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October 23, 2006 by Swissvale72

STEELERS-FALCONS�and it continues

STEELERS-FALCONS�and it continues

By Swissvale72


Told you asshats last spring�.when so many of you couldn�t fuckin wait for the season to start. Told your sorry asses then�.enjoy the glorious off-season�.bask in the glory of your Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome�.yinz didn�t listen though�what was the fuckin� rush�.now we�re in a jam!!


Taped yesterday�s game�..up in the White Mountains�.there�s SNOW up there!!Survived that trip�didn�t start watching until 8:30�didn�t finish until after 11.Kids had gone onto AOL�.they knew we had lost�.took their asses upstairs rather than be in my presence, incur my wrath.


I clicked the tape off as soon as the Great Dane�s kick went through�..Then I tried to go to sleep��no luck�..toss, turn, toss, turn, turn, toss, turn, toss�.when I did sleep my dreaming was loose association�.


�Donora�.DixieBama�.virgin soil�.Crimson Tide�.culture/agriculture��.What Happened??


Arose at 4am�.went to the Board�.couldn�t open any of the threads from you asshats�.so much angst�.can�t deal with it.


The game:Mill�s right�.biggest play�.Ben�s fumble�.we had absolute control of this fuckin� game!!Ten-point lead, Falcons rag-tag secondary had yet to stop us, we had the ball, mid-second quarter�.fumble�next thing ya know, we�re down 4!!What Happened??


Then�.we get a 3-point lead, pick a pass with 47 seconds to the half, on our 25�..I believe we had all 3 timeouts�I believe Atlanta had none.Every possession is valuable�.the way we were passing the ball�.could have moved into FG range prior to halftime�.we throw 2 incompletes, can still take a knee on 3rd down, kill the clock.Had to compare�..but the NE Pats would have been going for the jugular�..would have been moving it down the field.


Damn 3rd down still killing us on D.Two of Atlanta�s first 3 TDs�.the play Vick pulls out his ass with less than 3 minutes til the end of regulation�..the play where he eludes Troy�s rush.What the fuck!!This guy has 3 TDs all year�.get 4 in one game against us!!


What a waste ofa great passing game�..amazing to put 38 on the board�.none of them cheapies�..all starting with possession in our own territory��with no running game. Ben certainly erred on the fumbled snap, but damn�.he was throwing the ball well.Let�s just hold onto the rock!!!


Stop bitchin� about the refs at the end of regulation.Washington moved�.we would have been screaming bloody murder if the situation were reversed, and this wasn�t called.Some of you are saying it had no effect on the play�So What!! He moved�he�snot allowed to do that!!


Moving forward:Do not, I repeat do not, give up hope.Last week, I predicted we would be 7-3 heading into Baltimore�okay, so we�ll be 6-4 instead.I�ll predict further�.we�ll beat Baltimore, take Tampa & Cleveland at home�.be 9-4 heading into Carolina�.we�ll be 10-5 heading into New Year�s Eve at Cinci�.playing for the Division��then we�ll kick the shit out of the SF (Shitty fuckin�)Bengals.


Do NOT give up hope�.remember �76�remember �95.




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