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December 18, 2006 by Swissvale72







3rd Street

By Swissvale72



Was going to hold off writing until tomorrow, after the whole weekend had concluded but I was too damn impatient, too frenzied with playoff possibilities.


First, permit me an aside, a digression.Made a whirlwind trip to the Burgh this weekend, for a funeral service for my friend, Nick, whose passing I referenced on this site several times.Saw people I hadn�t seen in two decades.Was some appropriate levity�.at the conclusion of the service, a song was played, with the announcement that it might have been the first song that Nick ever heard, sung by his mother�..on came The Carpenters �Close to You.�From the back, we were whispering that if Nick was looking down on the service, he�d be saying��What the Fuck are they doing, playing this bullshit!�Then�.someone from up front, said aloud��The Carpenters�.what�s this!!�Anyway�caught up with Jay (President of his Class), Richie (a Zoning Board nitpicker) and Henry (the QB my senior year of high school�.whose dad, my first coach was a trip!) at a Swissvale barroom, over a few pints of Yuengling�s.


Another digression, Henry�s dad�Henry, Sr., my first coach in Junior High.I fucked up with my guard-tackle gap responsibilities our first game in 9th grade.Edision Jr. High ran 2 consecutive plays through this vacated area for huge gainers.Next week, prior to the first home game, we have a pep rally.Henry Sr. gets all the players on stage, goes down the line�says a few nice words about all of us�.comes to me�..�Vigs (my nickname back then) stunk like shit last week!!He doesn�t play better this week, his ass�ll be on the bench.�This, in front of the whole school.But�I was not surprised�.was actually expecting it�sounded right to me!!


Henry, Sr. was also the high school basketball coach.Silenced the crowd one day, �caue he had the temerity, in 1971, to start 5 black kids�..Dillard brothers, Epps cousins, Scales kid�challenged anyone in the crowd to come down to the floor, tangle with him.Was on TV later that year, criticizing Ligonier for freezing the ball the whole game in an effort not to win, but to not get blown out.Swissvale won, 19-1.


Was a poignant, bittersweet weekend�..first bitter, ended sweet.




We�re still alive!!Hopefully, Indy beats Cinci tonight�.we�ll be even more alive.Here�s what needs to happen then, most simply.


Christmas Weekend:

NYJ lost AT Miami

JAX lose to NE

Cinci lose AT Denver (although we benefit from this game going either way)


New Year�s Weekend:

JAX lose AT KC

Buffalo lose AT Baltimore


And, oh yeah�.all of these things don�t go our way�.still a margin for error, should Oakland beat the Jets in the finale, or should SF win at Denver.


The above list, though�.what can�t happen!!Again, Steeler brother and sisters�.not confident, am hopeful.


Of course, we need to win�..and I�m not overly impressed with the trio of wins we�ve had over the dregs of the league, none with their top QB.I was certainly not impressed with the triple 3 & outs we had to start yesterday�s game.

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