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Adversity Nothing New for Steelers

October 13, 2006 by Guest

Adversity Nothing New for Steelers By StillMC

Adversity Nothing New for Steelers�� ��By StillMC


A lot of gloom and doom lately. With good reason. Being shut out, beat at home by a division rival, and carved up by a first year starting quarterback in three straight games will make any realistic fan worry about the following 12 weeks.


Unfortunately, it's being taken to a new low. Already discussions are starting about the 2007 draft, how high of a pick we'll have, and whether or not we should just throw in the towel now for a better draft pick.


Adversity and shaky starts are nothing new for this team. Since 2002, Cowher & Co. have had their backs against the wall at some point in every season. And I'd be willing to bet money that at that point in every season, the same people saying the season is lost now, we're saying it then. And in 3 out of 4 of those seasons, the Stillers rebounded, and eventually reached the postseason. I'm sure we all remember these seasons. But, in such a dismal time for this team and it's fans, maybe they need to be revisited.



Record by Week 5: 1-3


After being stunned by the Pats in the 01 AFCC, the Steelers entered the season as heavy favorites. But once they were being decimated by the Patriots (30-14) and Raiders (30-17), fans hoped for just a winning season, let alone a playoff appearance. After a week 3 bye, the Steelers hosted Cleveland, and midway through the game, stared 0-3 right in the face. Kordell Stewart was benched for Tommy Maddox, and the Steelers eeked out a 3 point win. The next week the Steelers traveled to New Orleans and were beaten by the Saints, falling to 1-3.


Those three losses mirror those of this season. Poor defensive play (Rich Gannon was 43 of 64 for 403 yards). Poor offensive line play (5 sacks vs NE, 4 vs NO). Too many turnovers (5 vs NE, 5 vs Oak, 2 vs NO).


But the Steelers rallied, losing only 2 of their next 11 games (and tying Atlanta). The Steelers rallied to win the division from the Browns (2-3 in Week 5) and Ravens (2-2 in Week 5). They made it to the divisional playoffs, where an Oscar winning Tennessee kicker ended their season.


But the fact is that the Steelers were playing a tougher schedule with an even worse offense than right now (Maddox at QB, Bettis and Famous Amos at RB). They started 1-3 in an even worse fashion than this team. And with their backs against the wall, STILL managed to win their division and fall a field goal short of another AFCC.



Record by Week 5: 2-3


We all know what happened. Highest point of the season was blowing out Baltimore opening weekend. Only time the 'chicken littles' were right.



Record by Week 5: 4-1


One week after a close opening day victory, the Steelers are blown out in Baltimore, and Gary Baxter knocks out our starting QB. Backup Charlie Batch is already injured. Leaving us with a rookie QB who was passed over by 10 other teams in the draft. Has the doom and gloom factor ever been higher? Predictions of 1-15 were made. The best hope anyone had was another 6-10 repeat. Instead the Steelers shocked the world by ripping off FIFTEEN straight regular season wins, and making so much history that it's not even worth listing here. As we all remember, the Steelers coasted to the postseason, before struggling and eventually losing in the AFCC.



Record by Week 5: 3-1


No need to recap everything here. But at 7-5, and a three game losing streak featuring absolutely dismal play, the few people thinking about the playoffs were labeled as homers, koolaid drinkers, or idiots. Cowher was an idiot, our team was horrible, and we'd be lucky to finish 9-7. Sound familiar? No one in the world expected us to rip off 4 straight wins, followed by 3 road playoff wins from the worst possible seed, and a SB victory. But we did.


And that brings us to present day. Yes, the Steelers have looked horrible. Yes, the level of play on every side of the ball has been subpar. Yes, Cowher has once again made stupid mistakes. The season is once again on the brink of disaster, and as expected, too many fans are ready to pack it up and get ready for the draft.


My question is...why? It's been FOUR GAMES. And we haven't exactly been blown out for those 3 losses either (excluding Jacksonville). The biggest difference between 1-3 and 3-1 has been turnovers and bad coaching decisions at the worse possible times.


There is cause for concern. And no, I'm not saying that we're guaranteed to make the playoffs, win the division, or make it back to the Superbowl. There's no argument from me that this team has dug themselves quite a hole.


But to say that there's no way we can dig ourselves out is ridiculous. What is it about this team that convinces anyone that we can't handle adversity? We've done it for THREE of the past FOUR seasons. If an insurance agent can lift us from the depths of 1-3 to the postseason, surely our franchise QB has the ability to.


There's no predicting how this season will end up. But looking at the past four, there's no cause to give up just yet. While the Bengals and Ravens are starting to get into the meat of their schedules, we get a break. If we can beat KC, carry that momentum through Atlanta, and get a free win out of Oakland, we're 4-3 and right back in the thick of things.


The possibility to be 7-3 or 6-4 when facing Baltimore is very real. Will it happen? I have no idea. But if any of you want to give up and start talking about who we're going to draft, go right ahead. But the draft is in April, the season is now.


And you can expect that every Sunday, I'll be rooting for this team. Until we're positively eliminated from the playoffs, I don't even want to look at a mock draft. To hell with 1-3. For a team that has made a habit out of overcoming adversity, this season is far from lost.


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