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Going Forward: Good, Bad, Feo

October 24, 2007 by Swissvale72

Going Forward: Good, Bad, Feo

Going Forward: Good, Bad, Feo

�nearing the halfway point

By Swissvale72



As we near Halloween, one of my favorite holidays (no presents, no big meal prep, being a fraud is legitimized, stuff our fat faces with candy), time to glance asunder at the coming months, the cold weather, the heart of the football season.BTW, that fuckwad Kenny Mayne is approaching Rich Eisen status with his annoying references to �tackle football.�


I�ve not come with numerous items to reports�.one good, one bad, one feo(one of the few Spanish words I remember�..sucked at foreign languages��even worse at Russian).


The Good:�� Perfect Fuckin� Storm

Perhaps the truest statement that ever parsed the lips of William Laird Cowher (prior to this ghastly dental makeover) was that the �05 Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers weren�t necessarily the best team, but rather the team that played best when it counted most.


Consider the parallels between the �05 squad, and the �74 Steeler edition, champions of SB IX.The �05 team had lost 3 straight, put together a run of 4 in a row to end the season, the final two wins over cupcakes, one of whom we struggled to beat, at home.They then went into Cinci, sent The Homo Carson Palmer the fuck home prior to halftime, with this team holding a 10-point lead, and won a game that we were supposed to win.Then�THEN�came the defining moment for this Steeler team, winning on the road against the mighty, pre-ordained Colts, the team that was headed for 16-0 that year, prior to hitting a couple speed bumps in December.The Steelers were double-digit underdogs, but walked away with a win that compared in significance to�


The �74 AFCCG.Take a look at that Steeler team.Hell, was the 10th game of a 14-game campaign, and T. Bradshaw�s ass was on the bench�.again, after having regained his starting job in game #7.Only a wretched T.Hanratty performance, about 3 for 26 passing, thrust TB back into the starting lineup.The Steelers subsequently dropped a 13-10 decision to lowly Houston, at TRS, it the season�s 12th game, prior to winning the final two regular season games.After beating Buffalo, as we should have�..the Steelers posted arguably the most significant win in team history, spanning the prior 40 years, as well as the 35 going forward.Joe Greene described it.Most people don�t know what the hell �The Zone� is, according to Mean Joe.He goes on to say that he, and his team, were in �The Zone� perhaps once ever, and it was on that Sunday afternoon in Oakland, December 29th, 1974.


Both of these teams, �05 and �74, won SB games that were, well�.odd�..hardly their team�s best performance, paling in comparison to their respective signature moments.


What�s that have to do with Mike Tomlin� s �07 Steelers?This seer portents a nice streak going forward, perhaps ending in Foxboro on December 9th, perhaps another tough afternoon prior to season�s end.But then�..should this team remain reasonably steady, an AFC North title is certainly attainable, a home Wildcard game�..then off to Indy or Foxboro again�.another defining game for the ages�.WAIT!!....make that two in a row this time�..then onto another sloppily-played but victorious Super Bowl.


Hey�I�ve never denied drinking the Kool-Aid.In fact, I�m a manufacturer and distributor.


The Bad; No Such Thing as a Gimme on the Road in the NFL

Found this out on Sunday night, didn�t� we??Found it out a couple weeks ago in Arizona, didn�t we?Guess what, we don�t shape the fuck up, we�ll find it out again this week against said Homo Carson Palmer and his Bungles.Make no mistake, these under-achievers, these jailbirds, can still carve up the Steeler defense.Damn�.if Jay Fuckin� Cutler can do it, then Homo Cornholer Palmer certainly has the wherewithal�.throwing to the likes of Ocho Fuckin� Cinco, and the Terrorist on the other side.


And damn, does this Bungle team ever have the motive.The �05 Playoff, The Homo�s early car ride the fuck home.Then last year, Steelers knock them from the playoff hunt, in OT, on the season�s last day�..after their kicker swallowed the apple for the 2nd consecutive week.


So�.I�m a nervous fuckin� wreck for this Sunday.In the Meadowland, Sunday before Turkey Day?Not counting that as a win either.Even against yet-winless St. Louis on the Thursday nighter, December 20th.Dome, Santa Claus�.could be trouble.Plus�.my ass will be in the air on the way to Florida as the game kicks off.Might need to miss my connection in DC�.rest of the family would be glad to leave my Steelers OCD ass at Ronald Reagan Airport, proceed on to the Sunshine State without the Family Pain in the Ass (�I know my cohorts from the Message Board, particularly my Staff Family would find that so very hard to believe).


The Feo:The Elam FG

Very, very, very bad sign that after our O, behind our porous line, battled back from a 2-TD deficit to tie the game, with a minute left�.our vaunted D allowed Jay Fuckin� Cutler to look like Tom Fuckin� Brady in �05 (hmmm�..could be another positive comp to our SB year), and march right down the fuckin� field on us.Very bad sign that this Steeler squad lacked the maturity, the will, the ability�.whatever the fuck it was they were lacking, to make the stop, proceed on to OT to win it on a Skippy Field Goal.Very bad sign�..a portender of doom.


Added Bad:Hmmm�.hadn�t planned on this section, but I�m not re-writing the whole fuckin� article. Fuck that�.got a meeting in 10 minutes.

This Fuckin� line sucks�..line was no great shakes in �05 either.It�s a damn good thing that Ben resembles Houdini�made a career out of running for his fuckin� life.Bet that had something to do with surviving Martha Whashername from Squirrel Hill at the Armstrong Tunnel.He�s damn good at getting outta the way of stuff intended to do him in.


The Aaron Smith injury�.this one hurts.We�ve been able to count on this D stuffing the run.Can we still?Nick Eason?Travis Kirschke?Who the fuck are they??Their presence hasn�t been so bad as to be that noticeable, but holding down this spot, for a few weeks.Hmmm�..longing for Kimo�.damn, would have been something to have him back, in the starting lineup vs. the Bungles.The Home likely would�ve shit his pants�run home and hid in the basement.


That�s it, Asshats�thoughts for the week.Oh, this game�s on tape this week�.yours truly will be at a swim meet at Colby-Sawyer College, dozing off to assorted breaststrokes and butterflys come kickoff.Criticize me�..don�t care what the fuck you think.I�ll have earplugs in�won�t know the outcome�.I�ll enjoy it as a prime time affair Sunday Night.

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