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November 13, 2006 by Swissvale72

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Idiot Ravens on the 1st floor�on satellite. I knew that that Shithead Rob Bironas had no chance to hit that 43-yarder. I was pleading with Jeff Fisher to allow Kerry Collins to put the ball up�.get it down to the 15�.use all remaining time�then kick. Tell ya what�I DESPISE the New England Patriots, but should they ever meet the Ravens in the playoffs, I�ll be rooting for the Pats, whom I despise, but respect vs. the Ravens, who I despise�and loathe. Anyway�..yesterday�s game�..few items of note� FWP�the obvious�.monster game�.I said all off-season that this kid is much tougher than people were giving him credit for being. Fast!!! His second long run, which remember, directly followed the Ced Wilson drop�.he gets to the outside�I�m excited just thinking he�s going to get the first down!! Away he goes!! Nate�hopefully he improves�.old adage, though it�s obviously not this simple�is that a receiver gets 2 hands on the ball, he makes the catch. Twice yesterday�..Nate didn�t come up with the ball under these circumstances. Tyrone Carter�.can�t cover, but the little shit sure can hit!! Don�t like the similarities to �02�.consecutive home games, we surrender 31 points�..yes�.we had injuries in the secondary�..but waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much!! Weeks ahead: Gotta believe, that should we run the table, go 10-6�.we�ll get the help we need. And�.I�m starting to think that it may come in the form of a wildcard slot. Both KC & Jax lost yesterday. Look at the Jax schedule�.not easy�.bet they lose 7�.KC�I�m a little worried about�.not many road challenges�just San Diego�be rooting for Denver on Thanksgiving night. Can�t believe that I�m bemoaning the Pats losing to the Jets yesterday. Still�..would not be shocked to win out, grab the #6 slot� the playoffs�.at New England�.or�.at BALTIMORE!! Not Koolaid�.not saying it will happen�..but hell�.what�s more fun�.for it to be mid-November, and still believe in your team�s chances, or pack it in early�..focus on next September??? 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