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Stillers-Ravens Postgame Analysis and Grades

November 26, 2006 by Still Mill

Ravens 27, Stillers 0 ���Game #11
Ravens 27, Stillers 0 ���. Nov. 26, 2006 ����Game #11��


Stillers-Ravens Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers ventured to Baltimore, apparently intent on copying last week's lethargy in which the team stumbled and bumbled for 3 quarters before roaring back to beat the hapless Browns.The entire team came out in its usual 1st half slumber, and in the 2nd half things simply got worse.�� A grande' mixture of dropped passes, missed blocks, horrendously sloppy tackling, and a feeble game plan all conspired to produce one of the most severe assbeatings this franchise has received in quite some time, with the PoeBirds getting the shutout, 27-0.




QB:Ben Roth had a rocky day, made miserable due to the relentless pass pressure of the Raven defense.The offense sputtered miserably in the 1H and he must take part of the blame.Ben again slipped into the bad habit of throwing off his back foot, as well as, at times, not stepping into his passes.�� He showed tremendous toughness by taking a brutal hit from Scott in the 2Q, but shaking it off and coming back into the game a short while later.He'll have a lot of soul searching and work to do in the offseason.�� C.


RB:Parker again found the going tough on the road, gaining 22 yards on 10 rushes.The holes were paltry, of course, so the entire blame can't be placed on Parker.Davenport dropped a screen pass on 3rd & 10 on the game's 1st series.Staley did not dress.�� C.


FB: Kreider was limited in the amount of his blocking chores.He grabbed 1 pass for 2 yards.�� Inc.


WR:Hines fought off the injured leg and made a go of it, and had 4 grabs.However, it was clear that he didn't have the burst, and the Ravens soon smothered him on any short hitches or crossers.�� He dropped a slant in the 3Q and had a measly 33 yards on the 4 grabs.He also committed a dumb-assed dead-ball personal foul penalty in the 2Q.


���������� Wilson and Nate each caught 4 balls for 49 yards.Nate dropped yet another TD pass -- about his 6th of the season -- on a simple 10-yard slant in the EZ that he juggled and then dropped in the 4Q. To his credit, he did make a superb play on a deep seamer in the 3Q, holding onto the ball after getting crushed by a Raven DB, good for 27 yards.


���������� Holmes had 3 grabs for 31 yards, as well as a dropped slant pass in the 3Q.�� �����C.


TE:Miller had a spotty day.�� He dropped a low out early in the 3Q.Set up as a box car in the 1Q, he got literally pancaked by Suggs on a bulrush.He did grab 3 passes for 35 yards.Tuman, as usual, did nothing of any value.���� B-.


OL: This O-line, long fawned over and idolized like a crowned princess, hit rock bottom in today's loss.They got overwhelmed and annihilated by the Raven front 7, both in the ground game as well as pass pro.�� The pass pro was particularly wretched, with 5 blockers standing around with thumbs up any orifice they could find, as flatfooted as a WalMart greeter.�� If you didn't watch this abortion, you won't believe this assessment, but rest assured, these 5 stumblebums had their asses not only handed back to themselves today, but also jammed down their own throats.�� Perhaps hanging around the same practice facility as Pitt's woeful, disgraceful offensive line has been a bad influence.��� F.


DL:The D-line allowed some severe gashes, and gaping holes, to the Balt running game.Even the fat waddler, Casey Hampton, was getting shoved or influenced all too often.Especially with a rookie starting at RG for the injured Key Vincent, this was far from a dominant O-line that they faced.�� D.


LB:The LB corps was soft and tackled entirely too poor today.In the 2Q, the Ravens just embarrassed this crew.�� Mughelli easily rumbled over Foote en route to a 9-yard gain.Farrior had a weak, arm-only flail at Lewis on the 1-yard TD plunge.Haggans had a pretty quiet afternoon.


Big Joey Porter collected a ton of slop stats on plays run away from him, in which he was either lightly blocked or not blocked at all.When Balt wanted to run left -- and they did all too often -- Big Joey was usually nowhere to be found, except either on his back or getting pile driven downfield.


���������� The overall pass rush was just as weak as the run stuffing.��


���������� D.


DB:The big pre-game news was that Ike Taylor was benched, and McFadden inserted in his place.Balt wasted no time mercilessly picking on, and abusing, McFadden, who was no match for veteran Derrick Mason, who just ate McFadden alive.McFadd also got juked by Clayton after a short curl, giving up an extra 9 yards in RAC.He also had a PI flag on 3d & 7 late in the 2Q.


���������� Townsend -- the guy that really belongs on the bench as the team gets a look at next year -- bit badly on a stutter move by Heap and was beaten easily for a 20-yard TD pass.He also was flagged for holding.


���������� Pola was fairly active, but got rebuffed on many blitz attempts and also flailed quite a bit.Clark got steamrolled at the end of an 8-yard run by Lewis.��


���������� McNair had his way, picking this secondary apart like a surgeon.��� C-.


Spec teams:No blatant disasters, but little good.Gardocki had a 53-yard boot in the 1Q, but then resorted to his usual self with 27 and 32-yard boots.�� Daven dropped a KO and gained all of 7 yards on the return.�� Tony Smith had a sterling swoop-in and stop of Sams on punt coverage.�� B-.


OC:Last year, Cheezenhunt was one of the hottest coaches in the NFL.He supposedly was being courted by as many as 4 teams for head coaching jobs.Today, he'd be lucky to get hired to clean the commodes at any NFL stadium.He game plan in the 1st half was so half-assed and half-baked that it produced all of 37 yards. The game plan was apparently stolen out of Dave Wannstedt's office at the UPMC complex, because it had everything a Wannshidt game plan has -- sloth, zero creativity, bland vanilla, and an insistence on plunging headfirst into the enemy's strength.��D-.


DC:Dick continued his season-long slide with another abysmal effort.His defense showed up meek, timid, and wholly unable to stop anything the Ravens did.�� Very disappointing.�� D.


HC:For weeks now, some fans have been fighting off the reality of what a disgraceful job Cowhard has done in terms of preparing and focusing this team, as well as personnel management.Today just adds more fuel to the obvious fire.�� Of course, in Cowhard's case, there is no fire.The man is simply mailing it in this year, en route to his quaint retirement home in Carolina.The height of this team's overt carelessness, lack of attention to detail, and all-around sloth, could be seen in the 2Q, when Ben Roth was blistered by Scott and lay writhing in pain on the turf.This sack brought up a 3rd & 17 from deep in Stiller territory.Roth must have been on the turf for at least 3 minutes until he was able to get up and limp off the field.In the meantime, NOBODY on the Stiller sideline was moving with any kind of purpose to insert a replacement for BenRoth.Suddenly, as Roth got off the field and the play clock resumed, Charlie Batch was spotted grabbing his helmet, dashing over to his coaches for a brief, 3-second chat, and then rushing onto the field.What in sam hell was Batch, and the coaching staff, doing while Ben Roth lay on the field for 3 minutes??�� Answer:Absolutely nothing, the same as they've done ALL season under the supreme leadership and tutelage of Lord Billy Cowher.

What Cowhard needs to be told, in no uncertain terms, is this: The difference between a champ and a chump is u.���� F-


Synopsis:The season is now over.There will be no playoffs and therefore no stab at a repeat.The key will be to get long looks at youngsters in order to prepare for the FA period and the draft.If the team is willing to sit and rot Duce Staley for the 2nd year in a row, then they should be more than willing to sit or reduce the roles of various other veterans in favor of youngsters that have more long-term potential.Tony Smith needs to play.Both McFadden and Taylor need to play.Chris Kemo needs to play.The last 5 games of the season needn't be wasted on veterans who have little or no future with the team.��


A special note of kudos to longtime Stiller fan KikiPhil, who attended today's game in Balt.We chatted via cell phone before and after the game.KikiPhil (and other Stiller fans in attendance) took a ton of abuse after the game, but he wore his black n' gold proudly and none of the lame PoeBird fans even thought twice about messin' with him!!��� Yer the man, KikiPhil !!



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)



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