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Good-bye Bill Cowher

January 12, 2007 by Steel Cello

Well, it looks like Cowher will make the big announcement tomorrow, leaving Pittsburgh after 15 years of service, and the raging debate about how good or bad he was

Well, good ol' Billy boy has left town after 15 years of service, so everyone has been full reflection mode about his tenure and performance, etc.  And if you've taken a look at the message boards here, you know that subject has been beaten to death slowly and painfully. Unlike many fans and critics, I feel passing judgment on a person and profession as highly specialized as an NFL head coach is a very tough task for the simple reason that I feel there are many factors that go into decisions made by a head coach we don't know about, and still many more that we never find out about afterwards.

I've been as guilty as the next person at being critical, especially during a game.  A certain play call will be made or a decision to go for the FG instead of the TD... whatever the decision is.... and I'll scream bloody murder over it...and sometimes the decision made by the coach doesn't turn out well, and I'll get really pissed and yak on and on about it for a few days.  However, I wonder now how many times the reverse happened and the coach's decision turned out well when I was screaming for the opposite call..... funny, I don't seem to remember those as well for some reason =)
My point is that head coaching is an intense, intricate, complicated, and stressful job, which requires a comprehensive skill-set to succeed and for the most part, we are not really qualified to fully judge all the aspects of a coaches performance, especially when the critique starts with 'Well I would have done it this way....'.    Looking back in hindsight is really easy.

I'm not defending Cowher in any way because I don't think he needs it and I know that most of the NFL community thinks he doesn't need it either!  People who work in the league at various levels are always saying how hard it is to do well in the NFL and to sustain a high-level of success, and I tend to agree.  When a player doesn't play well in a big game, is it automatically the coach's fault?  Maybe there was something the coach should have said or done to better prepare the player to optimize his performance, but you know what, maybe there wasn't!  Maybe that player was going to choke it up no matter what you said or did on that particular day.

So the point of view that ....the coach has to have his team ready to go and if they don't play well, then it must be the coaches not one I agree with most of the time.  Do we know what the coach said or did during halftime?  Do we know what he didn't say or do?  Look at Big Ben in the super bowl last year.  He admitted afterwards that he was nervous as hell for the entire game and could not shake the nerves. Cowher sais that he talk with him during the half to try and snap him out of it and it obviously didn't work.  If Cowher took some other approach, maybe he could have snapped Ben out of it?  Who knows.

Let's check the current �Gold Standard� for NFL coaches, Bill Belichick.People go on and on about this 'genius' with schemes and playcalling.  For me, the reason why he won three rings is that he had a Quarterback and Kicker who were amazingly clutch under pressure, and one of those rings was enabled by the 'clutch rule'!    Great talent scout?  Perhaps.  Light years better a head coach than Billy boy.. not in my book. ��

You can probably make a really good argument that several post-season losses were mis-managed, and that is a sore spot if there is one in Bill's resume.  Of course, he was in the post-season a lot so that would increase your chances of screwing up to a degree.  Yes, I do think he screwed up a few big games, but no more than many other coaches.  Hey, I have my pet peeves with Billy like everyone else.... Hanging on the Kordell for so long... Thinking Amos Z. could be an every-down RB.... agreeing to keep Dewayne and Chad as starting CBs for so long and giving them all that money.... etc.  But there are some really good things also... Willie Parker and Troy Polamalu come to mind.

Besides all this, I think Billy has been a class guy.  We've seen him under the microscope for 15 years, so you'll see the occasional 'bad moment', but overall I think he has represented Pittsburgh with class.

Well, that's about all I got.  I give him a B+ for the whole ride. 

Best of luck coaching in 2008..., hopefully for Carolina or somewhere else in the NFC =)


Go Steelers!

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