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What a Farce -- SI claims Joey the Mouth is "Most Feared Player in NFL"

September 02, 2006 by Still Mill

SI Farce - Big Joey as "Most Feared in NFL"

What a Farce -- SI claims Joey the Mouth is "Most Feared Player in NFL"


Imagine my surprise upon finding the latest issue of SI in my mailbox Thursday evening.There, on the cover, was a picture of Big Joey Porter, with the caption of, "Joey Porter, most feared player in the NFL".


Ha ha !�� What a farce.That's the nice benefit of being in the Super Bowl championship team -- players on the title team get overvalued, over-fawned, and over praised.The prime example is Joey the Mouth, who was all bark -- but little bite -- in the Stillers' 2005 season.�� And fact is, the most dominant Stiller LB in the Sup Bowl win over Seattle was Clark Haggans, not Joey the Mouth.Big Joey did little the entire game, aside from getting mauled off the LOS and giving up a long 4Q gainer to Shaun Alexander, at the end of which Porter blatantly horsecollared Alexander and was lucky to get away with it without being assessed a costly penalty.


For the "most feared man in the NFL", funny how Big Joey had 1 -- count 'em, ONE -- tackle in the loss to NE last season.Or against Cleveland last November, Mister "Most Feared" had a whopping 1 solo and 1 assist while standing around and doing nothing.�� Porter hasn't sunk to the lowly levels of a complete puss such as, say, Jason GilDong, but he's hardly at a fearsome level of a Shawne Merriman, an Odell Thurman, or at least 15 other LBs in the NFL.


This "honor" bestowed on The Mouth is simply a microcosm of what's wrong in today's society."Analysts" don't analyze; rather, they fawn over noise and loudness.That's how Big Joey, the loudest talker in the NFL, can get elevated to such a farcical nomination.Jack Lambert never did 1/100th the amount of bullshit gesticulating and boorish antics, yet hit 6 times harder, was 4 times better at tackling, and was, overall, 11 times a better LB.Ditto for Jack Ham and Andy Russell.


And this summer you had The Mouth mouthing off about his contract.Let's hope the Stillers learned their lesson from The Jason GilDong Fiasco.You don't lavish a LB with a huge contract in his 3rd contract deal, especially whenthe LB is a guy like Porter that is clearly in decline.


To add insult to injury, in the same issue of SI, they previewed each NFL team.Included was a small section that said, "Which fan web site has the best Steelers info?"Preposterously enough, although 4 web sites were listed, wasn't one of them.To be sure, the other sites were fine sites -- a couple are on the link page, in fact -- but to leave off the premier site for the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, combined with the farcical naming of Porter as "most feared" shows exactly how piss-poor a product SI has become.Rest assured, I have already contacted SI and canceled my subscription.I, for one, won't waste good money on lousy trash.

Let's hope Big Joey does something to at least put some fear into opponents this season.Let's hope Big Joey does something worthwhile, as opposed to standing around woofing and barking. Let's hope.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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