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Stillers-Titans Postgame Analysis and Grades

September 11, 2005 by Still Mill

Stillers 34, Titans 7 Game #1 ���
Stillers 34, Titans 7 ���. Sep 11, 2005 ����Game #1


Stillers-Titans Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers gave up a TD march after the opening kickoff, but then roared back with 6 consecutive scoring drives, giving the Titans a rude 34-7 thrashing at Heinz Field.




QB:Benji shook off his preseason doldrums and responded with his best game since last December, completing a near-flawless 9 of 11 for 218 yards and 2 TDs.He was quite adroit back in the pocket, eluding pressure and completing a few passes with great accuracy while on the run.He also completed a 63-yard TD bomb to Randle El.Ironically enough, this was one of his worst passes of the day, thrown entirely off his back foot and woefully short, but El adjust well and Tank Williams stumbled onto the ground, enabling the easy score.It's easy to play QB when your ground game is churning out yards at will and when the opposing offense is bumbling about, but Roth had a very good day and showed considerable maturity, presence, and composure.A.


RB:Willie Parker got the start, and Bilbo Cowher and a vast majority of Steeler fans trembled in fear at the thought of a starting RB that weighed in at less than 230 pounds.All Parker did was run like a thoroughbred racehorse, giving the offense the speed and dash not seen in 10 years.Parker ran for 161 yards on just 22 carries, and also chipped in with 1 catch for 48 yards.Parker did everything you want in a RB -- reading, cutting, twisting, churning, bulling, and sprinting for yardage.His 48-yard reception was a beauty, as he caught a short screen and then sped like a demon past the Titan defense.His 11-yard TD was on a superb effort in which he pinballed off 2 defenders and into the EZ.It's almost laughable to think that, had Doughboy Bettis been healthy, Parker would have had 2-3 token carries for 10-12 yards.Haynes got a fair amount of work, mostly in mop-up relief. To his credit, he actually ran the ball better than his sluggish preseason, and he did an absolutely outstanding job picking up the blitz on the TD pass to Miller.Herron got some carries in garbage time.Bettis stood on the sidelines in street clothes, wearing this ridiculous, enormous 4X t-shirt that would have fit Roseanne Barr or Tony Siragusa.Thousands of people in New Orleans have been seeking shelter, and here they could have simply borrowed Big Jerome's t-shirt and huddled underneath it.�� A+.


FB: Kreider led the way for several good gainers by Parker.He also pancaked a defender (with some slight help from a Stiller O-lineman) on the Haynes TD run.A.


WR:Ward helped get the tempo going early with 2 grabs on the 1st drive, and then Wilson came on with a couple grabs.Wilson made a terrific grab on an early 3d & 8, grabbing the slant despite smothering coverage from the DB.Randle El made a nice adjustment on the deep ball for the TD, and finished with 2 grabs for 89 yards, plus 1 carry for 6.Newly acquired Q. Morgan got into the game for a few plays, but had no balls thrown his way.A.


TE:Heath Miller had just 1 ball thrown his way, but he made the most of it by securing the 3-yard TD pass on the Stillers' opening drive.Tuman helped get things going late in the 2Q, gaining 27 yards on a catch & run.The blocking was solid.A.


OL: The O-line had a good day.The pass protection was very good, and the run blocking gashed open some nice holes in the Titan front 7.Even Kendall Simmons had a decent day, holding his blocks on several occasions in a surprisingly good manner.The worst single play was probably made by Al Faneca in the 1Q, in which he got brutally whipped by Claus on a 3d & 6 QB draw, which resulted in an easy stop (for a loss) by the Titties.Smith was also flagged for a leg whip.Smith tweaked his leg during the game but apparently is fine and won't have any problems playing next week.Willie Parker should enjoy the notoriety of his big game today, but he owes his line a lunch or supper for their fine work.A-.


DL:The Titans marched down the field with ease on the opening drive, aided by some nice holes for the ground game and zero pressure on the QB.The D-line shored up its ship thereafter.Smith led the way with a good effort.Kimo was ok.Hampton gave way to Hoke quite a bit, and Hoke made a nice stuff for a loss in the 2H.�� B+.


LB:The LB corps also awoke for the early-game slumber to help shut down the Titans.Farrior snapped the slumber, smacking Travis Henry so hard that Henry buckled and coughed up the ball for a huge turnover moments into the 2Q.�� Farrior did whiff badly on Kinney after a reception on the 1st drive, but overall had a good game.Porter got it going more and more as the game wore on, and had a great strip of McNair in the 4Q for a turnover.Haggans was somewhat quiet, though no one was more quiet than Larry Foote, who stood around and did nothing the entire game.�� Frazier got some work in garbage time and forced a fumble by McNair.Overall, the tackling left a lil' to be desired.A-.��


DB:lke Taylor had a very active game, coming up in run support and short-reception support with several good, sure-handed tackles.Townsend had good coverage on a bomb to Calico in the 2Q that was incomplete, and also had some good tackles in the 1Q.Colclough made a nice read and play on a deep seamer in the 4Q, and plucked a nice INT.Pola grabbed an INT off the Bennett drop, and had some good hits.Hope was pretty active as well.The downer for this crew was the pitiful angle taken by Logan on the bomb to Bennett, which netted 53 yards.Perhaps the key to the secondary's good day was the fact that Wee Willie Williams was scratched due to injury, which turned into a classic case of addition by subtraction.A-.


Spec teams:Reed was 2-2 on FGs.His KO work was acceptable; the coverage was not.Gardocki punted adequately.Randle El had a nice punt return, but it was wiped out by a hold by Harrison.B.


OC:Some nice work by Wise Hunt, keeping the Titans off balance by spreading the ball to numerous receivers.Getting Parker involved in the passing game was great, although it'd be advisable to use Parker a bit more, especially on running downs on short flips that are like long handoffs.Wise Hunt has a real, all-around weapon out of the backfield, one that needs to be exploited.Wise Hunt was the recipient of some awfully soft coverage by the Titans, and whether it's next week in Houston or the following week versus NE, you can be assured that a defense is going to jam and press the Stiller receiving corps much, much more than the young Tenn secondary did today.A.


DC:After the early TD, LeBeau got more away from the vanilla and started to attack the Titans, instead of merely sitting back and getting dissected.He was helped by a plethora of drops by the Titans, but on the other hand the defense wasn't overwhelmed by the Titans.The tackling was a bit sloppy and shoddy, and I'd consider working on that before the visit to TX.The TE coverage was also poor, particularly in the 1H.A-.


HC:Bilbo Cowher has to be pleased after getting beaten and abused, over and over again, by Jeff Fisher all these years.It must be a huge relief for The Cow Hard.The team snapped out of its summer long funk and responded well after the opening Titans TD.�� As it turned out, the injury bug really helped Billy today.Instead of a feeble, lethargic starting lineup that would have included Big Jerome Bettis and Wee Willie Williams, the injuries, and only the injuries, allowed Parker and Taylor to not only start, but contribute enormously to the win.The one downer was the pitiful turtling by The Turtle, Billy Cowher, at the end of the 1H.Facing a 1st & goal at the Tenn 10 with 2:00 remaining in the half, Cowher and WiseHunt ordered a Parker plunge, for no yardage.The score was 17-7, and at this point, if you want a TD, you must pass twice before any field goal attempt, due to time constraints and yardage needed from the 10.Instead, on 2nd down, a piddly draw play was engulfed.�� Ben had to throw away under pressure on 3rd down, and the Stillers, in full Turtle Mode�, settled for Billy's favorite play, the field goal.A.


Synopsis:After years and years of opening day slop n' slather, it was a welcome site to see the Stillers stomp on, and then bury, an opening-day opponent.Of course, the win must be kept in some kind of perspective.After their salary cap purge from spring 2004 and 2005, the Titans start the most rookies & 2nd-year players in the NFL, so it's not quite like beating the '85 Bears.The one sign I saw that I liked was the crispness and tempo in the execution.Only 3 penalties were committed by the Stillers, and in lieu of befuddlement and confusion came cohesion, tempo, and crispness.Let's hope the Stillers can continue this next week in Houston, as Tank and I will be in attendance and we fully intend to show the Houston bumpkins what smashmouth football is all about.


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