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Stillers-Ravens Postgame Analysis & Grades

December 25, 2006 by Still Mill

Ravens, 31, Stillers 7 ���Game 15
Ravens, 31, Stillers 7���. Dec. 24, 2006 ����Game #15��


Stillers-Ravens Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers, supposedly bitter about the previous assbeating administered by the Ravens and desperate to make the playoffs, instead meekly bowed out of the playoff chase while receiving another assbeating, 31-7 at the hands of the RatBirds.You'll hear blather that this one was "closer" than the previous asswhipping, but if you didn't ruin your Xmas Eve by watching the carnage, you can be assured that this whipping was every bit as bad as the one administered 4 weeks ago.




QB:It'd be easy to assert that BenRoth played like manure, but he didn't even play up to that particular level.He stunk early and then stunk often, in one of the most wretched QB performances in Pittsburgh since Mike Tomgack served as QB.A prime example of his wretchedness was the 3rd & 4 pass to a WIDE open Holmes on a short crosser in the 1Q.Using mechanics more befitting a 4th grader making his 1st ever start at QB, Roth threw flatfooted in a bizarro, stilted manner, which caused the ball to sail well over Tonio's head.�� There was a shitty pass into the dirt on 3rd & 2 in the 3Q.There was the taking of a sack deep in Raven territory, late in the 2Q, when a simple throw-away into the bleacher would have saved a TO.Ben had a nice lob to Holmes that netted 31 yards in the 3Q, and he had a solid 21-yard scramble early in the 4Q.He also had a TD-saving tackle on Reed on a play eerily similar to the game-saving tackle of Harper in the AFCC last January.Perhaps if Roth keeps up his wretched play, he can find work at safety.�� Just kidding, but his performance was extremely substandard.�� D


RB:Parker found the going tough, with holes coming few and far between and defenders penetrating the backfield with all the ease of proceeding through a bank drive-through on a federal holiday.Of course, Parker wasn't allowed to participate in the passing game at all the entire game, because shorts flips to a RB would have destroyed, not built, confidence by the struggling QB.�� Parker's best run, early in the 4Q, ended in disaster, when Ivy was able to rip the ball away from Parker just before he was down.Davenport had 1 plunge for a whopping 1 yard.��C��


FB: Kreider saw limited work, and was only marginally effective when on the field.�� Inc.


WR:Ward led the way with 8 grabs for 79 yards.He made an outstanding grab on a deep out in the 2Q for 17 yards, and also had a nice RAC on a WR screen in the 1Q for 12 yards.He did have a bobble & drop in the 4Q, although the game was over by that point.Holmes was misfired upon by BenRoth numerous times in the 1H, but the 2 clicked in the 2H.Tonio had the big 31-yard gain on the deep lob and finished with 5 grabs for 90 yards.Wilson had 2 grabs, though he dropped an out-curl late in garbage time.Nate had one meaningless grab for 9 yards. ��B


TE:Miller had 3 grabs for a meager 12 yards, though he did have the key TD catch late in the 1H to pull the Stillers within 7 points.This was a solid play by Heath, in which he fought off a defensive hold by Johnson (who was flagged) and put himself in good position for the TD catch.Miller also had a solid block on Ward's 12-yard WR screen.But, overall, this will be a game-film that Miller hopes to have burned and destroyed forever.In the 2Q, lined up in the backfield on 2d & 5, he got totally blistered backwards by a middle-rushing Thomas, resulting in a sack.For chrissakes, a TE in the NFL has got to let lower and at least slow down on a rusher on a play like this.Not to be outdone, Miller was one of the last men defending on Landry's 4Q INT return, and Lil' Ed Reed simply mauled and steamrolled Miller on a block, springing Landry for even more return yardage.Getting run over by Thomas is at least excusable; getting run over by Reed is a downright embarrassment.�� Miller was also whistled for a false start.Tuman, as usual, did nothing.��� C-


OL: The line had picked itself up in the 3 games since the Raven assbeating in game 11, but of course that was against a lot of cupcake opposition.The line regressed to its Game 11 ways, getting manhandled and abused at every opportunity.Smith, lunging forward like a complete imbecile, got whipped on a 2d & goal late in the 2Q, resulting in a BenRoth flush.KenDoll Simmons got thoroughly whipped by Gregg on a run from the Pit 4-yard line, resulting in a 1-yard Parker loss.�� In the 4Q, KenDoll got eaten alive by Ngata, resulting in a 5-yard loss on a SG draw by Parker.KenDoll also committed a false start.Faneca was tooled on the last play of the 3Q, resulting in a QB flush.In the 4Q, Faneca was handily beaten by Pryce, which allowed Pryce to get a hand on Benji's throwing hand and force a fluttery pass that was INT'd.Colon started in his first active game ever, and had his share of struggles.He was whipped badly to the inside on a near INT by Landry on a slant to Holmes in the 1Q.In fact, his primary struggles came whenever a rusher cut to the inside.He fared okay in terms of shielding the rusher to the outside, and the running games best runs came up RT.In all, the O-line should be ashamed for having their collective asses handed back to them for the 2nd time this season by the PoeBirds.�� D.


DL:A fairly hum-drum game.Hampton was easily tied up on the Mughelli plunges.The pocket push was totally non-existent.�� Keisel had a decent stuff of Lewis on a 3rd & 2 deep in Stiller territory in the 4Q.�� Overall, no one should be all too proud from this unit.���� C+.


LB:A pretty lackluster performance by the entire crew.Foote had poor over-pursuit on a Mughelli plunge, resulting in a 12-yard gainer.Foote got stiff-armed onto the turf Lewis on a middle-dump in which Lew gained 9 yards.Farrior feebly whiffed on Wilcox just before Townsend made the stop and strip for a key TO in the 3Q.Farrior, the Winged God of TE Coverage, was fooled badly on the Wilcox TD.Haggans got nicked up in the 2Q and had to leave the game for a while, but later returned.He was sloppy on a valve dump to Lewis in the 4Q, allowing Lew an extra 4 yards on the 11-yard gain.��


���� Big Joey Porter, who'd been used by Jon Ogden as Ogden's personal little bitch in the previous meeting, was given a huge reprieve due to Ogen's injury, which forced 2nd year tackle Adam Terry to make his first ever NFL start.From watching the game, most Stiller fans probably thought Ogden dressed and played, because Porter was a total, absolute NON FACTOR the entire game.The summary-stat sheet credited Big Joey with 4 solos and 3 assists, but when you review the full play-by-play on, you see that Porter had only 2 weak-assed solos and 5 slop-assed assists.He was left unblocked most of the game, and NEVER double-teamed, NOT ONCE, NOT EVER, the entire game.�� He did absolutely NOTHING the entire game.Nothing, but a big bag of hot, smelly air.�� On McNair's 4th & 1 sneak, Porter-Potty was left UNBLOCKED and untouched, and McNair's initial plunge was firmly rebuffed.But McNair spun to his left, and there stood Big Joey Porter, untouched and unblocked, who could have put a lick on McNair and stopped him short of the sticks.Instead, Porter meekly pawed at McNair and allowed the QB the easy yardage for the 1st down.Instead of a stop and a change of possession, Balt. kept the ball.On the very next play, McNair hit Clayton for a 35-yard TD, and the Ravens never looked back.�� "It's a fine line," says Billy Cowher.It's a fine line between making a SIMPLE, CAKE-EASY stop of a QB sneak, and standing around with thumb up orifice, which allows the 1st down and the long TD on the ensuing play.�� Then there's the Lewis 9-yard reception late in the 2Q, where Foote was stiff-armed.Big Joey was back in coverage on the play, and with Lewis running from right to left, Lewis was stumbling after the stiff-arm right into Big Joey's zone.HERE was a perfect opportunity for "the most feared man in the NFL" to lay the wood to Lewis, and perhaps, for once, even created a forced fumble off a big hit.Instead, Porter meekly, like a complete fag, pawed at Lewis's head n' shoulders, and got trucked in hilarious fashion by Lewis !!�� Big Joey got credit for 1 of his 2 "solo tackles", but ended up on his back like a $10 whore with Jamaal Lewis on top and shoving Joey's face into the turf.�� Completely embarrassed and humiliated, on the next play Big Joey (totally unblocked, as usual) came over to Lewis after a line plunge, and attempted to eye-gouge Lewis.�� What a dumb fuck !!�� Porter was flagged for a dead ball personal foul, and 3 plays later the Ravens scored a TD to go up 14-0.I hear bullshit all the time about "what a great leader Big Joey is".Great leaders don't commit a dumfucked penalty, with the season on the line, with a cheap, gutless, classless, Raider-esque eye-gouge.The man is an embarrassment to Stiller football and the NFL should fine and suspend his sorry ass.��


���������� Big 3:C.��� Big Joey Porter:�� F.

DB:McFadden led the way with a solid game, making some decent tackles and making a terrific INT on an athletic play along the sideline.Of course, he had to ruin it by acting like a complete jackass after the INT, preening and gesturing like an imbecile while his team was behind 21-7 in the 3Q.(Of course, he gets this honestly by simply emulating his defensive captain that woofs and prances after the simplest of slop stops.)He had a nice stuff of Mason on a 0-step hitch for no gain, but had a slip & whiff of Clayton on a 0-step hitch that netted 10 yards.Tony Smith missed a tackle of Lewis en route to a 14-yard run in the 1Q.He also appeared to have drifted too far to the sideline on the Clayton post for a TD.


���������� Troy Pola returned from his injury layoff and probably wished he'd have sat this one out.He got beaten by Clayton (with no deep help, though) for a TD in the 1Q.In the 3Q, he was beaten on a chair route by Williams for a 25-yard TD.I could live with the Clayton TD; this one by Williams was unacceptable.The pattern was ordinary; Pola took a poor angle on the initial out and then showed no acceleration whatsoever when Williams turned it upfield.Townsend had a Dong interception off a moronic bobble by Clayton that popped the ball right into Town's hands.Townsend did make a stellar play on the FF of Wilcox, clawing and stripping the ball from the much bigger Wilcox.Ike and Carter saw decent PT in the package defenses.�� ���C-


Spec teams:Another day of stupidity and mediocrity from the STs.Gardocki punted like dogshit, including a 2Q punt from the Stiller 44-yard line that hit at the 6 and rolled immediately into the EZ.Yes, I know, no punter is perfect, but dammit, it'd be nice for just once, in an entire season, for a punter to hit a "pitching wedge with back spin" that hits at the 6 and dies right on the spot.Morey, back to field a KO, watched the ball roll precariously near the sideline chalk.Instead of letting it roll OOB or, at worst, roll into the EZ for a TB, the splendid ST captain and longtime Cowhard favorite instead took a stab at the ball and bobbled it OOB at the 5-yard line like a complete dumbass. ��On a 4Q punt, Morey, the splendid ST captain and longtime Cowhard favorite, committed two fouls, getting flagged for holding as well as a dead-ball roughness penalty. Warren, with atrocious technique, made a good stop in punt coverage in the 3Q.�� C


OC:After getting shut out by Balt. 4 weeks ago, and in total desperation of trying to make the playoffs, you'd think Cheezenhunt would come up with a few wrinkles to at least go down valiantly.Instead, he simply pulled the Game 11 game-plan out of the file cabinet, handed it out, and stupidly went about his business.The game plan was as dull and rancid as spoiled milk left over from Thanksgiving Day.�� Of course, when your very 1st play from scrimmage -- which is typically rehearsed at least 20 times before the game -- gets botched on a miscommo by either the QB or RB, you know your OC's head wasn't quite altogether during the week's preparation.


���� The crisp drive at the end of the 1H, which involved short passes and a hurry-up offense, should have awoken Cheezenhunt from his slumber, but in the 3Q, down 21-7 after the half-opening march by Balt, Cheezenhunt reverted to his vanilla, simpletonistic game plan, running Parker up the gut 3 consecutive times before a BenRoth incompletion on 3rd & 11 forced a punt.�� Then there was the mindless, brainless, plunge by Davenport at 10:49 of the 4Q, with the team on its own 23-yard line and down 21-7.This is supposed to be a desperation game here, and the offense is running line plunges into the teeth the premier run defense in the NFL, down 14 points with 10 minutes left in the season.Then there's the total lack of use of Parker in the passing game.The QB is struggling to find his confidence, and the Ravens are teeing off.The running game isn't exactly imitating the '67 Packers.Why the hell not flip the ball to Parker on a quick flare pass?�� Then there's the asinine use of Heath Miller as essentially a blocking FB on passing plays.�� For starters, Miller is your biggest target and one of the better pass-catchers on the team, and is a very under-rated RAC runner. He needs to be out in the pattern. Secondly, if all you want is a big, strong, stout blocker to help pass block for BenRoth, why not simply use the BEST man for the job, Dan Kreider??�� At least Kreider wouldn't have his ass blistered backwards 4 yards by Adalius Thomas, and Kreider is more than capable at catching valve dumps.�� In all, a horrendous coaching job by Cheezenhunt.��� Any GM that watched this debacle and still wants to hire the moron as a HC, has got to be a complete fool.���� D

DC:Once again, Dick got carved up by McNair.It was sickening to see McNair at game's end, with a jersey so clean that Tide would be proud to sponsor the man, despite playing an entire game on a mud bog totally devoid of the slightest blade of grass.The only time McNair got the slightest bit dirty, was when he knelt down with the ball to end the 1st half.Other than that, he could have eaten a sandwich back in the pocket.I was also peeved about Dick's failure to prep for quick hitters by Mughelli.In the previous meeting, Mughelli rushed 4 times for 21 yards, which is a nice 5+ yards per carry.�� Yesterday, Mughelli again rushed 4 times for 21 yards.Any OC in the league will take 5+ yards per crack on a FB plunge.�� It was painfully obvious that Dick failed to learn from the prior meeting and have his LBs ready for the quick-hitting FB plunges, particularly against an O-line missing its starting LT and down to its THIRD left guard when Brown left the game midway through due to injury.Dick had several field days the past month, feasting on greenhorn QBs and bumbling offenses, and facing a rather mediocre Raven offense, LeBeau was befuddled and inept.��C-


HC:It all starts at the top, and Cowhard's overt disinterest, lack of focus, and lack of firm discipline all played a very large role in today's season-ending defeat.When a team cannot execute its game-opening play because of a totally botched assignment, it's a very sure sign of piss poor preparation.�� (The same thing happened in the Jan. 1996 AFC playoff game in the Boston fog.)�� When a team, supposedly desperate to remain in the playoff hunt, comes out with a pussified game plan and then plays pussy paw-paw with the opposition and get dominated on both sides of scrimmage, it's a team that lacks focus, toughness, intensity, and intestinal fortitude.When a team commits 2 dead-ball penalties and also has a player preening and rejoicing late in the 3Q while down 14 points, it's just another example of dozens this season of a total lack of discipline and standards of conduct.Cowhard has talked a big game all season, but his focus, attention to detail, motivation of players, and discipline has been utterly piss poor.��� F


Synopsis:The season is now obviously over.This loss stings, because at home, in a do-or-die situation, against a hated rival that had embarrassed the Stillers 4 weeks prior, I expected the team to come out breathing fire and cracking skulls.Instead, the entire team went into a collective funk and sulk, and meekly bowed out in embarrassing fashion.Next week's game against the Bungals is merely an opportunity to spoil the Bungal playoff hopes; not that the Bungals will do any damage even if they do sneak into the playoffs.�� After the season, our crack staff will analyze the team and the road ahead.With any kind of luck, Cowhard will soon announce his retirement and the team can then shed itself of the mustached albatross and find a real leader with commitment, dedication, and intelligence.



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)




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