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Cleaning Out the Sports Attic

November 16, 2007 by Swissvale72



�on my mind today


Was Einstein, I�ve heard, that believed in not letting one�s mind get cluttered with useless information.Well, I must be the anti-Einstein.I know that my brother TonyV15220, went to his first Steeler game one week before his 18th birthday and that the Steelers lost to the LA Rams, 26-14, know that the Cowboys beat the Steelers, 52-21, on the day of my Confirmation in 1966�.but�.have to search madly to find my car keys each & every morning.


Anyway, maybe if I write some of this shit down, I�ll forget it, can free up useful space within my own noggin, and life might be a tad easier to navigate.Think so??


Ya know what I hate?I hate when baseball season�s finally over, and talk show hosts keep talking about baseball.Who gives a shit who ARod will be playing for.Sign with whoever you want, Choke Artist, but do make Mike & Mike have to lead with that shit�while I�m on my Nordic Track?The undying baseball season finally ends�let it die!!Segues to�.


I really don�t give a damn that Barry Bonds did steroids�..and nowhe�s indicted.Hey, I don�t like Bonds either, solely though because he hit about one-fuckin�-twenty-five in three playoff episodes for the Pittsburgh Pirates.I don�t care what he did for the San Francisco Homos.And our court system has bigger fish to fry, our national news has more important stories, and our President sure as hell has more vital issue to comment on than this slugger getting bagged for lying.Reminds me of Richard Nixon, speaking of liars, declaring that Texas was #1 following the �69 season, when Penn State was sitting undefeated as well.Uhhhhh�..Mr. President, you�ve got a war going on, you�ve got a nation to guide�keep out of the football/baseball business.


Steelers going forward:Contrary to a prediction in a previous article, Steelers willhave no trouble with the Jets this week.They�ll also cruise by the Dolphins in the following week�s Monday nighter.I�m worried as hell though, about the Bengals game, and The Homo Carson Palmer, who now has Chris Henry to throw to as well.Say what you want�but the Bengals O can still move the ball, can still put points on the board. Would hate to be looking at an odds-on two-game losing streak coming out of Foxboro on December 9th.And consider this�.Steelers have lost to the Bengals in Heinz two years running, both of these losses following Monday nighters for the Black & Gold�.segues to�


Pats schedule�.very interesting, Pats next game that starts in daylight in the awaited December 9th contest.The Pats-Steelers tilt is preceded on the Pats schedule by a Monday nighter, in Baltimore.Ravens won�t challenge the Pats on the scoreboard, but hopefully they�ll still hit hard, still hit dirty, maybe cause an injury or two.Minimally, it forces the Pats into a short work week, with the Steelers hopefully being the beneficiary.And oh�.this week�s Pats game, at Buffalo, just might be interesting�.


Back to Steelers schedule:We�ll beat Jacksonville at home�will be a very tough, hard fought game, some Ben heroics�but we�ll prevail.Rams at St. Louis, Thursday nighter, won�t be easy.Yes, they suck, but they won easily over NO last week, an NO team that seemingly had found itself, had won 4 straight.And then, at Baltimore in the finale�.Ravens will be long since out of the playoff chase.They�ll be smarting from the Monday Night ass-whippin� they suffered against the Steelers, but so what�.they still can�t score.Steelers win if they need to.These final 3 games, I�m predicting wins in all 3, but I won�t be shocked if we drop one�just don�t know which one.Hope we�re not shaking our heads the day after the Rams game, saying how the hell did we lose to this squad?Course, I won�t be shaking my head�.I�ll be in the Florida Keys, awaiting the delivery of an overnight package with my game tape, as my ass will be in the air (I still can NOT believe this) while the Steelers kick off against the Rams�hopefully keep cotton in my ears for a couple days, watch �as if� live on Saturday, December 22nd.


So, best guess�.13-3, or 12-4�.I think 13-3 gets us the #2-spot and a first-round bye.I think that the Colts drop one more, but not two, even in their decimated state.Tough luck, Dwight Freeney, and as insensitive as this might sound, I�m glad you wound up on IR.I�m hitching my wagon to the Pittsburgh Steelers to derail the New England Express, and our path back to Foxboro in January is rendered considerably easier without you chasing our QB�.or other people�s QBs for that matter.


Tough for me yet to envision a Steeler win in Foxboro on December 9th.I�ll be in the house, along with TonyV15220�we couldn�t be so lucky.And�.I�m starting to subscribe to the completely unsubstantiated thinking that we can win in this place not more than once in a given season, and ousting the 17-0 Pats in their own house, in January, would be absolute fuckin� Nirvana!!In any event, the prospect of a Steelers-Pats AFCCG in Foxboro is coming into focus for me.


Let�s see�.other stuff to empty out, and maybe I can remember to call for my Lipitor refill today? Nah�.can�t remember�, it�s now 5:58am, and much as I like writing to you asshats, Nordic Track is calling me�.like fighting beachfront erosion�.can�t stop this process, can only hope to slow it down a bit.


Hey�didja notice�.only two fuckin� F-bombs this time�.oops!!Sorry�.



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