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Caught in the back!

September 25, 2005 by Still Trap

Some Things I Think I Think�

Some Things I Think I Think�.


Trap has been out of commission for the past several months due to going through a divorce.It�s been trying times, and Trap is still in love with his gorgeous ex-wife, Robin.Trap made many mistakes, and wishes he had a time machine to correct them.But, alas, he cannot�


-          The first regular season loss of his career for Big Ben.He looked completely discombobulated throughout much of the second half.His line let him down, and his mechanics went out the window, causing numerous passes off the mark.This game could be a good learning experience for Big Ben if he and Whipple can get back to some basics after film study and hard practice sessions.

-          Ken Cheesenhunt drew the wrath of Trap with one of the most putrid gameplans of his career as an offensive coordinator.Cheese abandoned the run early and often, and the passing game had no rhythm and no coordination.It was as if the 85-yard TD came too easy.Cheese also failed to capitalize on a secondary that lost 2 or 3 starters throughout the game.With that many starters out, Cheese should have gone 4-wide ,and let Cedric and Quincy exploit inferior defenders in the secondary.But, NO � Cheese decided this would be too much of an unfair advantage for the Stillers, and eschewed it.

-          Trap maintains that there are not many teams that have the quality at #3 and #4 wide receiver as the Stillers do with Cedric Wilson and Quincy Morgan.It�s time they use that advantage.

-          NEWSFLASH!!!!The Stillers actually USED a play that Trap has been pleading for for over 12 years!!!!!!!The quick, pop-pass to the tight end over the middle to negate a blitz.The play worked EXACTLY the way Trap said it would, and it will all the time.Heath Miller gained 13 yards on the play!In fact, it worked so good that Cheesenhunt never used it again!!!Thanks, Ken.

-          Which begs the question:WHY did the Stillers use the #1 draft pick on Heath Miller?Why did they use it on a tight end??Seriously.There was no point in wasting a high pick on a position that you simply were not going to utilize.The opportunity cost of drafting Miller was possibly�.Shaun Cody of USC???More draft picks with a trade down??Bottom line is this:plays to Miller WORK, and are never used again � therefore, the pick was wasted.

-          Joey Porter had yet another horrific game.He has been passed in a big way by Clark Haggans as the best OLB on the team.Porter did nothing, and in fact, finished with just one tackle and no assists.He had the envious opportunity to go against a greenhorn rookie at left tackle when Light got hurt, and responded by getting his own ass handed to him all day long.He should give back his game check.This site may soon start a Porter Report, much like the old Gildong report, as Joey was caught jogging more than a few times as the play went by him today��Joggin� Joey�.

-          Troy who????The Tazmanian Devil must have caught a flight to Tazmania, because he was rarely on the field all day.An embarrassment from the man who was defensive player of the week last week.And his flop and flail on the Corey Dillon TD was a carbon copy of the same play run over troy in the playoffs last January.

-          Kendall Simmons was wretched.He got beaten and abused repeatedly, as did much of the offensive line.Some of that was due to Cheese�s gameplan (sic) that invited the Pats� defense to tee off on our linemen tima and time again.The Simmons situation must be watched, however, since his strength is at question, given the adult-onset diabetes he has.

-          Barrett Brooks needs to be CUT.Period.If Cowherd were a true leader, Brooks would be on the waiver wire tomorrow morning.A false start on a field goal, which many times doesn�t even have a snap count, is unforgivable.Brooks took three points off the scoreboard.Bellichick would never accept that.Cowherd will�..

-          James Farrior got faked out of his jock on more than one occasion by various running backs coming out of the backfield, and was left grasping for air, a few yards behind the receiver many times.This is a concern, considering Farrior was the defensive player of the year last season, and was next to invisible the past two games.

-          Trap watched most of the games in the NFL on The Ticket this week, and it is totally clear that the Stillers are the only team in the NFL that does not throw balls to its running backs out of the backfield.Trap is not talking about �safety Valves�, such as the lucky one to Verron Haynes today�, Trap is talking about real �plays� that isolate your RB on a linebacker, the way the Pats do it with Faulk and Dillon, the way the Jets do with Curtis Martin, the way the Colts do with Edgerrin James, etc��Trap guesses that it would just be too unfair to have Parker, running a 4.3-forty, isolated on some linebacker running a 4.8, so Cowherd won�t allow it!!!!

-          Unlike most in the media, and probably on this site, Trap does not fault Randal El for the lateral that was fumbled away.Fer chrissakes, the 8-milliondollar man, Hines Ward, had the ball tossed right into his gut!?!?And he can�t catch it????Please.Watch the tape � Hines watches the ball right into his hands, then looks upfield to see where he was gonna run, and never grasps the pigskin.Sorry, the pitch was perfect � Hines should have caught it.

-          The good:Cedric Wilson plucking balls out of the air like Jerry Rice.Marvel Smith had a nice day.Parker�s running is still hard and tough.A pass to Heath Miller to perfectly defeat the blitz.Reed�s field goals.Ben�s avoidance of repeated rushes.Kimo�s inspirational play.


Trap doesn�t mind this loss � sure, they all hurt, but it was a good loss to learn from.If the coaching staff plays it right, the team will learn more from this loss than they did from the to big wins against weakling defenses to start the year.Trap is optimistic that this will be the case, and that the bye week will come at just the right time for another long running win streak.


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