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December 18, 2006 by Swissvale72







and other playoff thoughts

By Swissvale72




This is not the week to be Tom Brady�.karma is bad.My record is clear on this topic.I like Tom Brady, I respect Tom Brady, I believe Tom Brady is much tougher than most of you asshats give him credit for being.Yet, because I despise his football team, every week�every single one�.I root for Tom Brady to break his fuckin� leg.This obviously has not happened.This week is different.This week, we�re all rooting for the team that I despise with all my heart and soul�to win!!Steelers need a Patriots win at JAX�.desperately!!This, I�m afraid, and Tom Brady, please forgive me, will be the week that Tom Brady, indeed�.breaks his fuckin� leg!!


Some of you, no doubt, think its� terrible for me to root for injuries like this�..and here�s hoping for a staph infection to befall Steve McNair�..but only to lay him up this Sunday�we want the Ravens to beat Buffalo for the season finale.


Here�s another thought, in most circles undoubtedly assessed to be a terrible thought, in poor taste, etc.�� It was so vile, so evil, that I didn�t raise it last week.But�I�ll tell you all know, after the fact.I was really pissed when Lamar Hunt died last week.I was hoping that the old codger would hang on until this week.Didn�t want the Chiefs to have any extra motivation this past Sunday, facing San Diego�..would like them to win out from here!!Obviously, Pee Wee Herman�s charges didn�t give a shit about old Lamar either�..they lost anyway!!


Is Vince Young a dope, or what??WHY was he throwing the ball, up 7 points, a minute left, with JAX having no timeouts.His coach was going ape-shit, but why didn�t they call for a straight handoff??


Damn�.it�s 5:00pm�really worked hard today!!Time to close up shop�..


Look, don�t read my shit if you don�t want�..Just be forewarned� writing may no become incessant�.may write daily�or multiple times daily.


Tell ya what, Steelers make the playoffs, I�m diving into Baboosic Lake on New Year�s Day.None of you know where Baboosic Lake is�.my daughter�s favorite place in North America�..she lifeguards there�..ducks shit in the water there�.yours truly will be diving in there should our Steelers make the tourney.


Oh�.and all you naysayers��you know who you are�.FUCK YOU!!!


How�s that for a closing�.it�s what I love about this site�..complete literary independence.

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