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November 30, 2006 by Swissvale72



�two weeks hence

By Swissvale72


Okay�.what the fuck is it about elephants??The elephant in the room�The elephant in small chunks�Why, pray tell, is the Republican party symbolized by an elephant?? (dunno�.big, fat, slow)�� I know, I know�..Democrats are donkeys�or�jackasses.Why, seriously, why oh why�.is the Alabama Crimson Tides� mascot a flippin� elephant??I don�t think that elephants are big in the Deep South�..probably isn�t the Alabama state beast�.must be plow mule, or a cow, right�.or maybe it�s one of those attack dogsthat Bull Connor set loose on the �colored� populace in 1964 Birmingham.Bear Bryant didn�t wear an elephant-tooth hat�.was �houndstooth.�What�s houndstooth anyway�..made from a dog�s teeth�.anyone out there own a houdstooth hat?


Anyway�not Koolaid, not Blnd Faith (Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Ginger Baker), but let�s take a serious look at the next two weeks.Slight digression�.take a look at Gene Collier�s PG article from Tuesday�.first Burgh writer that I know of to call Cowher for what he is at this juncture�.an imposter, head elsewhere.I really, really, really would like to see the guy called out though, for his act in October against Atlanta.We all have the image of the 2006 Cowher imprinted on our collective psyches by now� matterhow the game�s going,no matter what�s happened� pans to our coach, guy known for wearing his heart on his sleeve, for his emotion, for his raw fire�.what do we get�..Mr. Morose on the sidelines, except�..when Michael Vick makes a big run for a first down late in the 4th quarter of a tie game against us�..we see Cowher laughing and joking with the fuckin� enemy!!What the hell was that!!Collier also took the opposite look than many of us, from the Cleveland game.Whereas I joined the masses at hailing the Steelers comeback, Collier was way concerned that we played at the Browns level�.that it took this comeback to beat the sorry-ass Brownies!!


Anyway�..first bite of the stupid elephant��is it not realistic to expect that we can put together victories over the Tampa Bay Bucs and Cleveland Browns in the sometimes friendly confines of Heinz Field.If so�.Steelers will be 6-7 going into Carolina on December 17th.And what of our worthy adversaries.

Jacksonville will likely lose either at Miami or at home against Indy in the next two weeks�..we may come into December 17th needing only one more stumble in a 3-week period from the Jagoffs�and not to worry, Jack Del Rio will put the axe back in the locker room�Marcus Stroud will chop off his foot�.we�ve caught the Jags�.plus, they still have New England at home, KC on the road in the season�s final weeks.

Kansas City�.upset special�.maybe Cleveland beats KC in the Dog Pound this Sunday�.failing that, I would think that Baltimore, on the tear they�re on should be able to handle KC at Arrowhead the following week.So, we may need KC to stumble lose 2 of their last 3��at San Diego, at Oakland, home against Jax�.mix in a little Herm Edwards, certainly doable.

NYJ�..damn it..I�m worried most about the shitty Jets�.at GB this week, home against Buff the next�.then on the road against Minnie & Miami before home to Oakland�.probably need to have the Jets lose 3 of these games�.unless they drop a pair of AFC contests.


Point is, Steelers may very likely be still breathing, still alive, on the morning of Decmeber 17th�..needing to win out, have some things break their way for a playoff spot.Carolina though� Charlotte�.Steve Smith�.may prove too much�.the final nail in the coffin may be reserved for their trip south a week before Christmas.


We catch a break though�.who knows�..

Anyway, first bite of the elephant is the next two weeks��.next elephant buffet�..December 17th��and what is it with the �Bama elephant anyway???

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