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Holidays: Bah Humbug

December 02, 2005 by Swissvale72

Holidays:  Bah Humbug

I hate the Holidays!!! 

Actually, Thanksgiving is a nearly perfect holiday�.eat & watch football�no gifts or any bullshit!!

Columbus Day is even better�.football season, day off from work, no family get-togethers!!

I don�t inherently hate the holidays.  I resent immensely their intrusion into the best part of the football season.  It�s starting already. 

�The town tree lighting is on December 11th, Dear�.would be nice if we all could go.�  Steeler-Bears, 1:00,� I respond, �glad to leave at 1:30.� 

�My sister is having a get-together on Sunday, the 18th�.we don�t have any  conflicts then, do we.�  We don�t; I do.  Steelers-Vikings, 1:00.

And get this�.last Sunday, she�s with her sister, calls me with a great idea.  �We�re going to pick up tickets to see White Christmas�.next Sunday, 1:00wanna come.�

You�ve got to be fuckin� kidding me.  Steelers-Bengals, 1:00�..and she wants me to see White Christmas at the god-forsaken WANG Center.  Fortunately, I�ll be on a Heinz Field bound flight at 6:10 Sunday morning.

Here�s the best one�.probably written about it previously.

I have 3 brothers; 2 live in Pittsburgh, 1 lives in Colorado, I�m in New Hampshire.  In 1996, we were all due to be in Pittsburgh the day after Christmas.  Given this unusually circumstance, my mother plans a Christmas Dinner for Sunday, December 28th, 1:00pm.  The playoff schedule is published�.Wild Card Round�Steelers-Colts, December 28th, 12:30pm. 

I figure I�ll strategically seat myself so that I can see the TV, eat like a fuckin� pig for 20 minutes, then retire to the coach.  My brother Tony, though, calls my Mom.  �Mom�.you�ve got to change dinner time�.Steelers are on.�  �Now Anthony, what�s more important; our family Christmas dinner�.or a Steeler game.�  �Don�t go there, Mom,� Tony responds.

Mom won�t change the time.  Tony tells her that if the time doesn�t change; he�s not coming. 

Bottom line:  I�m the lucky winner�.Mom changes the time.  I go to the game with my nephew.

Remember everyone�.be careful with Christmas Eve plans�.Steelers-Clowns, 1:00

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