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Everyone's Entitled to My Opinion: C-word on the Message Boards

October 18, 2007 by Swissvale72

Everyone�s Entitled to My Opinion:  C-word on the Message Board

�from the Soapbox

By Swissvale72



One of my very early graduate courses in administration, 25 years ago, focused on Power.  There was Power of Authority, of which I have none on this site.  There was Power of Influence.  I am hopeful that I�ve accrued a bit of influence given my authorship of frivolous bullshit on this page.  This will be a test case.


I�ve long objected to the use of the word �cunt� on this site.  The word that every woman hates, the word for which there�s really no male corollary.  In my opinion, for what it�s worth, the only comparable slander would be �nigger.�  Yet, when one�s crossed that boundary on this site, the populace quickly calls for the miscreant to be banned, tarred & feathered, burned at the stake a la Joan of Arc, drawn & quartered.  Where �nigger� demeans an entire race of people, �cunt� demeans an entire gender.  Beyond that, both of these words demean, and hopefully offend, anyone within earshot. 


I�m reminded of a trip I made to the Nashua Kiwanis Club some years back.  I was going, as I�m wont to do, hat in hand, explaining to business people that sell their $1 product for about 3 bucks, that I sell my $1 product for 95 cents, the price set by the same unit of government that purchases said product.  Anyway, New Hampshire had just become the 50th state in the USA to establish a Martin Luther King Holiday.  Had Manchester been awarded the Super Bowl (not sure we were in the running), perhaps we�d have beaten out Arizona. Some ignoramus at the next table, quite publicly suggested that we �shoot four more niggers and take the whole week off.�   He was admonished by the club�s President; I rose and exited the room.  My agency received no donation, but fuck that Kiwanian chapter and their dough.  I feel the same way when I hear members of my gender on the message board refer to female posters as �cunts.�  Personally, I think it�s inexcuseable, indefensible�.remember, there�s no male corollary.


I�m prepared for one of you ignorant fucks, perhaps a few of you scavage dogs, to immediately increase your use of the c-word, perhaps in the thread that will emanate from this article.  Have at it.  It reminds me of the time my dad lined up me and my three brothers after a day of misbehavior, for which my mom threatened to �put me in a home,� and warned us that he �didn�t want to hear a peep� out of us.  I immediately said, �peep, peep,� whereupon my dad beat the shit out of me, and send my disrespectful ass to bed.


Also, don�t think for a minute that I have virgin ears, that I�m easily offended by salty language.  I think that my general writing disproves that.  I�d also bet that I hear more profanity in one day in my work with at-risk children and youth than most of you asshats hear in your workplace in a month.  In fact, one of the interview questions for female counseling applicants queries them as to their potential response to a 12-year-old calling them a �fucking cunt dick-sucking bitch.�  But these kids at least have some causality to their behavior.  What�s your excuse?  I�m going to go out on a limb and assume that not many of our posters are currently in residential treatment.  Maybe there are a few, perhaps a moderator or two, that require a structured daily living environment.


Anyway, my opinion��hope you asshats see fit to cease this bullshit.  In the words of Captain Jack Sparrow to Elizabeth Swan�.�Sticks & Stones, Love.�

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