A few Notes for our loyal subscribers�
A few Notes for our loyal subscribers�.
First, I will be in the 'Burgh a good part of next week, beginning on Sunday. This could hinder my ability to get the post-game analysis typed up and placed on the Web late on Sunday nite like I always do. I might actually attend the game, or I might go to the Pens game later that evening, or I might be out drinkin' some 'Arn City somewhere in the 'Burgh. So, anyway�. bear with me.
Once the season is complete, I will commence the compilation of grades for each and every player. Then, I will also compile my proposed plan for the offseason. This is a painstaking endeavor, so bear with me. In the meantime, for your reading enjoyment, I will (no later than Dec. 31st) post my grades and off-season plans from previous seasons, on my Still Mill web page. Use the navigation tool on the left side of the screen and click on "The Still Mill".
I wanted to add a "thank you" to all our loyal readers here, and to those of you who have sent me email during this season. I've tried my best to answer each and every one, but I probably was not quite able to do that. At any rate, I do appreciate your feedback, and more importantly, your ideas. Rest assured, we'll be busy during the off-season making several improvements to the site, some of which were suggested by you, the reader. We've even added a new member to the staff of Stillers.com, whom you will soon meet if he ever gets out of his Witman-like doldrums. J
Hope you all have a great New Year's celebration�..and remember to pray for a good Y2K for the Black & Gold!
The Still Mill