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October 09, 2006 by Swissvale72


By Swissvale72



Waddaya know....contrary to this writer's prediction last week, Marty did not OutCowher Cowher....didn't engage in MartyBall....but kept the heat on the beleagured Steeler secondary throughout the second half....his O got up off the mat, and kept on coming.

Cowher...for his part....what a fuckin' idiot with that supposed fake punt bullshit!!  Second week in a row, he poses as a fuckin' idiot at some point during the game (hey...maybe he's not posing??).  Ya wanna "fake" a punt, Bill....use some fuckin' deception.....rather than line up in the WTFIT formation (...that's "What the FUCK is that?").

As noted, ad infinitum, and perhaps ad nauseum, in numerous publications, including this site�s Message Board, as were fond of saying in the Burgh�.Something Just �Ain�t Right� with Ben.  His whole game�s off�.his throw, his elusiveness, his decision-making.  Is it the crash?  Are the appendectomy effects more pronounced than we thought?  Is he paying the due for a line that�s sometimes porous?  Is the Hines hammy injury having a severe effect on the receiving corps?  Could be none, could be all�..begs the question though, a fair one�.how long do we hang with Ben.


Let�s not forget, Charlie Batch looked damn good against the Dolphins.  Yeah, I know�the Fins suck, they�re 1-4.  Know  what, though?  The Fins played the Pats damn tough yesterday, the only NE TDs coming on drives of 10 & 25 yards.  On the season�.


Charlie�..3 TDs�.0 INTs

Ben���0 TDs�.7 INTs


I�m not necessarily proposing that we make a change, right now, but it�s a damn fair question.  And we can only speculate, what might our record be if Charlie had been the man throughout??


Other notes from last night�s debacle�.

After the first Reed FG, I went on record with my prediction that we had enough points to win the game.  Damn�.until that point, the SD O had done nothing,  and looked as though that would continue.  After that�..we literally never stopped them again!!  From memory, SD then drove for a TD�followed that up with a FG to begin the 2nd half (�after a Sean Morey wiff on the kick return)�.then drove 91 yards for a TD�followed by 2 more FGs�.and a kneeldown�.ballgame.


All of a sudden, Steelers had no more pass rush, no coverage�..outgained 5 to 1 in the second half�..don�t know when I�ve seen a team so completely shut down for 25 minutes�then be so utterly unstoppable for 35.


Going forward�..


Think about it�had not SFB (Shit for Brains) Cowher insisted on using a punt returner that can�t fuckin� catch, we cold well be sitting today at 2-2, already with a big divisional win over the Bengals in our pocket��would not have been what we have liked, but would not have been so bad.  Mother-fuckinCowher�.what the fuck was he thinking of?????


History tells us:

�76�.were 1-4, didn�t lose again �til the AFCCG..sans Franco & Rocky (possibly the greatest Steeler team ever)

�02�were 1-3�.went 10-5-1, and were within Maddox Meltdown #1 of having homefield throughout.


Not the same, I know�.somethin� just ain�t right�but let�s not forget�.

The depths of that �76 season came in Cleveland, an 18-16 loss to the Browns, in which Terry Bradshaw was spiked into the turf by Turkey Jones, and Mike Kruczek took the helm for a good chunk of the season.  I was at that game, a recent college grad, yet to be employed, and gladly accepted a ticket to the game in exchange for hauling my oldest brother and 3 of his drunken friends to Cleveland & back�..oh�.they were all fuckin� asleep for the whole way home.


Can this team to it�.will Cowher make a change�..Answers:  Yes �.and �..No.


Cowher will stay with Ben�.can�t see him making a change��we will win this week after Pee Wee Herman Edwards & the KC Chefs��we�ll earn a hard-fought victory the following week in the Georgia Dome�.then easily dispose of the Raiders.  The season�s nadir will come at Heinz against Denver on November 5th��will be a game for the ages�.the B & G faithful will be coming & going�.rocking & rolling�.the �06 campaign, while not at its zenith, will be at a damn high point.  


We take care of NO the following week, easily beat the Browns at Cleveland, and are 7-3 heading into the first showdown with the Ravens, in Baltimore, on November 26th.  I don�t want to predict 13-3�.or even 12-4�..I will predict though, that this team finishes no worse than 10-6�.more likely 11-5, and begin a playoff run.


Let�s not give up on the season  yet my friends.  Can a team, in two consecutive seasons, lose 3 straight�and go on to win Super Bowls.  We can�..will we &?  We still have a shot.

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