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Life in New England '05

September 24, 2005 by Swissvale72

�Greatest Fans in the World,���MY ASS

�Greatest Fans in the World,���MY ASS!!!


I should�ve known. After all, I�ve lived over half of my life in New England. Should�ve know that when I tuned in Boston Sports Radio, WEEI (850) this week (as much as I hate Fred Smerlas) hoping to hear my fill of Steelers-Patriots talk, that #1 in the hearts of this region�s fans will always be the Boston Red Sox�.especially when they�re collapsing. ��Nary a word of football to be heard.


Funny�.I�ve rooted for the Red Sox throughout my stay in New England. There was never any reason not to�never any conflict with the Pirates. Lately though, I�ve been silently hoping that they lose (and they have). I was at first bothered internally by this seemingly involuntary response. I�ve always rooted for the Red Sox�why not now!!Here�s why.The Pats fan, the �Greatest Fans in the World� is first and foremost a Red Sox fan�..and I hate those motherfuckers (�.even though some of them are my friends�..I hate that part of you). I want them to experience misery.


Now for this week�s game�my wish list:

1)       Want to run over Chad Brown�..want his skank, sushi-eatin� wife to be slapped with a fish from Wholley�s.

2)       Want Brady to break his fuckin� leg��hopefully via Fat Casey Hampton rollin� on him.

3)       Then the usual��

Want Willie to run wild

Want Ben to torch the rag-tag secondary

Want to kick Corey Dillon�s ass


A couple more things�.can�t we leave Cowher the fuck alone while he�s winning. He wins 34-7�.he�s accused of turtling.He wins 27-7�.he keeps the wrong guys�cuts the wrong guys�..he turtled too much 10 years ago�.he played the wrong players 5 years ago.

Believe me, I was pissed as hell with his FG call in the AFCCG�.and I�m sure we�ll have enough opportunity legitimately criticize him as the season progresses�.but calling for his head now???


Found a fellow Stiller fan at work here in New Hampshire. My buddy Ricard, who moved up this summer from New Orleans. We watched the game together last week�was a welcome respite for him from the pain and suffering that his family in Louisiana has experienced, and was a alot of fun for me.


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