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Stillers-Bengals Postgame Analysis and Grades

October 29, 2007 by Still Mill

Stillers 24, Cinci 13 ���Game #7
Stillers 24, Cinci 13 ���. Oct 28, 2007 ����Game #7


Stillers-Bengals Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers rebounded from last week�s Denver Debacle with a solid, sound beatdown of the Cinci Bungals, 24-13.




QB:Benji had a strong overall game, completing 19 of 26 for 230 yards and 2 TDs.He started out slowly, with a queer sidearm throw to Ward on 3rd & 5 that misfired poorly.He warmed up in the 2Q, however, and threw a perfect seamer to Miller for 23 yards.A few plays later, he adroitly fought off Thronton and made a clutch pass to Holmes on a 3rd & 4 that netted 7.Ben executed a good pump fake on the first TD pass to Ward.He also had a nice pass on the run to Miller in the 3Q, good for 19 yards.Much of this was nearly wiped out, however, by the totally inexcusable, asinine INT midway thru the 3Q. Here was Ben, scrambling to his right, deep in Cinci territory, on a 3rd down play.�� He had two EASY, SMART choices:


���������� - simply fall down, take the 4-yard loss, and allow Reed to boot an easy, 32-yard FG.��


���������� - toss the ball into the bleachers, which is exactly what he did in the 2Q at the same place on the field and facing the same direction.���


Instead, like a Mike Tomzsak wanna-be, he tried this gawdawful, across his body throwback into the middle of the field, where there were 3 defenders lurking for the ball.�� O�Neal made the easy INT and gave the sagging Bengals, and their quiet fan base, new life.Ben responded by directing a very quality march for a FG in the 4Q, but this kind of unforced, jackassed INT can, and will, be a killer against better competition.�� The INT ruins what would have been an �A� grade.����� B-��


RB:After being practically neglected last week, Parker had a strong game, dashing for several big gainers en route to 126 yards and 1 TD.�� He had a good bounce outside for 12 yards in the 1Q, and ripped off a nice 32-yard on a SG draw in the 2Q.In the 3Q, Willie turned in a nifty 360-degree pirouette that gained 5 yards.Daven chipped in with some decent running in the 4Q to chew clock and move the sticks.A.


FB: Kreider started, but gave way due to an ankle injury. Davis had a solid lead block on Parker�s 17-yard scamper, and had a strong effort on a screen pass in which he busted a tackle and gained 5 yards.B.


WR:Ward shook off last week�s rusty performance with his usual strong, stellar receiving and running.�� He grabbed a team high 8 catches and scored 2 TDs.Holmes also had a good game, grabbing 6 passes for 87 yards.I thought he was a bit careless on the 42-yard deep ball that was nearly overturned; the pass was right in the bread basket and there should have never been a bobble on such a simple catch.Neither Nate nor Ced caught a pass.�� B+


TE:Miller had just 2 grabs, but both were big gainers of 23 and 19 yards.He did commit a foolish false start in the 4Q.Speath returned to the lineup but was held without a catch.The TE blocking was decent.�� B+.


OL: The line rebounded from last week�s shoddiness with a solid overall effort.They controlled the LOS and gave Ben a fair amount of room and time on many a pass play.The lone culprit in this game was LT Marvel Smith, wh literally played like a wretched piece of shit the entire game.�� He was constantly beaten, tooled, and abused by Justin Smith, so much so that Justin can simply mail out the tape of today�s game to his NFL brethren and reserve himself a place in thePro Bowl.�� To be sure, Justin Smith is no chopped liver at DE, but Marvel, with his thumb up his ass the entire game, made Justin look like a combination of LC Greenwood, Mike Strahan, and Charles Haley.�� Marvel failed to block anyone on the Holmes reverse in the 1Q.He was totally abused by Justin on a near-sack late in the 2Q (only Ben�s mobility prevented the loss), and he totally wet the bed on the flea flicker in the 4Q.Two plays later, he was abused on a 3rd down play.Starks had a good, pile-driving seal block on Parker�s TD run late in the 2Q.��KenDoll Simmons had his weekly false start.Marvel Smith: D-.�� All others: B+


DL:With Cinci missing Willie Anderson and Rudi Johnson, it�s appalling that they were able to practically run at will in this game.Backup RB K. Watson continually ran for nice chunks of yardage, and finished with 88 yards on only 19 carries.The defense can crow all it wants about �holding yet another runner under 100 yards�, but had the Stiller offense not chewed over 32 minutes of clock, Watson would have finished with at least 120 yards, if not more.Sure, Aaron Smith sat this game out, but the Stiller D-line did not control the LOS in this tilt and got nothing on the passer related to pocket push or harassment.�� Fat Casey Hampton had another disappointing effort just days after being named to the Steeler�s 75th Anniversary team.My gawd, Nolan Harrison and Bill �The Drunkard� Johnson, just to name a couple marginal Steeler D-linemen, played every bit as well as Hampton did today.�� Rookie Dick Eason had a terribly weak start, getting ravaged and eaten alive on nearly every play, and fortunately Travis Kirschke saw more PT as the game wore one.�� Kirschke had a nice stuff of Watson for a 2-yard loss in the 4Q.�� Keisel was incredibly quiet all day, and he and Hampton were blown off the ball on the 3d & 1 QB sneak in the 4Q.This crew should have an ugly time watching the films from this game.�� D.


LB:The LB crew was fairly quiet all game as well, and their lackluster play helped Watson with his healthy yardage.�� Farrior was far too quiet for a player of his pedigree, and Foote did little.�� Haggans, facing a backup RT, did almost nothing in a very pedestrian, GilDong-like effort.�� The only LB who earned his keep and is able to walk proudly in public this week was Jamie Harrison, who had a stellar all-around game.��He made a strong play to bottle Watson in the 2Q for no gain; Townsend got the credit for the solo stop but Harrison made the play.Jamie showed strong hustle in the 3Q, dashing across the field on 3d & 10 to put a hit on TJ.In the 4Q, Jamie sealed the win with another hustle play, stripping Watson of the ball and then securing the fumble recovery.�� Harrison:A.��� All others:C.��


DB:Facing a dangerous duo in Chad and TJ, the secondary responded with a solid game.Townsend held his own, and had a near INT in the 3Q, and blew up a screen later in the quarter.Ike also had a solid game.�� Anthony Smith got the start with Clark out, and Smith responded with a superb all-around effort.�� He had a strong play on the Holt end around in the 1st series, holding him to 1 yard.Later, he had good coverage on a deep ball to Chad in the 3Q.He delivered a huge hit on TJ after Ike deflected a pass.�� His only mistake may have been on the deep ball for a near TD to Chad in the !Q, where Smitty stopped running and nearly paid for it.�� Otherwise, Smitty clearly showed that he, not Clark, belongs as the starting FS from here on out.Troy Pola had a FF on an early 3d & 1, but that was about it. He whiffed in the backfield on Watson late in the 3Q, and whiffed miserably on TJ on the 4Q TD pass.Gay had ass-awkward technique on the 3d & 2 curl pass to Chad in the 2Q, which netted 16 yards.�� B+.


Spec teams:A fairly dismal day for the coverage teams.The KO coverage sucked elephant gonad the entire game.The containment was utterly pitiful and the hitting was almost non-existing.Frazier had the one and only good stop on KO coverage.Rossum had a couple decent KO returns.�� Sepulveda had to punt only once.Reed booted a 40-yard FG to seal the win in the 4Q.The STs need to step it up very soon as the 2nd half of the season approaches.���� C+.


OC:The idiot Pittsburgh media is all full of glib humor about, �Gee, what a difference a week makes with OC Bruce Arians.Last week, he was an idiot and now he�s a genius�..���� No shit!!��� He was an idiot last week, and hallelujah that the man pulled his head from his ass in time for this week�s game.Parker was given a full dose and he raced for numerous big gainers while enabling the Stillers to control the clock and keep Cinci�s potent offense on the bench.I was pleased with the PUMP fakes, both of which worked early in the game, one on the 42-yarder to Holmes and the other on the first Ward TD.On the other hand, I fully despised the gay-assed screen play on the SIX yard line of Cinci in the 2Q.This is a cutesy play that has little chance of succeeding that deep in enemy territory.Arians has a long way to go to get out of my doghouse, but he made some small strides today.B+


DC:Dick benefited from the TOP advantage that the offense provided, as well as the healthy lead.His 2 DL scheme was badly exposed in this game, and he�s going to have to seriously re-think that when facing any offense capable of audibilizing to an easy ground play against this overmatched alignment.�� Dick�s top priority right now has to be getting Troy Pola back into effective, impact playmaking.��� B+


HC:Tomlin kept an even keel after the Donco loss and got the team re-focused and energized for this critical division game.He also got Arians re-directed after last week�s fiasco of an offensive gameplan.�� ��B+


Synopsis:A solid win over a pesky Bengal team that fought hard all game.After last week�s debacle in Denver, this win tasted better than most over the hapless Bungals.Now at 5-2, the Stillers can seize command of the division with 2 successive home games against division rivals Balt and Clev.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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