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Stillers-Raidas Postgame Analysis and Grades

October 29, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers-Raiders postgame, Game #7

Raidas 20, Stillers 13 ��. Oct. 29, 2006 ����Game #7


Stillers-Raidas Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers slopped away yet another game, losing to the lowly Raiders in embarrassing fashion.This loss was similar to the others -- sloppy play; horrible turnovers; dumbassed penalties, and an uninspired effort led by a lethargic, dullardly coaching staff.




QB:Benji had a rocky day, completing 25 of 37 for 301 yards, but 4 INTs.�� To be fair, a couple of the INTs were fairly meaningless.The long INT in the 1Q, on 3rd & 8, was basically like a punt.�� The INT on the 4Q 4tH & 1 didn�t hurt the team (Oak turned the ball back w/o scoring), and even if it had been batted rather than INT�d, the Raiders would have had the ball on loss of downs.

���� But there were a host of mistakes that he personally made that led to defeat.He missed an open Miller down the seam in the 1Q, with too much loft & distance on the ball, and nearly got Miller killed.The deep out to Wilson that was incorrectly ruled incomplete, would have been an easy completion had the pass not been so low and underthrown.�� The INT that was returned by Asomugha off a deflection by rookie LB Tom Howard, was a rotten decision on a forced pass that was late over the middle.This same problem helped cause the INT at the GL by Carr, which was taken back 100 yards for the play that essentially iced the game.On that INT, Benji continued his wretched, stiff-legged form and threw late and awkwardly off his back foot into triple coverage, giving Carr eons of time to jump on the pass and snare it for the INT.�� Then, with time running out in the last minute of the game, Ben, with a fair amount of time in the pocket, took the sack by Sapp.This was an inexcusable sack, with no TOs remaining.Sapp came from the Steeler right -- not from the blind side -- and Ben simply had to chuck this pass in order to stop the clock.

���� Overall, Ben is a wreck right now, hampered by mechanics that are so piss-poor that Mike Prozac�s awful mechanics look acceptable in comparison.He�s constantly throwing off his back foot, and to add to his woes, he�s throwing straight-legged, with no bend in the knees.�� Thus, his passes are all arm, and he�s getting little zip or accuracy.��� D.


RB:Parker had some struggles in the 1H, but turned it on with a very solid 2H.He took a 4Q screen to the house for a clutch 25-yard TD, and set up the previous drive with a 39-yard jaunt on 3rd & short.�� Daven had a dubious stat line, rushing 4 times for 1 yards.He also committed a thoroughly dumbassed false start right after the 2MW, with the Stillers facing a 3d & goal at the 5.�� Haynes had a great effort on 2Q screen on 3rd & 9, gaining 10 with a good cut and then good bulling for extra yardage.��� Haynes was engulfd on a SG draw in the 4Q and got crushed, leaving the game with a knee injury that may shelve him for the season.Staley did not dress.��� Parker and Haynesie -B.��� Davenport -C.


FB:Kreider had some solid lead blocks, such as on Parker�s 39-yard romp, but like his mates, his blocking was spotty at times.�� He caught a couple dumpoffs and gained good yardage both times.�� B.��


WR:Ward was held to just 1 grab in the 1H, but caught fire in the 2H and finished with a team-high 8 grabs for 81 yards.The numbers don�t sound flashy, but Ward made some tough, tough catches and took a ton of punishment after the catch.

���� Wilson fumbled an end around late in the 1Q.He made a superb catch on a low out late in the 1Q, but the ref literally botched the call and ruled it incomplete, and the replay booth upheld that ruling.He finished with 5 grabs for 53 yards.

���� Holmes caught a deep lob for 38 yards and had 1 other grab for 5.�� I would have preferred that he came back just a bit for the late pass in the EZ that was busted up.This separation would likely have either allowed him to make the catch or made bust-up more likely to be flagged for PI.��

���� Nate was held catchless until the Hail Mary pass at game�s end that he hauled in for a fairly meaningless 49-yard gain.Nice effort and catch, but too little, too late.��� B+.


TE:Miller was so-so.�� He made a 2 grabs on short dumps.His biggest mistake was failing to haul what would have been a TD pass on the play prior to the Carr 100-yard INT return.Yes, it was a difficult opportunity off a poor pass, but the ball glanced off both hands and could have reasonably been hauled in.His run blocking was spotty and not as consistent as its been.Tuman caught a dumper and gained 2 yards.�� B-.


OL:��� The O-line was, for about the 5th time this season, sorry and shitty.Leading the way in piss-poor play was MaxiPad Starks, who got whipped and abused all day by Burgess on the speed rush.He got whipped by Burgess on a speed rushfor a 1Q sack, and on the next play, Ben threw the INT to Asomugha for the TD.Starks then got mauled by Burgess on a 3d & 12, which resulted in a sack and a near fumble late in the 1Q.When he wasn�t getting abused by Burgess, he was getting bullied by Sapp for the sack with 20 seconds left in the game.

���� Hartings bowed out to injury and was replaced by Okobi.�� Chuck had a good block on the Parker TD, but struggled in run blocking.One prime example was the 2nd & 2 plunge late in the 3Q, in which Chubby was literally pushed 2 yards back into the Stiller backfield, which caused Parker to be tripped up for no gain.2 plays later, Ben was picked off on 4th & 1, and you have to wonder what might have happened if Chubby hadn�t gotten mauled off the LOS on the 2nd & 2.

���� Kemo started and played okay.�� He got turned sideways on 3d & 1 plunge by Daven that was stuffed for lost yardage, and was also flagged for a false start.

���� Smith had a ho-hum game, as did Faneca.

���� The epitome of how raggedy this unit played, was the 4Q 1st & goal at the Raider 1.Parker was stuffed on 1D, and Daven was dropped by massive penetration for a 3-yard loss on 2D, setting up the need to pass.For a unit that was voted by ESPN as being the best in the league, they�ve got a long, long way to go to deserve that praise.��� D-.


DL:The line limited the Raiders to 80-some yards of rushing and played solidly, albeit against a weak Raider O-line.Aaron Smith had a strong, active game, although he was flagged in the 4Q for a horsecollar (the same call that was missed, in OPEN field, in last year�s Sup Bowl, by the way).Hoke started in place of the injured Hampton and at least held his own.�� The is one unit that needn�t hang its head in shame.�� B+.


LB:Some good, some bad.��

���������� Farrrior and Foote were both active and solid.Farrior had a good stuff on a 4th &1 plunge, stopping Crockett cold, as Foote helped bust up the play by taking out the FB.Foote led the team with 7 solos, and overall, this was probably one of his best games ever as a pro, aside from his dumbassed unsportsmanlike conduct penalty in the 3Q.���

���������� Haggans hustled and chipped in with a lot of hits in backside pursuit.�� In the 1st series, he destroyed Crockett -- who is no twerp in his own right -- and got a half sack on Walter.He was weak on a Fargas run in the 1H, allowing Fargas to slip out of his 2-handed grasp and gain a couple extra yards on a 5-yard gain.


���������� On paper, it will appear that Big Joey Porter has a �monster game�, as he recorded 2 sacks and had an INT.�� Here�s a breakdown of those 3 plays:


���������� 1.Walter scooted from pressure (not created by Big Joey, of course), and Porter shoved Walter right as he was stepping OOB.For this monumental, he-man effort, Big Joey got credited with a 3-yard sack�..and a 15-yard gain by the Raiders for a dumbassed personal foul/late hit OOB.


���������� 2.Big Joey faked for a full 2 seconds that he was in coverage, and then rushed right up the gut -- totally untouched and unblocked -- for an easy Dong Sack of the slow-footed Walter.


���������� 3.Troy Pola blasted Townsend on what would have been an INT by Town, and the ball popped up in the air.Big Joey got the gratuitous pop-up for the cake-easy INT.


���������� Aside from this -- which obviously was very, very minimal -- the guy did jack-shit NOTHING all day.He had ZERO other solos or assists, and more often than not, was simply standing around with one thumb up his ass and the other in his mouth.�� To add salt to the wound, on the play after Foote�s unsportsmanlike penalty, Porter -- supposedly the �team leader� -- committed his own dumbassed unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.Even on the EZ pass to the offensive TACKLE, Slaughter, who was lined up as a tackle eligible, Porter was clumsy and oafish.Here�s the vaunted �pro bowl� LB in coverage on a stumbling, plodding offensive tackle, and the opposing QB was stupid enough to force the pass in a Roethlisberger-like manner.Fer chrissakes, Porter could have easily picked this and taken it 100 yards for a huge play, but not only did he fail to do that, he actually dicked it up bad enough that Slaughter nearly hauled in the TD pass !!��


���������� The big 3:�� A.��� Big Joey Porter:�� D.��


DB:�� Facing a greenhorn QB in Walters, plus with Jerry Porter in the doghouse, the task at hand wasn�t all that hard today.Pola had a strong game, with a great slash and grab, 3d & 2, mid 3Q, on Reed for a 2-yard loss.�� He also inadvertently knocked the tar out of Town on the pass that Porter ended up collecting for the INT.��

���������� Ike was a lil� soft, but tackled well and had a good bustup on a deep out to Jerry Porter.


���������� The defense held Walter to 51 yards passing, and the secondary deserves credit for this shutdown.��� Of course, Moss dropped 2 easy passes and Walter was often scattershot.�� B+.��


Spec teams:�� Another wretched day by the STs.Arnie Harrison was injured after the 1st punt, early in the 1Q, and things went just as bad thereafter.Tonio Holmes was brought down, literally, by a fingernail tackle after the first Raider punt in the 1Q.My gawd, this guy gets toppled on kick returns as easily as a 3-legged chair�.!�� There was a low snap, and then a horrible 24-yard punt by Gardocki late in the 1Q.There was entirely shoddy KO cover after a Stiller 1H, resulting in a 48-yard return.There was also shoddy KO cover on the opening boot of the 2H.

������ Holmes failed to field the punt in the last minute of the game, inexplicably allowing the ball to bounce and waste a few more seconds.�� You absolutely HAVE to FIELD the punt in that do or die situation, in order to gain the maximum yardage possible and perhaps even break a long runback.�� For the life of me, I have no idea what Holmes was doing, or what his idiot coaching staff told him prior to that play.����� F.


OC:�� Cheezenhunt regressed to an all-time low today.The entire offense stumbled around in a funk.Cheezenhunt has lost all control and offensive identity.A prime example was the wasted TO, 5:30 1Q.�� There was a confusion on subs and an Illegal formation, so the offense had to waste a TO.�� Worse was the SG formation, and then a pass, on 4th & 1 in the 4Q.WTF ??��� A shitgun formation on 4th & 1 ??��� This play told me well enough that Cheezenhunt has simply lost it and is now resigned to grab-bag, grab-assed playcalling.�� You want to pass in 4th & 1?�� Fine.�� Line up in the power I, and PLAY FAKE if ya wanna pass.��� Cheezenhunt has lost the offense�s entire identity, and what�s left is a lumbering, slow, stale, and predictable offense that has ZERO creativity, element of surprise, or zest.�� For much of today�s game, I thought I was watching Bledsoe and the Cowboys, with a QB standing around for 5 seconds and then taking a sack.�� Absolutely pitiful.I wonder how many teams are interested in Cheezenhunt this year�.?���� F.


DC:�� Dick�s defense did its job, although we have to factor in that the Raider O-line and QB situation is horrific.���� B+.


HC:It�s all the more apparent that Cowhard has lost not only his own personal focus and intensity, but also the control over this team and its preparation and on-field antics.Facing one of the very worst teams in all of pro football, all Cowhard�s team could do is play slop n� slather in a disorganized, uninspired goatfuck. The epitome of Cowhard�s total lack of any control and positive influence came in the 3Q, when, on consecutive plunges that gained 3 and 2 yards, veterans Foote and then Porter were flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct.Say what ??�� 1 UC flag in a game is too much, and 2, on consecutive plays, shows this team lacks the focus, professionalism, and discipline of a champion.�� The STs are an outright fiasco, and Cowhard, the supposed ST genius, stands ossified each week and continues to do nothing to address this problem area.Then there�s the wasted TO -- once again, just like last week -- right after the 2MW in the 4Q.Ward caught a curl for 7 yards, and Cowher, the idiot that he is, calls for a TO before the 4th & goal at the 3.�� Coming off a 2MW timeout prior to 3rd down, there was absolutely no need to piss away a TO at this juncture.��


It all starts at the top, and at the top of this sorry, stenchfilled pile of shit sits Lord Billy Cowher, who has run this team into the ground with his haughty, no-brained leadership.�� F.


Synopsis:�� The Stillers have now sunk to 2-5 with this embarrassing loss to the lowly Raiders.�� The team is totally out of synch and is playing sloppy, uninspired football.They are currently one of the biggest, if not the biggest, laughingstocks in the entire league.�� How low can this team go?�� We�ll find out in the next couple of weeks.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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