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Jagoffs Post-Mortem….Bungals lie in wait

September 20, 2006 by Swissvale72

Jagoffs Post-Mortem�.Bungals lie in wait

Random Thoughts        By Swissvale72

I wasn�t that upset�during the game, after the game, no mother-fuckin��.no throwin� things at the screen�.wasn�t that upset.  Was able to smile, laugh, the next day.  Know why?   

PEIS (Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome).   Thought I had purged it from my system�.guess I�m still afflicted.  We won the fuckin� Super Bowl!! Still basking.  Probably another reason�.talk about it some other time.

Jags game:  Can�t block 7 with 9�.can�t block those beasts in Jax�s front 7.  Oh�is Jacksonville some Rastafarian center?  What�s with the proliferation of dreadlocks on that D.  We�ll probably see Del Rio in dreadlocks next week.  Shall we assume that ol� Jack from SC doesn�t keep the axe in the lockerroom anymore??

Game started out okay�.Ben completes his first 2 balls for 1st downs to the two tight ends.  Then�.what happened??  Ced drops a ball�.Ben overthrows Hines� we know, it�s d�j� vu of last year�s Indy Monday nighter.   Run, run, pass, punt�, run, pass, punt.  And�enough of the hatin� on FWP�.Jim Brown, Gayle Sayers, Walter Payton�.nobody was runnin� on that D on Monday night, not with our inability to block their fronts.

Our D:  funny game.  Only surrendered 3 FGs, but couldn�t come up with the big stops when needed.  Two damn many pickups on 3rd & long.  Ike got lambasted by Cowher; so did Carter.  We�ve got to tackle better�.got to apply more heat to the QB.

Okay�..gotta talk about the announcers.  Tony Kornheiser in the booth�.like having one of the posters from this site� of the less astute ones.  Doesn�t� know shit about football.  Truth is�..said this on a thread�.I could do without any of the announcers.  Gimme the down/distance/time/score box�.gimme the yellow first down line (televised football�s greatest invention), gimme the ref�s mike & the crowd noise�.then Shut the Fuck Up�and let me watch.  And please, please, who the FUCK wants to see the idiots in the booth???  Drives me fuckin� insane when they do that.  I wanna see the packages, wanna see the pre-snap movement.  I have no interest, NONE, ZERO�.in seeing Dwayne Fuckin� Wade.  Wouldn�t care if it was John Lennon�s ghost, Mother Theresa�s spirit, Abe FuckinLincoln�..don�t give a shit�.don�t wanna see �em� me the fuckin� field!!!!

Okay�..moving on�..

Bungals this week:  The pussy Bengals.  Let�s remember though, that these same pussy bengals�.yes, the very same GOP (Gang of Pussies) beat the Steelers, at Heinz, in December�and�.guess what�.following a Steelers road loss on Monday night.  Didn�t like this scenario when I first saw it last Spring.

Just goes to show that the unthinkable can happen.  Pussies can score more points than tough resolute  mother-fuckers like the Pittsburgh Steelers sometimes.

Anyone doubt the Bengals are pussies��just check out the Game of the Week piece from last year�s playoff game, the part where Gay-Ass Palmer, Gaybo Kitna, and some other faggot put their hands together, and squeal��put a hurtin� on the Steel Curtain.�  Please!!  What kind of homosexual bonding was that??? But I'm going to have sex with Spiker :)

Doubt the Bengals are pussies�..The Cornholer, Carson Palmer, was on his way home to his living room prior to halftime in last year�s Divisional Playoff.  I know the guy was hurt, and badly, but to have your wifey-poo take you home to the sofa, before halftime�.when your team�s still in the lead�.how the fuck can his teammates ever look at the Cornholer the same way??

However�pussies can melt steel� we�ve got to be sending our A-game!! 

Here�s what will happen.  Ben will be back to his messianic best.  He�ll be making plays�.he�ll have his swagger.  As usual, we will run on the supposedly improved, but still soft, Bungals D.  The D will strap it on against the Bungals.  The Cornholer will complete some balls�..they�ll have some success running�.but not enough!!

Steelers will win by a 31-20 margin.

Last football note, prior to my typical digressions:

Please�.don�t suggest that Bengal fans should have been rooting for a Steelers victory on Monday�so as not to face an angry Steelers club.  The Bengals need the Steelers to lose�to whomever, whenever, as often as they can.  Don�t forget�.entirely possible for the Bengals to lose twice to the Steelers, still luck out & win the division.  Were we rooting for a Browns win over the Bengals�.�cause we didn�t want to face a fired-up Bengals team??  Fuck No!!!   There�s such a thing as standings�.Bengals losses help us; Steelers losses help them�.that fuckin� simple!!

Digression I:  Kennywood story�.telling this to a friend yesterday, gorgeous friend at that.

Was at the Kennywood pool, about 11, 12 years old�.little, fat boy from Swissvale.  Was on the high dive, about 40 people lined up behind me on every rung of the ladder, behind me on the board�got scared�..couldn�t do it�.made them all climb back down so I could get off.  

A couple years later, I finally built up the courage to jump off that high-dive�.thought I�d never never come up.  Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub�..� I was gasping for air.  Pool couldn�t have been more than 12 feet deep, but I thought I was in 20,0000 Leagues Under the Sea. I was praying to God for my survival, making the sign of the cross, blessing myself�..saying, �Please God�..let me survive�I promise�I�ll never do this again!�  Finally�..after what seemed to be an eternity, I surfaced.  Know what��never again went back on a high dive.

Digression II: Approrpo, �cause it�s Bengals week, but how many of you have been approached by homosexuals.  I don�t see myself as particularly appealing in that way, but I had one experience�..and honest to God, it was driving through��OHIO!!!!   I kid you not!!!!  Was driving back from Memphis to Pittsburgh�.I was 22 years old�.(was right after the opening Monday nighter of the �77 season�.we had just beaten San Fran�.speaking of gaybos).  I stopped in  a rest area�must�ve been about 3am.  Got out, decided to just stand by my car and relieve myself�I had to pee so bad!!  Well�.guy walks up, says to me, I�ll never forget it�.�I�ll take real good care of you.�  Well� one motion, I stopped mid-pee, think I stuffed myself back in my pants (might have forgotten to do that), got in my car, and zoomed out that place (looked like one of those cartoons, where the car has billows of smoke trailing it).  Was I scared?

Anyway��we�re 1-1�..pussy Bengals this week.  It�s as must as a 3rd game of the season can be.  Would suck to go into the bye week on a 2-game losing streak, have that hanging �til the SD game on October 8th.

Again, 31-20�.Black & Gold.   PEIS�.think it�s incurable.

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