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The STEELERS-red sox conundrum

October 11, 2007 by Swissvale72

The STEELERS-red sox Conundrum

The STEELERS-red sox Conundrum

�greetings of ill-intent

By Swissvale72



I�ve now lived in New England for over half my life.For years, it was a lark.The shitty Patriots were an absolute laughing-stock, and the Steelers were the four-time Super Bowl Champions with a scads of Hall of Famers.It was a rite of summer.In the first week of August, I�d call my Patriot friend, Stupid Charlie�..�Charlie, Hall of Fame Induction today.Terry Bradshaw, Mel Blount are being inducted.How �bout the Pats.How many Hall of Famers they have?Ooops�sorry, forgot they DON�T HAVE ANY. Hahahahahaha.�Click.


And so it went.Then there was that fateful January day in 2002 when Belichick owned Cowher, knew the Steelers special team tendencies better than our own coaches, and I had to suffer the indignity of flying back to Manchester with a planeload of Pats fans.Then�.I receive an e-mail from Stupid Charlie.It was conciliatory, classy.My response was something like, �Fuck you�Pats still suck.�Hey�no one ever said my fandom had to exude maturity, or that my class needed to be any better than 3rd.�� Charlie�s next email commented on the status of our friendship.I told him to Shut the Fuck Up.We didn�t speak for 3 months.


Since then, my animosity for the New England Patriots, forged during the Fog Bowl of �96, solidified during that �01 AFCCG, has moved from �hate� to �despise.�But�I have this problem.I root for the Red Sox.I�ve rooted for the Red Sox since moving to New England in �79.It never seemed to be a problem.There was never any conflict.American League�.would never play the Bucs unless they met in the Series.In that case, no question�.I�m down with the Buccos.I rooted hard for the Sox in �86�always say that the closest I ever came to entering therapy was after the Buckner error, the Game 7 defeat.StupidCharlie & I had cleared my living room of furniture entering the 9th inning of Game 6.On his way home to Boston that night, Stupid Charlie stopped at every bridge on the way, stopped, got out, dangled a leg over the side, thought better of it.


Once the Sox went to NESN, I stopped watching so much.And we all know what the Bucs have been like since �92.I�m really not that much a baseball fan, for a couple of reasons.Any game that you can read a book while watching, how compelling can it be?I honestly never watch a regular season baseball game.Only 1 game out of 162�.how important can it be.And, this bullshit about needing to rest players..Please!! As far as I can tell, only players that should get tired during a baseball game are the pitcher and the catcher.


So�..doesn�t seem there�d ever be a conflict.Watched the Sox finally win the Series while sitting inside the Trinity Brew House in Providence.Was an eclipse of the moon that night.Crowd would empty into the street during commercials to check that out.


Now, here we are.Sox in the ALCS.My conundrum is this.I still like the Sox.I like Manny.I like that the Sox don�t need to shave & cut their hair as Johnny Damon had to to join the Yanks.Terry Francona & Larry Lucchino are both Western Pa. guys.My problem is this.Pats fans, the biggest assholes in the universe, the most undeserving of fan bases, tend to be Sox fans as well.Certainly there are exceptions, and one could argue, as I always do, that the Sox will always be #1 in the hearts of New Englanders.


But�.while in control of my head, my heart tends to drift without direction.And in my heart�.sometimes my hatred of the Patriots is so very intense, I despise them and their boorish, idiotic, uninformed fans so very badly�..that I have to root against the Sox as well.These fans�I wish them complete misery, unabated unhappiness in their fandom.I curse them, cast spells of a lifetime in the Purgatory of Obscurity.Simply put, I hate these mother-fuckers so bad, I�m willing to cut off my proverbial nose to spite my proverbial face.


I know I get no sympathy from the readership.Most of you need no additional energy to hate the Red Sox.Particularly now that the Yanks are out of the mix.The Sox�.second highest payroll�..pompous Bostonians.Leave early for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow readings in The Common.Sing the praises of Nathanial Hawthorne and Cotton Mather.Most of you hate them on their own accord.Fenway Park�.built when peoples� asses were perhaps half their current size.


I know this��were the Steelers and Patriots playing now, and Horror of Horrors, were the Patriots to prevail�.I would then clearly cast glances of ill will the way of the Sox.They�d be talking as in �04, City of Champions�..that�s our Fuckin� Title!!


It will come to pass thusly.I�ll manage my dissonance in a manner that guarantees victory.I�ll root for the Sox and celebrate should they win the Series.Should they lose, I will turn on them with haste.I�ll badger the local fandom�I�ll laugh�I�ll ridicule.I�ll be smug.They�ll think that I�m the asshole (�could you ever imagine that!).


Go Sox�..sort of!!

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