minn Vikes����� Def Coord.


Tom appears to have the demeanor of a leader, and all commentary around the league and country has said the same.Obviously, he's not had not a lot of high level coaching responsibilities, be it in the NCAA or in the NFL.�� Being a DB coach means you're shielded by about 3 layers, and you get interviewed maybe 3 times a month.The heat, spotlight, and responsibilities are 30 times larger and hotter as a HC than a DB coach.


Some questions that I've fielded via email the past coupla days, and answers:


"Are you worried that Tomlin is a 4-3 guy?"


Right now, no.�� I've never been wedlocked to the 3-4 defense.Unlike guys like Billy Cowher, I've never wanted to pound the square peg into the round hole.You play the scheme that best fits your players, not force your players to play a scheme that doesn't fit.�� Now, I'm not saying the Stiller roster today doesn't fit the 3-4.But tomorrow is another day, and the draft hearkens.And, most of our current defensive players could excel in a 4-3 just as easily as a 3-4.Let's face it -- a front-7 defensive stud can excel in most any defense.I absolutely loved when Tomlin stated that he'd consider using both the 3-4 and the 4-3.Apparently, LeBeau himself wanted to do that, but Lord Billy Cowher, the great guru of football, immediately squelched this idea.


"How 'bout Tomlin and the Tampa (Cover) 2?"


This does worry me some.I've never been a fan of passive defensive schemes like the Cover 2.Further, if fully implemented, the Tampa 2 relegates Troy Pola to a passive, pedestrian role rather than the Tasmanian devil role that he does with considerable aplomb.I've always promulgated an attacking defense.I'm hoping Tom and Dick (and Harry if needed) can develop a hybrid of sorts.


"Do you think he was hired because of the Rooney Rule?"


Let's hope not.He was interviewed, in large part, because of the Rooney Rule.The Rooney's should have hired the best man for the job, regardless of race, creed, national origin, political orientation, or any other totally irrelevant factors.We weren't privy to the interviews, so for now, we can give Rooney the benefit of the doubt that Tomlin was the best candidate.However, if Rooney hired him merely to reinforce his Rooney Rule, then Rooney himself should be fired and removed immediately.��


"What are your thoughts about Russ Grimm?�� Wasn't he a good candidate?"


I had some doubts about Fat Russ.The O-line sagged amidst a plethora of slop and lethargy this season, despite an abundance of talent.Isn't the O-line supposed to be Fat Russ's one area of expertise??I was also worried about his ability to handle the complexities of the NFL, as he seemed to be more of a neanderthal "cloud of dust" kind of guy.


"You revolutionized the nicknaming of Bill Cowher (and Gailey, Gilbride, Sherman, Haslet, and others), with staples like "Cowhard", "Asslet", and "Kevin Gaypride" that are world renown thanks to the internet.Any immediate plans for Tomlin?"


Unfortunately, none yet."Tommy" is an obvious nickname, although rather dry.Tomlin's name simply doesn't lend itself to the extent that Cowhard's name did.If Tomlin bombs, there's always "Bomlin", but that's about it for now.Given some time, I'm sure Steel Trap and I can think of a few clever monikers.


"Tomlin is a defensive guy.Biggest challenge for Tomlin with our defense?"


Getting Joey Porter to stop standing around like a complete pussy and start wreaking some havoc.�� Associated to that, is finding a way to generate pass pressure and harassment on opposing QBs, totally regardless of whether we employ a 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, or 6-1.�� The pass pressure from this defense was as feeble as ant piss last season.


"When will Tomlin start to receive your ridicule the way Coach Cowher did?"


When he starts making dumbassed decisions like Billy Cowher.�� For example, the minute he inserts a brick-fingered stooge like Dicardo Colclough to catch punts, he gets ridiculed.The instant he shows up at a Super Bowl to a muddy, soupy field and starts a scatback instead of a bruising, 235-pound mud-chewing power back, he gets ridiculed.The second he inserts a piece of shit like Mike Tomgack as the starting QB, he gets ridiculed.�� The moment he keeps worthless players on the roster for years and years upon end, such as Tomgack, Jon Wittman, Mark Bruener, Jason GilDong, and Justin Kurpeikis, he gets ridiculed.It's that simple.�� A head coach doesn't "receive" ridicule; he earns it.


"Were you surprised by the contract and salary that Tomlin received?"


YES.Absolutely.Here you have a guy with ZERO head coaching experience and a whopping one season as a defensive coordinator.And Rooney, who ran off Hall of Famer Rod Woodson 10 years ago while squabbling over a paltry $75K, simply shovels over $2.5M per year on a 4-year contract. Go figure!!Here's Tomlin, without a single ounce of leverage, and the guy gets lavished with this enormous contract.I can't fathom why Rooney didn't call Tomlin and say, "Hey Mike, one mill per year, 3 year deal.Take it or leave it; we've got Grimm on the other line, and Rivera will be plenty hungry once the Colts riddle the Bears in the Super Bowl.Oh, and Al Davis is looking for a coach, if you're interested in coaching over in that circus. We've known Oakland Al for years -- longer than you've been alive, in fact -- and we can highly recommend you to him.What's your decision?"��


"What do you expect the team to achieve under Tomlin in '07?"


The same as I expected -- but clearly wasn't provided -- under Cowhard in 2006: a team that fights like rabid demons 15 games a season (every team has a letdown game) and wins 11-12 games and makes the playoffs.Unlike new coaches in Oakland and AZ, the cupboard is far from bare in Pittsburgh.The talent is there for 11-12 wins.What was missing last season was hunger, attention to detail, and enforcing standards & discipline.Tomlin appears to be man enough to correct those deficiencies.


"Biggest hope for Tomlin?"


That he plays no favorites with veterans.Every single job, from long snapper to free safety to #5 WR to the starting offensive guards -- should be wide open for competition when training camp begins.We've not seen fiery competition for jobs in over a decade.Tomlin would go a long way in my book if he were to boldly implement this idea.


 (Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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