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May 02, 2007 by Swissvale72






�and what the fock do WE know?

By Swissvale72



I didn�t have much to say about the draft.  I�m not a draftnik, and rarely have I ever heard of anyone that the Steelers have drafted.  I�ve written about being a Draft Prodigy in my younger days, having a streak of accuracy in predicting our #1s, and once, our #1 & #2.


But reading the Post-Gazette articles of esteemed scribes Ron Cook & Bob Smizik really has me questioning how much any of us know about the draft.  I posted about it, but it might be article-worthy.  Plus, I haven�t written in a while, and it�s �publish and catch hell� around here.


It�s one thing for us asshats at to speculate, to comment��it�s a nice hobby.  But these writers get paid to write their drivel.


Anyway��s the post, now an article, with a few add-ons.


Ron Cook is an idiot, so is Smizik.  They�re both Cowher worshippers, writing intermittently about how much we�ll miss the Chin.  How the hell do they get off criticizing an NFL team�s draft with so little knowledge.


Moreso than any other part of a team�s operation, their handling of the draft is the product of way more time than any of here at, or these shitty writers, could possibly devote to it.   I�m most often of the thinking that the coaches also know best whom to keep on the team, whom to play, which plays to call, etc.  Although, there�s twice I really wish I had Cowher�s phone number.   The first would have been when he insisted on playing that stiff, Tommy Maddox, against Jax in �05.  And then afterward, he said that he had �thought about � replacing him.  When�..the fuck�..Bill�.were you gonna pull the trigger.  The most recent Cowher mega-debacle was his insistence on putting a punt return guy out there that so obviously couldn�t catch, thus costing us the Cinci game!!  Oh�..and I�d like to tell Cowher a thing or two about yucking it up with Michael Vick during the last two minutes of regulation last  Fall.


Back to this year�s draft.  Did the Steelers draft well?  How the hell do I know?  I never heard of any of these guys, and it�s unlikely that most you had prior to the last few weeks.  And if you had, what did you know�.the result of their workouts, comments from other media sources.


Cook, Smizik, and their ilk are in the same boat as we are.  Regrettably, they�re paid for their efforts.  These two should really pay the P-G for the privilege of writing.  Because, and this is the greatest sin, these two scribblers don�t only don�t know shit, could be strong candidates for the Dapper Dan�s Biggest Fuckin� Idiot Award (�won jointly last year by Timmay and Ronaldo of�they�re downright shitty writers as well�and THAT�is the part of this argument that�s inexcuseable.

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