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Steelers - Colts Quick Hits

November 29, 2005 by Steel Cello

Stillers-Bills Post Game Thoughts

Sorry I have not had a lot of time so here are some quick hits:


---Maybe the Steelers should play a scrimmage quarter against themselves so they can stop with the slow starts.


---Duce needs to move up the RB food chain, past the BUS if not past Willie....NOW.


---Notice how the Bengals ran all over the Colts and we could not?   Why not? - Chad Johnson


---One of the gutsiest moves I even saw Cowher make was the onside kick in Super Bowl XXX, with 11:20 left in the game and down by 10 points. Trying an onside kick the start the 2nd half when your down by 9 and holding the opposing team to FGs is another story


---How ironic that a sorry loss brings about a season high 4 catches for 23 yards to Willie Parker


---I guess Bryant McFadden is not quite ready for prime time yet after getting tooled by Reggie Wayne over and over


---Top draft pick next year?  The best pass-rusher we can get.


---Besides the chuck to Cedric, was there one pass over 30 yards down the field?  Was there any balls over 10 yards thrown in the end zone?  Take some more shots when you down by 2 scores, a longer INT is like a punt =)


---A QB draw on 4th and 4 with a hobbled QB?


---I hope Marvel and Essex can get the back burns out of their uniforms.  Maybe Faneca can clone himself to Left Tackle


---Wilson and Morgan on kickoffs, please, it's worth the risk


---5 plays left in the game.... should we let Ben and the WRs get more much needed reps and get some more rust off and maybe a smidge of confidence?  NO!  Lets run the ball up the middle, with all our starters in there.... 5 times in a row!!  Ugh.



Dust yourselves off as the most important game of the season is coming up. 

Go Steelers!






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