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Two, Four, Six, Eight....WHY let the Assholes Moderate

October 18, 2007 by Swissvale72

Two, Four, Six, Eight�WHY Let the Assholes Moderate??

...where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio

By Swissvale72



Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?  In this instance though, it�s not Joltin� Joe we should be longing for, it�s Still Diesel, who formerly moderated this site�s message boards without incident.  I met Diesel, prior to the �04 AFCCG, drove up from Maryland, and he was as unassuming in real life as he was on the Message Board.  As a moderator, he clearly understood that the �game� so to speak was not about him, and operated largely behind the scenes, generally unnoticed�and�with great effectiveness.


Now�.we have the likes of Still Blitz and Perch moderating the message boards.  There�s Blitz, MODERATOR emblazoned in his signature, threatening to ban posters, revoke writing privileges, drunk with power.  Prior to moderating, Blitz�s primary contribution to this site was posting very nice pictures of Amanda Lexx�s was much more in keeping with his skill set.  As moderator, he�s seemingly deleted posts that criticize him, seemingly deleted posts that take positions counter to him re: the Steelers, appears to have deleted posts for seemingly no reason at all, other than his dislike of the poster, allegedly deleted posts in order to make discredit certain posters.


He was modding when I was banned, allegedly, �cause some pencil-necked geek from Yahoo, thought that I was both RonnyRon and Below Average Ben, and then continued to accuse me of being these people even after it being clearly established that those charges were bogus.


Gee�it�s Thursday.  Tomorrow  is Fuck You Friday.  We all know that means.  Contrary to his usually practice, Blitz will permit a non-Steeler related tread to sit all day in StillersTalk.  What a coincidence; it�s his thread.  Therein, one can count on his bemoaning the need to report to a female supervisor, and will cry foul that two females were promoted over him, thus stymieing his reaching his goal of managing that 7-11 on Peach Tree Street.


Perch�Blitz�s lackey thus far.  His cohort, his partner in crime.  Better not criticize him, call him a name, otherwise he has every right to respond with the internet�s version of deadly force.   In a few short weeks, Perch has thrown his weight around in a manner that make him & Blitz an awesome one-two punch, the Board�s version of Glenn Davis-Doc B lanchard�.Mr. Inside/Mr. Outside of the MB. 


�Don�t Fuck with Us.�

Find Another Site.�

�Kiss my Ass if you don�t like it.�


Diesel�.please come back from across the street.  We didn�t know how good we had it.



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