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December 26, 2006 by Swissvale72







no playoffs either

By Swissvale72



Day after Christmas, no Steeler football to look forward to.Started writing yesterday, glad I waited until today to finish.


Maybe it�s best the Steelers lost on Sunday.Last night�s game would have made me insane otherwise, with the Jets winning late, Miami forgoing a 4th & 1 that would have put them in position to win, choosing the �safer� route by tying the game�..then losing anyway.


How many of you, like me, were watching, unsure of how you wanted it to end.Should we root for Miami, giving the Steelers the opportunity to knock the Bungals from the playoff pic themselves, or the Jets, because a Jets loss would be just too hard to take.A Jets loss would have meant that all of this weekend�s pieces to the playoff puzzle had fallen neatly into place, with the exception of our own game.We had choked on the only bite of the elephant that we had control over�..Bear Bryant would�ve had this team ready though.See ya Bill, thanks for bringing us One for The Thumb�.could�ve certainly happened earlier, wish you had followed The Bus with the retirement speech on the podium in Detroit.


Should we be surprised?Last 3 weeks, Steelers had beaten scrap heap teams, all playing with their second QBs.Barely beat the scrap heap Browns in Cleveland.Wanted to believe that our team was rising, wanted to believe that �nobody would want to face US in the playoffs.�Truth is, the 2006 Pittsburgh Steelers edition would strike fear into the hearts of no one.


Ravens game�.what an abysmal performance. Very first play�.busted play�.never got any better.Ben misses a wide-open Santonio early on a play that could have gone for big yardage.Allow the Ravens, of all teams, to pass all over us, have to bear McNair and his Alcorn A & M bullshit.Hope did end with the FWP fumble.FWP, and Ben though, in my estimation, draw a pass�..they did bring us a Super Bowl win�.pass is now used up though.And how, for Pete�s sake (�.who the fuck is Pete, anyway?), do we end up with the duo of Najeh Davenport and Sean Morey returning kicks.Morey, the brainy Ivy Leaguer�.stupid fuck picks up a kickoff that�s heading out of bounds and steps out himself at the 8�costing us 32 yardsI swear, at the exact same time on my upper TV, the Jags� Maurice Jones-Drew, a rookie, carefully watches a similar kick go out of bounds inside the 5, giving his team the ball on the 40.


Suffering right now from a different version of PEIS (Post-Euphoric Inconsolable Syndrome).One year ago, the Steelers had gained control of their own destiny.Those games beyond their control had gone their way, AND they had taken care of their own business.They awaited a New Year�s Day matchup with the Detroit Lions, knowing that a win would thrust them into the playoffs.Then, the glorious playoff run.



I might need to take a break from articles for awhile�.shut myself in a room, pull the blinds,would come out for GroundHog Day, but that�s pre-Super Bowl, too damn early.


Closing notes for this 2006 campaign:

Stocking of Christmas Cheer for:

Mill�..continuing to give me the opportunity to feed my addiction

InkedSports�.great pics, great prizes, making Trivia fun (pox on anyone that criticizes this guy)

GBall8man, ChiTraderRob�great tailgates

SignPlax�.cynical, but always knew he hoped he was wrong

Plaxicoiswacked�..holding down the fort in the Canadian hinterlands

Still it�.all superlatives



Cup of Wrath for:

Anybody, anybody��that calls attention, via a smiley face, to their being �right� , when being right is connected with a negative result for our Steelers, latest example being FWP�s fumble on Sunday. ��BE right�.DON�T delight!!


Giving thanks for�.growing up in Western Pennsylvania, Mon Valley in particular.Some argument as to what constitutes �Mon Valley.�Let�s settle it this way.If you could stand on a hillside in your town as a kid, see the barges of coal moving down the Monongahela River�.you�re Mon Valley.Anyway�.best place in the world to grow up, rooting for the best team, along with the best fans.


My recurring incredible San Diego dream�.I keep having it, but with a Pittsburgh interlude.


See yinz in �07.


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