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Stillers-Vikes Postgame Analysis and Grades

December 18, 2005 by Still Mill

Stillers 18, Vikes 3 ���
Stillers 18, Vikes 3���. Dec 18, 2005 ����Game #14


Stillers-Vikes Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers went way up north to Minneapolis and ran the Vikings' ship aground in a solid all-around effort, cruising to a fairly easy 18-3 win.




QB:Benji wasn't spectacular, and in fact was, at times, downright spotty and skittish.He finished 10 of 15 for 149 yards and no INTs/no TDs, although he came dangerously close to a couple of hideous picks.The poor pass o' the day award would probably go to the quail-like bomb Ben attempted to El in the 2Q, which was woefully underthrown.If his thumb is what's causing this kind of woeful underthrow, opposing defenses will hawk to that shortcoming like rice on roni.There was also a horrific throw across the body on a scramble deep in Vike territory, which was dropped by DE Darrion Scott.Ben also had a botched snap exchange with Hartings on 3d & goal at the Minn 2 on the very first drive, which forced a FG.Benji slipped in a bizarre manner while back in the pocket on the 2nd series, which helped cause a sack.His TD run showed a good mix of pocket presence, agility, and guts.�� Overall, this was moderately acceptable QB play, but not the kind that will win a playoff game against a solid opponent.B-.


RB:Willie got the start and had a solid game, gaining 81 yards on just 14 carries.The big play, of course, was the 49-yard dash in the 3Q, which set up the FG that put the Stillers firmly ahead, 13-3.Parker also had 2 grabs for 16 yards.Bettis got some work in relief, gaining a paltry 16 yards on 9 carries.The "Great God of Short Yardage" was toppled like a sapling on a 3d & 2 in the 4Q for a 1-yard loss.Big Jerome was also soft and feeble in blitz pickup on 2 & G at the Minn 3, which forced Benji to run for his life and nearly throw a horrible INT to a DE.Haynesie saw a lot of work in garbage time, and churned out some nice runs.Duce Staley, the best all-around RB on the roster, was fully healthy but not permitted to dress, which must be horribly embarrassing to this veteran, in-his-prime player.B+.


FB: Kreider played some and did ok, more so in the 2nd half.The Vikes used a clever tactic, whether intentional or not, of simply diving at Kreider's legs on a couple plays, which upended Big Dan and obviously nullified his lead block.B-.


WR:For once, Ward did not lead the way for the WR corps today.In fact, he was basically at the bottom of the receiving heap, snaring 2 passes for a puny 11 yards.(One catch was for 11 yards; the other for zero.)He also had a semi-drop on a 3d & 4 pass that was thrown a bit behind him.El led the way, grabbing 2 passes for 48 yards, most of which was gained off good RAC.Wilson had 2 grabs for 16 yards, but the 1 catch was a key reception in the 3Q on a 3d & 12 that gained the requisite 12 yards.Morgan had a good block on El's 28-yard catch-and-run.Perhaps the concern is more so rooted with Ben's thumb, but I worry about the extreme lack of verticality in this WR corps.B+.��


TE:Miller opened the game fast & furiously, grabbing a pass for 8 yards on the first play from scrimmage, and then, 2 plays later, grabbing a crosser and eluding 2 tacklers, en route to a 50-yard gain.He was thrown just 1 pass thereafter and was basically written out of the playcalling.He allowed some leakage and penetration with his run blocking.There's absolutely no reason why this guy shouldn't catch, at a minimum, 4 passes per game.His progress and prowess as a receiver is probably the most pleasing aspect of this 2005 team.A-.


OL: A somewhat decent day, though far from superb.The pass pro wasn't all that shabby; some of the sacks were coverage sacks or, on the 1 sack, Benji slipping on bone-dry turf.Essex got tooled somewhat on this play, although, overall, his play was far superior to the garbage we'd seen from him just a couple weeks ago.Maxi Pad Starks, who nearly has the reach of Shaq O'Neal, inexplicably alligator-armed his blocking on a 2Q sack.The plethora of penalties was the ugliest part of today's effort.Right from the get-go, Simmons was flagged for a hold on a running play.On the next play, Starks was whistled for a false start.Faneca had a false start in the 2Q; Simmons a false start in the 3Q; and Essex was flagged for a hold (on a running play) in the 4Q.Hartings was also flagged for a false start on 4th & inches, but this seemed to be a bullshit call as the flag seemed to be thrown for his ducking of his head, which he did twice on this play and all centers do on virtually every play.Hartings, who was so solid last week, had some troubles with Big Pat Williams.Essex, as noted above, was hardly dominant but mostly played acceptably.B-.


DL:The D-line, which has been shabby and quiet most of the season, had a very strong game today.The holes in the Viking ground game were kept to a bare minimum and the pocket containment (not that Bad Johnson is any kind of scrambling threat) and pressure were constant.The work near their own goal line was superb.Kimo had a strip of Bennett on the 1st series, but Benny recovered.Hampton helped seal the win by blowing the center (Withrow) 2 yards off the LOS and then forcing Bennett to stutter wide and be dropped for a safety.Smitty had a solid effort, and Keisel and Kirschke chipped in off the bench.Kimo had a foolish offsides.Overall, although the opposing O-line was rather mediocre, this was the D-line's best showing in quite some time.A.


LB:The LB corps in the 3-4 defense is designed to make big plays, something that we've not seen in weeks, if not months.Today, the LBers snapped out of their funk with their best all-around effort of the season.Leading the way, strangely enough, was Larry SlowaFoote, who had a career game.Foote showed agility, tackling technique, even quickness -- pretty much all the things that he has rarely ever shown on any given Sunday in his largely undistinguished career.He helped polish off Bennett for the safety, although, like a complete jackass, he had to whoop and taunt, which drew a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct flag.Farrior snapped out of a long funk with some solid run-stuffing.Even Joey Porter got into the act, providing some pass pressure and grabbing an easy INT off a dropped pass that clanged off the pads of Koren Robinson.Clark Haggans had his usual steady, unspectacular-but-effective game, though he was flagged for a late masking penalty and was also slow and timid on Bennett's 18-yard dash early in the game.In all, an impressive day for the LBs, something that we'd all been waiting for during the past 13 weeks.�� A.


DB:There was some spottiness and overt softness from time to time, but overall the secondary had a solid day. Ike led the way with a bunch of bustups, including a near-TD catch by M. Rob in the EZ off a short lob that Ike was able to rip away just a millisecond before any ref would have signaled a TD.He allowed some deep outs on outrageously soft coverage, but overall had a good afternoon.He dropped an easy INT that would have been 6 points late in the 4Q.Pola had an active day, though he was flagged for a very ticky-tack PI penalty.Townsend, who was dinged up going into this game, played ok.He dropped an easy INT early in the 2Q, but later in the quarter, picked off a quail in the EZ.McFadden saw a fair amount of PT.As usual, Chris Hope was all but invisible.The overall grade would probably be higher if the caliber of the opposing QB were a bit higher than a sorry SOB like Bad Johnson.A-.


Spec teams:Some good, some bad.El did his usual, ineffective reverse pivot on the first couple punt returns, gaining next to nothing.He finally decided to take the ball north-south, and 72 yards later, he set up the Stillers at the Minn 14 for their lone TD drive.The Stillers recovered a 3Q KO after an intentionally high, short spinner was muffed by the Dykings.Kimo blocked a FG, although Edinger's boot was so pitifully low that any 5-foot tall human could have stood flatfooted and reached a paw up and blocked it.Gardicki had a rare, good day booting the ball, both in distance as well as landing the ball inside the 5.On the down side, the coverage was spotty and the spec teams were hit with a couple yellow flags.The first two Stiller punts were returned 17 & 18 yards by the Vikes.The 2H KO was returned 43 yards by Da Dykes.Randle El allowed a punt to hit him after he peeled off from his FC signal; while attempting to block a Vike, he got shoved onto the ground and the ball hit his noggin, thereby resulting in a costly turnover deep in Stiller territory.Stuvaints was flagged for an illegal block on a PR, although a Minn penalty nullified that flag.But on the re-punt, Logan was flagged for a hold, which negated El's 21-yard return. ��B.


OC:Cheezenhunt had the right idea, exploiting Miller early on the opening drive, good for 2 grabs for 58 yards.It worked so well that it displeased Cheezenhunt to the point that aside from 1 other short passing attempt, he refused to get the ball to Miller the entire remainder of the game.Cheeze can't use the "Miller had to stay in and block" excuse, either, because Essex was playing much better today, as noted above.The use of the SG on 3rd & 2 -- twice, no less -- is as annoying as it is maddening.There should also be some concern that the lone TD drive was all of 14 yards, so it's not like this offense was a juggernaut against a very average Dyking defense.I suppose Cheezenhunt deserves enormous props for going with a silent count, something he did not do in the game in Indy's RCA Dome.Silent count for an NFL team playing inside an enemy dome�.?�� Gee, what a revolutionary idea!!B-.


DC:LeBeau played a lot of vanilla in the 1H, which helped keep the Dykes in the game.He turned up the heat in the 2H -- even using a rare CB blitz -- which forced a load of erratic passes and throwaways.Beware, though; come playoff time, he'll face offenses that are, oh, about 12 times better than the sorry offense he faced today.B.


HC:Cowhard had his team focused and moderately fired up, although the plethora of foolish penalties is disturbing and absolutely must be whittled down.The spottiness on STs is still a nagging concern, despite El's 72-yard PR jaunt.It would seem fair to also bestow adulation on Cowhard for going with the silent count on offense; one can only wonder why the imbecile didn't do this 3 weeks ago in Indy.B+.


Synopsis:Obviously, this late in the season and with a wild card berth in question, this was a must-win game and the team responded with the similar desperation as last week's win over Chico.Although getting the W is great, it has to be kept in perspective, given the overt mediocrity of the opponent.Is the defense rounding into form, or was it simply the case of feasting on the laughable likes of Bad Johnson and Michael Bennett, after last week's feasting of Kyle Orton?My analysis tells me it's the latter.Two more sub par opponents remain -- Clev and Detroit -- although the Browns will be fired up to spoil the Stillers' playoff hopes and Crenell has them playing some hard-nosed, respectable football.I expect a tooth n' nail dogfight (no pun intended) up at the Dawg Pound next Saturday.



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