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May 07, 2007 by Swissvale72



and more

By Swissvale72



About to go out to celebrate Cinco De Mayo at La Caretta in Nashua, NH. This Mexican restaurant is set apart from other New Hampshire Mexican joints in that it actually has Latinos working there.�� We go to Chili�s, Shorty�s Mexican Roadhouse�.only white people working there. What fun is that?Granted, NH is one of the whitest states in the USA, but we do have Asians in the Chinese restaurants, Dagos in the Dago joints, etc. Only place I�ve ever seen with no Chinese in a Chinese restaurant is Prince Edward Island, Canada���what will you have with your moo shi, eh?� Of course, it�s billed as Canadian-American food.What the fuck is that?? Hunan Moose, Pierre Trudean�s Foo Yung?


Anyway�..big Steeler Cinco De Mayo gig today. Held�.where else�.at the Mexican War Streets. Right in front of Franco�s house�.he had platters of his multi-vitamin doughnuts. Swanny was there, too, campaigning for Governor.I don�t think he knows the election is over�.and that Rendell won. Yeah, we know Rendell is an Eagles fan, and that the Commonwealth is going down the tubes under his supposed leadership, and he fucks Pittsburgh every chance he gets. But Swanny, it�s over, my friend, give it up!!

Who else was there?Ex-Steelers Gabe Rivera�.Senor Sack, Pete Gonzalez, some DB whose name I can�t remember. And the rest of the guest list�.Vincente Fox showed up (y�know, what kind of a Mexican name is Fox?? like the Italian leader being named Horace Greely). ��Pancho Villa showed, so did General Santa Ana, BobbaLouie from the cartoons�.�you alright, BobbaLouie?saw-thiiight.� Cesar Chavez, and Desi Arnez. What�s that?? Desi�s Cuban??Hit the fuckin� road, Desi�..c�mon back for Old Havana Days. Is it true that Desi now lives in Donora?Luuu-Seeeee.Oh yeah, guest of honor, keynote speaker this year was Zorro�.Zorro never spoke though, did he?Pittsburgh PD was there�..checking Green Cards & Visas�.plenty of paddy wagons. Rounded up all the�.�undocumenteds� (that sounds nicer than illegals, doesn�t it?), shipped �em the fuck out to Cleveland.


Maybe somebody else can answer this question.Is Cinco De Mayo a religious holiday? A holy day of obligation?The Mexican version of All Saints Day? Anybody else have to go to church the day after Halloween? That really sucked�..stuffed with Almond Joys, and Crunch bars�.had to get up, go to church before school.


Now that we�ve mentioned church, religion, I�ll segue into my other topic�.see what you asshats think. Now that I�ve past 50, I think more and more about my own mortality. And I�m not sure what I think about it.There an afterlife? I don�t know.Heaven?Hell?Purgatory?Don�t know. I do think this though�.I truly believe that when we pass on, we�ll still be able to watch Steeler Football. I truly believe that.I just can�t come to terms with Steeler Football ceasing for me when I leave this earth. Think about it�.that poor slob has a heart attack, dies hours before the Super Bowl, ticket in hand. ��Surely a merciful God will still let him watch the game. That guy who died in Cleveland last year�.his kids listened to the game on radio on the way back to Pittsburgh. ��Surely�.he�s still watching, too.


It�s probably the case though, that Heaven has the good bars, plasma TV�.Purgatory, you get a 27� TV, and your wife giving you shit throughout the game�.basically the same as here on earth. In Hell, you still get to watch, but it�s on a grainy 9� black & white�..and it�s fuckin� hot as Hell�.wait a minute!!! It is HELL!!


Anyway�..happy Cinco De Mayo�.LAPD sends its greetings!!

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