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Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades

November 19, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers 24, Browns 20 ���Game #10
Stillers 24, Browns 20 ���. Nov. 19, 2006 ����Game #10��


Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers came out in a stone-cold stupor against the hated Brownies, stumbling and bumbling in a dull, almost boring 1st half that ended with Cleveland in the lead, 10-0.The Stillers sputtered more in the 3Q, but in the 4Q, the team collectively (aside from the shit-laden spec teams) arose from its doldrums with an exciting 4Q comeback win.




QB:Often, ya might say, "This was a tale of 2 halves."�� Actually, it was a tale of 3 gawd-awful quarters and 1 tremendous one by Ben Roth.Ben couldn't get anything going in the 1H, aside from an utterly horrendous 0-step hitch to Holmes that sailed high and wide.Holmes got a paw on the ball, but all that did was merely bat the ball to DB Daven Holly, who gladly took the freebie INT in for the TD.The other 2 picks weren't entirely Ben's fault.The INT on the crosser to Ward seemed to bounce off Ward's hands or body, or perhaps the DB managed to get a paw on the ball, which Ward shouldn't have allowed in the first place.The pick by Holly late in the 2Q was a mediocre pass, but entirely catchable.It clanged off Wilson's pads as he was sliding, and Holly again graciously accepted the freebie pick.There were, to be sure, a host of misfires from Benji in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, but armed with the no-huddle offense, Ben was a man afire in the 4th period.He was an amazing 20-26 for 224 yards in the 4th quarter, leading the team to 3 TD drives.Against a better team, of course, ya can't play like manure for 3 quarters and then turn it on in the 4th, but Ben got away with it today.�� B-.


RB:Parker found little room against the rabid Dawgpound defense, rushing for 46 yards on 16 carries.There were several solid 4 yard gains, but the ground game never got into a groove, particularly because of the deficit.Willie dropped a valve dump in the 4Q, but atoned for it with 30 secs left by catching an ad-hock shovel flick from Benji and carrying it into the EZ for the winning score.Parker had 4 grabs in total, which is probably a career high!Daven had 2 carries for 11 yards and 2 grabs.�� Duce Staley was once again not permitted to dress.�� B-.


FB: Kreider wasn't much of a factor, especially with the deficit.�� Inc.


WR:A somewhat odd day for Hines Ward.In the 1H and early in the 3Q, the guy played as lackadaisical and nonchalant as I've ever seen him.In the 2Q, Ward nonchalantly allowed the pass to clang off him and into the hands of McGinnest for an INT. Not content with all of this, when Holly INT'd Ben late in the 2Q and ramble on a long INT return, Ward just meekly waved at Holly in a pitiful, disgraceful lack of hustle.On a 2nd & 5 on the 1st drive of the 3Q, Ward caught a WR screen and appeared to have more than enough room to wiggle for the 1st down yardage.Instead, he meekly tiptoed OOB, setting up a needless 3rd & 1 that was stuffed by the Clev defense. Somehow, he pepped up thereafter.He made some clutch grabs, including a sterling 21-yarder on a slot-out just before the 2MW in which he was injured on the play.


����������� Tonio Holmes must have found inspiration in the big OSU win over Pissagain, as Holmes had, by far, his best day as a pro.He snagged 5 balls for 75 yards, including a good ad-hoc play on a Benji scrambled that produced a TD.He started the day poorly, dropping an easy pass on 3rd & 3 that would have easily netted the 1D.I was pleased to see Holmes getting the ball on the run, rather than the mandatory buttonhooks that he's been running the past 9 weeks.


����������� Wilson clumsily allowed a low pass to clang off his pads while sliding, resulting in a ricochet INT.To make matters worse, the sorry bastard literally just laid on the turf after the ball clanged off his pads, never once looking up to see if the ball was still live and of course doing nothing to impede the progress of the interceptor.Wilson was also flagged for a really ticky-tack offensive PI call in the 4Q.Of course, if that call enraged you, just think how peeved the Seattle fans were during the Sup Bowl when Darrell Jackson used his pinkie to push off of a totally flat-footed Pis Hope.


����������� Nate had 2 grabs.�� Reid did not dress.������� B.


TE:Miller was used sparingly in the passing game, 2 passes that were each good for 16 yards.The one was a terrific adjustment by Miller.With such a nice YPC, you'd think it'd warrant some more integration in the offense, but you'd have a better chance of seeing Dave Wannstedt pull his head out of his ass than see Miller worked more into this offense.Tuman was thrown this horrendous, INT-for-the-taking pass in the EZ, on a 1st & goal at the 2 in the 4Q.In a sheer bout of stupidity, the weak Tuman was left in solo blocking on DE Kamerion Wimbley on the winning TD, and only Ben's deft footwork and astute thinking to flick the ball to Parker avoided a sack.���� A.

OL: The line did a decent job in pass pro, often giving Ben eons of time back in the pocket.However, Smith was getting eaten alive by Wimbley the entire game, and it's only by the good grace of the football gods that he didn't decapitate BenRoth.The line's run blocking were rather shabby, to include the 3rd & 1 plunge early in the 3Q that was easily rebuffed by Clev.��� B-.


DL:The line was pretty active and provided some harassment on Frye, although they got gashed by a backup RB to the tune of 74 yards on 18 carries (4.1 Yards/carry).Kirschke whipped Andruzzi and forced a fumble of Frye in the 1Q.Hampton showed great hustle by rumbling after Wright 9 yards downfield and poking the ball out on a tackle, which resulted in a big turnover for the Stillers.Keisel applied some pressure.��� B.


LB:Wright gashed the defense, and the LBs must be held accountable for a good bit of this.It seemed like the front 7 took the 1st half off when they learned Reuben Droughns would sit the game out.


����������� Farrior led the way with 6 solos and 6 A's, although he had his share of problems.In the 1Q, he was victimized by his own poor coverage and flailing.For no discernable reason, the Browns went away from the short crossers that ate this defense alive in the 1Q.


����������� Foote had a pedestrian day.Haggans was slow on the bootleg that produced a 12-yard catch by Vickers.He did stuff the off-tackle play in the 2Q, after which the announcers went on and on and on about "what a great play by Joey Porter", even though Haggans clearly and most obviously made the stop.


����������� Big Joey chipped in some stops off of easy, unblocked pursuit.For the first time all season, Joey was able to avoid being bamboozled on an end around, although Keisel blew this play to hell and Farrior was right there as well.The game's most hilarious play came in the 3Q, when Winslow caught a short out and was met head-on by Big Joey Porter.The 2 had been jawing in pre-game warm-ups and here was the chance for Big Joey -- "the most feared man in the NFL" -- to put the young Winslow in his place.Instead, Winslow, who had to carry the football, mind you, literally threw Big Joey to the turf like a scrawny, pimply-faced schoolboy on the playground.As Joey lay with his dick in the dirt, Winslow ambled for another 4 yards and a 9-yard gainer.There's an old saying -- "Action talks, bullshit walks."Perhaps Big Joey should do less bullshit and more action.

��������� C+.


DB:The secondary had its struggles at time against the lowly Clev offense.Ike Taylor continues to baffle me with his 2nd-half of season decline.On a 3rd & 16 in the 1Q, he played the pattern as soft as shit, allowing an easy slant to Edwards for 15 yards.In the 2Q, Ike missed a bust-up of a pass on a deep out, which allowed Eddie to scamper for a 63-yard gain.It wasn't the miss, per se, it was the clumsy, bizarro nature of the bust-up that annoyed me.Ike was in a position to bat the ball away, but delivered this gawky, timid, ass-clumsy attempt that left him flailing at air.


����������� Pola had a solid game, particularly in the 2H.On a 3rd & 7 in the 3Q, Pola had a tremendous flash and slash of Heiden that dropped Heiden a yard short of the sticks.In the 4Q, Pola blitzed, but then read the QB and stepped back for the bat at the LOS.


����������� McFadden was initially beaten on a pump n' go in the 1Q, but recovered nicely and then busted up the pass in the EZ.McFadden has shown me that he's much better with his back to the QB, in chase mode, than he is playing soft with the WR "posting up" in front of him.


����������� Clark delivered some hits, but he's not busting up passes, which is what I want to see on occasion from my FS.

����������� B-.


Spec teams:Yet another day of ST disaster from the worst ST unit in the league.These riders of the short bus find new, creative way to fuck things up, every week!�� Of the team's 7 penalties today, 5 were on spec teams.Madison had a false start on a punt.Tony Smith interfered with a punt returner.On the same KO return, Kriewalt and Miller both were flagged for holding.Carter had an illegal block on a KO return.��


����������� There were a litany of boners and sorry plays.Pis Gardocki had a shitty punt into the EZ late in the 1Q on a boot that could have easily pinned Clev inside their 10.Early in the 3Q, he boomed a whopping 36-yard punt.Reed barely made a 43-yard DG, when the ball banked in off the right upright.


����������� On the KO coverage after the Reed FG made it 10-3, the tackling was entirely shoddy.It got worse on the next KO, in which Cribbs fielded the shallow boot at his 8 and raced 92 yards, totally untouched, for a TD.


����������� But wait, the follies actually got worse, if you can believe it.Cribbs and his boys were flagged after this TD for excessive celebration.This meant the Browns had to kick off from their own 15 yard line, which meant the Stillers would reasonably start at least at their own 35 or 40.Clev kicked the ball off, and somehow, apparently because the Steelers thought The Bionic Man was kicking off, the ball found a total dead spot where there wasn't a Steeler within 15 yards.The ball rolled and was fielded by Ike at the 13.Ike returned it to the 31 yard line, but Carter was whistled for an illegal block that placed the ball at the 21 yard line.��


����������� The lone bright spot was Morey's 75-yard KO return in the 2Q.���������� F.


OC:A real Cro Magnon game plan by Cheezenhunt.Slow, stale predictable, lethargic.�� Fortunately, he at least had enough sense to put Ben into the hurry-up in order to create a spark.Cheezenhunt had 2 goodies for the Gay Play o' the Day Award --


����������� 4Q, trailing 20-10.1st & goal on the 2, and Cheezen calls for this forced "seam" route to Tuman, of all people, in this FOREST of defenders in the middle of the field.Only the jackassed call by Chan Gayboy in the January '98 AFCC, on a similar pass in triple coverage that was INT'd by Denver, was more asinine.�� You want to hit Tuman with a pass?Fine -- run the play action and have him slip out quietly in the flat.This was an outright fiasco of a play and it was incredible luck that the pass wasn't picked.


����������� Late 4Q, trailing 20-17.1st & goal at the Clev 5, 44 secs remaining.The Stiller called a TO (their 2nd) prior to this play, so there was plenty of time to mull it over and come up with something at least half intelligent.With only 1 more TO remaining, the key here was to get 3 (THREE) good stabs at the end zone for the VICTORY, and then, worse case, you boot the FG on 4th down to send the game into OT.But, knowing what a CRAP SHOOT the OT period can be, if you have the ball at the 5 yard line, you absolutely MUST go for the win right then and there.What does Cheezenhunt call?A fucking line plunge to Parker, which netted all of 1 yard.Worse, the Stillers had to burn their final TO.�� What a stupid fuck !!Shades of the 2000 loss at Cleveland, in which the Stillers pissed away time and a down with a Fu draw play, and the Kent Graham took the asinine sack to end the game prior to a FG attempt, went pulsating through my mind as I seethed in a bitter rage.Fortunately, Ben hit Parker with the ad-hoc shovel on 2D to score the TD, but this team was well on its way to settling for a chickenshit FG.������ D.


DC:Let's see -- the Clev offense came into this game with the following NFL rankings:


����������� Total yards ������ 29th

����������� Rush yards������ 30th

����������� Yards/play������� 30th

����������� Giveaways������� 30th

����������� 10+ yard plays31st


Yet, facing this Punch n' Judy offense that was missing its starting RB, Dick had to hold on for dear life as his defense got carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey.The 2Q, 13-play FG drive, which began on their own 7, was Clev's longest march of the year.Facing an offense with a struggling, greenhorn QB, a backup at RB, and only 1 legitimate starter at WR, this defense should have done much, much better.��� C-.��


HC:Cowhard failed to have this team even remotely ready or intense for this game.When even Hines Ward is sleepwalking though the 1H in a total funk, you know the coach has totally neglected the task of getting his team focused and fired-up for the game.The chickenshit, brainless decision to plunge the ball on 1st & goal at the 5, with only 44 secs remaining, reeks entirely of Billy Cowhard and his overt, bullshit conservatism.The special teams follies have gone beyond any semblance of sanity, and this is supposed to be the one lone area where Cowhard is an expert!�� It was nice that the team came back in the 4Q, but that has to be tempered with the total sleepwalk for 3 quarters and the lowly quality of the opposition that blundered enough to allow the comeback.�� C-.��


Synopsis:Any win over the hated Browns is a nice win, and this one was as nice as most.The win also keep the Stillers' faint playoff hopes alive, although Atlanta & N.O. both failed to knock off the Ravens and Bungals today.Next week, the team pays a visit to Baltimore to face the hated PoeBirds.�� A Stiller loss seals the season; a win could certainly really add a ton of momentum and drama to the December stretch run.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)



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