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Fat Jerome Mouths Off

September 02, 2006 by Still Mill

Fat Jerome mouths off...

Fat Jerome Mouths Off�."Obviously, with myself not being there, that poses a question"


The Big Bellyback, Fat Jerome Bettis, spouted off in a Post Gazette article this weekend.


Said Fat Jerome:"They may have to rely on Ben Roethlisberger's arm a lot more than they have the prior two years. ... I'm not certain about the running game, how consistent it will be churning out the tough yards."


"Obviously, with myself not being there, that poses a question."


The only question, without Fat Jerome not being there, is simply this: "How will the other players react when food is actually available at the snack table after practices and games?"


Maybe The Tubby Tailback needs to be reminded of how very little he did during the Stillers' championship season.The lardass had one good game -- versus Chico -- and otherwise was a spare-part role player that played an extremely small role.And in that role -- as a short-yardage plunger -- he was an abject failure.Called upon to ice the AFC divisional playoff game against Indy, the FatAss nonchalantly carried the ball on a plunge with only 1 hand, and then proceeded to cough up the football in Heimlich fashion.Only a miraculous tackle by BenRoth saved the FatAss from perpetual disgrace and embarrassment.Not to be outdone, in the Sup Bowl, not once, but twice, the LardAss was given the ball within an arm's reach of the Seattle goal line, and twice he was rebuffed as easy as pie. In typical fashion, the LardBack tiptoed into the line and was easily denied.It was left to BenRoth to roll out and dive into the end zone on the controversial TD call.


Fact of the matter is, nothing that The Doughboy did in 2005 was anything that Duce Staley or Verron Haynes couldn't have done.


This is ever so typical of Fat Jerome.�� As I've often written, such as this article entitled "DoughboyBettis: The Real Deal" in Dec 2004, Big Jerome has always been concerned about 3 people: me, myself, and I.The man is, and always has been, an arrogant, egotistical showboater who was always far more concerned about himself, his promotional opportunities, and his bank account than his own team.�� Ever since his retirement, The Bellyback has gone out of his way to show his true colors, and hopefully the Pittsburgh fan base can finally see what we here at realized years ago.


Perhaps Fat Jerome should pay more attention to his restaurant that he recently opened in Pittsburgh.In the spirit of helping the Pudgy Proprietor, here are some menu suggestions --


Lardass Lasagne


Bellyback Ribs


All-You-Can-Eat Pork Rinds


The Belly Burger


Fatty French Fries


�� FatAss Fondue


�� Doughboy Doughnuts, served as a platter of 36 each


The Tubby Sampler (1 each of all of the above selections, which comprises a small snack for The Tubby Tailback)


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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