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A Fan's Lament

January 09, 2006 by Swissvale72

A Fans Lament

At the risk of incurring ridicule from this site's esteemed readership, I've an admission to make about my plans for this coming Sunday, and also about my viewing yesterday.

Yesterday was my sons 13th birthday. While he's gone to 3 Steeler games, I haven't been able to get him to sit still long enough to watch on TV. I had convinced him that yesterday's game should be an integral part of his birthday, but, probably due to his mothers influence, he decided to go out with her for the afternoon. We had planned to have his cake around 8:00pm, but predictably, the family returned home at 5:30, and Anthony wanted to have his cake/presents then. I agreed, and watched the 2nd half on tape delay. There wasn't much risk in doing so, as I never left the house, though my brother in-law called once the live action concluded. I freaked, made my son take the call in the backroom, but was extremely uncomfortable that people in my presence knew the outcome.

Next wife has been involved in a masters program for the past 2 years. Her graduation is, you guessed it...Sunday, January 15th, 11:00am, at a small college in Vermont, about 3 hours away. As those of you that have been married for any length of time will certainly understand, we're both engaged in saying things to each other that neither of us means. Her: "You dont have to come to my graduation." (Interpretation: I'll fuckin hate you forever, and make your life a living fuckin hell if you don't come to my special day.)  Me: "I would never miss your graduation."   (Interpretation: How the fuck can these people schedule graduation during an NFL Playoff Sunday. I'll go, 'cause I know that you'll make my life a living fuckin hell if I don't).

So, off I go to Vermont next Saturday (yes, there's a Saturday evening component to this as well). I'll have the VCR set. I'll have a backup taper to guard against any technical failures. I'll bring my 5-inch B&W car TV just in case. I'll have my daughters earplugs on my person. I'll warn any other friends/family members that they risk serious bodily injury (of the Carson Palmer variety) should they leak the score in my presence.

My task could be made easier by the nature of this college. Suffice to say that my wife is a very decided minority at this institution by virtue of her being heterosexual. Wait a of the dykes probably plays linebacker in a women's league. Anyway...I'm hopeful that theres no football conversation going on at the post-graduation event hosted by the college. 

We'll be in separate vehicles so that's a to control radio, etc. One risk is that my kids want to stop at a cool pizza place on the way home (Brick & Brew in Hanover, NH). They have a fairly visible TV there....hence the earplugs.

Fuck...I really have very little choice in this matter. I won't get bailed out like Mill's Lion King dilemma. I was really in a quandy several months ago, as I thought I would be deprived from attending a home playoff game.

There it is, my friends...the fans lament. Please -- any advice/commentary is very, very much appreciated.

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