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Cowher Admits Cleat Problem, Does Little to Fix

September 13, 2006 by Still Mill

Cowher admits cleat problem

Cowher Admits Cleat Problem, Does Little to Fix It


As you surely read in my postgame analysis of the Miami game, the Stillers spent the entire evening slipping and sliding like a hockey player wearing Armani dress shoes in lieu of skates. The Dolphs, meanwhile, had very, very few slips.


Alas, in today�s PG, Ted Bouchette makes note of Billy Cowher�s comments about this problem, as follows:


The Steelers looked as if they were playing on Chiquita Field rather than Heinz Field Thursday night because players slipped so often.

Cowher noticed that and the fact that the Miami Dolphins did not seem to have that kind of trouble with their footing, and he talked to his players about it.

"I brought it to their attention," Cowher said. "Hopefully, it will be something that will be rectified in the future."

In other words, he wants his players to wear the proper shoes with cleats of an appropriate length for the field conditions.



You just have to love Cowhard�s take-charge mentality.�I brought it to their attention�, says the blowhard. Sure, he brought it to their attention�.and then sat fallow and watched, for 4 quarters, as player after player slipped and slid like a toddler in the mud.


There was no rain during the game, meaning the field wasn�t in any worse shape during the game than it was in pre-game. As such, Cowhard, the dufus, should have, along with his TEN MAN coaching staff, seen the slipping and sliding in pre-game warm-ups, and then taken immediate action. And remember, this is Cowhard�s HOME field, and this field is a well known atrocity that is notorious for poor footing.


�Hopefully, it will be something that will be rectified in the future,� says Billy. Hopefully, my ass !!�� It dadgum better get rectified, right now, ASAP! ��And should a player show up to pre-game with any cleats less than satisfactory for the surface being played upon, it�s entirely incumbent upon the mega millionaire, Billy Cowhard, and his staff to pull the player aside and send his ass over to the equipment manager to either swap-out screw-in cleats, or change shoes entirely if wearing molded cleats.Anything less than this is pure dereliction of duty.


Billy Cowher -- when it comes to attention to detail and taking immediate action to fix simple problems, no one else does less.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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