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Dear Santa

December 14, 2003 by Steel Phantom

Dear Santa:

Dear Santa:


It�s been a while since I�ve written and we both know why.Let�s face it; maybe I haven�t been naughty but, for the most part, I haven�t been all that nice either.Besides, I understand you�ve got better things to do; compared to most, I live like a god and, as we both know, there�s plenty of want around this rock.


But please, you�ve just got to help me now.I�m not asking much; I don�t want all the cars and I don�t want all the women either.I�ll try and get rich on my own.What I do want is this: a little hope, a glimmer that somewhere down the line, my Pittsburgh Steelers might get a chance for that 5th ring.


That�s not so much to ask, even if I don�t deserve it.Maybe there�s someone who does though; some fan somewhere that has led a good life even while rooting for the Black and Gold.�� Do it for that guy; I won�t be offended but please Santa just do it.Get William Laird Cowher outta here.


Look, I know the train already has left the station for any Gruden type deal; sure, there was a hot torrent of cash flowing one way or the other between Oakland and Tampa last year but, really, who cares since it all comes out of the same pot?The money doesn�t signify; I�d have taken the players and I�d have taken my chances with some other coach.


But that�s all over.Now, you�ve just gotta find the Laird another manse; somewhere, anywhere.Nebraska, Atlanta, DC, I really don�t care.Personally, I�ve got nothing against the man; he can stay employed, his family can keep fed, just not here.Team-X gets a celebrity coach and, maybe, goes on from there.The Steelers get a chance to re-make themselves and, maybe, someday, could contend again.This works for everyone; win, win, which is straight up your alley, right?


I understand that the mess this season might not be entirely Cowher�s fault.Maybe, it�s the players; maybe they all got soft, maybe they all got old.Tempus fugit, but the Steelers� secondary does not.That�s the beauty; my plan works either way.If it�s the Coach, well, there�ll be a new sheriff in town.If it�s the players, well, rumor has it, that Mr. Bill had the wheel there too.��


I know this could be a problem for the Rooney family.They�ve got a sense of loyalty and they don�t like any fuss, which definitely is a different deal than out in Oakland where Gruden and Davis were done with one another.�� Possibly, you hesitate to cross that clan; sure, we all owe the Irish for saving our so-called civilization and, to some, the Emerald Isle is now, as it always has been, God�s own turf�


� but none of that can be your concern.Civilization must mean nothing to you Claus; after all, man, your whole show is just a means of coercion; you know: be good kid, get exactly the crap you crave.So, you�re a tool Nick and as for He-Whose-Name-Must-Not-Be-Spoken, well, aside from the fact that you�re basically a pagan idol, I think we all understand that the Big Guy just is not so such jolly.


Screw with me on this and you�ll be jolly no more too.Look at that postmark pal, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; you think I don�t have a taste for venison?You�re slow and old; you fly low.That�s USA, which is U Sure can get Arms, you hideous tub of goo.I�m about 20 minutes, anytime and anywhere, from a shoulder launcher and a crate of RPG.I�ve got a meat locker and all my friends do too.Mess up and well, your boyz Blitzen and the rest will end their days gutted and hung out to cure.Fat freak down, that�s what I�m talking about.You feeling me yet, you fur-fringed, red-ass mutant?


You�ve been warned,








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