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Loose Slag from the Still Mill

September 21, 2005 by Still Mill

Loose Slag......Sep 21, 2005

Loose Slag from the Still Mill


Dispelling myths�.


- I can�t help but wonder how, pray tell, the Stillers ever pounded the ball with rabid success the past 2 weeks, without a big, burly, 270-pound RB that can �wear out the defense and reduce the opponent�s will to tackle�.After all, isn�t that the precise gospel, as spouted by the members of the Jerome Bettis Food n� Fan Club, as well as the members of the Pittsburgh media??�� The Stillers have played smashmouth the past 2 weeks with a 215-pound RB, jamming the ball down the opponent�s throat.So much for the bullshit gospel that, quite obviously, has been reduced to mythical-laden rubble.


- Speaking of the myth about �reducing the opponent�s will to tackle,� wasn�t that Phil Buchanan who meekly waved at Parker as Parker dashed by for the TD in the 3Q?Another myth blow to bits, as Parker -- all 215 pounds -- apparently reduced the Texans� will to tackle.


- Another myth shot to hell:�Mark Bruener is a great blocking TE and is the key to the power running game.Withouthim, you wouldn�t be able to pound the ball.�What hilarious, moronic bullshit.�� The Stillers have run the ball at will without the Great God of Blocking.Furthermore, how �bout that Texan running game?�� Funny, but I was at Reliant Stadium on Sunday, and I didn�t see Bruener, the Great God of Blocking, opening up any 9-foot wide swaths for his running back.��


- Speaking of myths, wasn�t it just a few years ago that the bullshit fallacy being bandied about was, �Clark Haggans doesn�t have the speed or quickness that Jason Gildon has.�What laughable bullshit.


- Another myth, being spewed by Dan Rooney of all people:�The Patriots can�t yet be considered a dynasty.�Bullshit.In this age of free agency, they are every bit as good a dynasty as the Packers, Stillers, and Cowboys of yesteryear.


- So much for the �renewed emphasis on the TE�.�� Heath Miller is lonelier than the Maytag repair man.It would be nice to use him versus the Patsies.


- Allow me to clarify my demands for short passes to Parker.What I am not asking for are more SCREEN passes to Parker.The Whaleshit Screen need not be over used.What needs to be exploited, when you have a back with Parker�s speed and agility, are short, quick flips in the flat that are essentially long handoffs, especially on running downs when opposing defenses are more likely to bunch tighter in preparation for the expected line plunge.


- Dick LeBeau�s biggest challenge -- creating pass pressure from the personnel in his front 7. Pola�s pressure, along with some from Townsend and Ike, is nice, but there should be enough talent, if the right scheme is used, to create some pressure from the base front 7.QBs better than David Carr, with better blocking than Houston�s human sieve, are going to be able to sometimes exploit Pola�s blitz-created vacancy.


- Being the well known analyst that I am, I had the opportunity to tour the AlamoDome this week.Besides being such an impressive sports facility, what was really interesting is the temporary headquarters of the NO Saints, which is set up in the basement of the A-dome.The Ala-domers have done a nice job to accommodate the Saints, giving them rooms and video equipment for each positional coach, as well as space for the front office, the ticket sales staff, the marketing staff, and so on.The folks at the A-dome have even branded the Dome with enormous �Saints� emblems and graphics on the outside of the dome.Kudos to the San Antonians for all of their hospitality and efforts to accommodate the displaced Saints.


- It�s a shame, however, that Commish Tags is opposed to a �small market� city like San Antonio for the Saints, and is instead pushing for Los Angeles.This isn�t surprising, but it is sickening.San Antonio has proven itself to be a strong, enthusiastic, supportive sports city, as witnessed by the Spurs.Los Angeles has had its chance � several, in fact � to host an NFL team, and they�ve helped botch it.I say, screw Los Angeles and instead give a city like San Antonio, which has stepped up to the plate in a time of urgent need and has hit the ball out of the park with outstanding aplomb, a chance to land an NFL team.



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