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December 01, 2006 by Swissvale72



Am I a seer?

By Swissvale72


A fellow poster, an engineering type, a search engine guru, confronted me this week with my pre-season predictions.Lest I�m exposed as a fraud, I thought I�d engage in some self-analysis�.and reach the conclusion, that, as a prognosticator�.maybe�.well�.mabye�fraud?

Excerpts, written the momentous day of August 12th, 2006, prior to our first pre-season game, in the midst of sports resume threads, call me, etc.

�Duce will be much more than a capable replacement for JB.Duce will fuckinexcel.FWP will gain less than last year.Duce will gain far more than expected.They will split the position akin to Foster/Morris in �94.�� FWP will gain 1,000�.Duce 800.FWP will be good for about 240 carries�.Duce about 180�all approximates.

 Both rooks at WR will make us VERY happy.Still not convinced that Nate�s active every Sunday.We will have one helluva passing game.

 I like the O-line�..would like more depth.Get Barrett Brooks the hell out.Phillips will be a real find as Hartings� backup.

 Sign Ike before August wanes.He will be recognized as one of the game�s top CBs this year.He doesn�t get signed before the opener, he walks at the end.Can never have too many good cover guys. 

Okay�.here�s what happens.Steelers start VERY fast, win at least their first 5 before losing on the road to either Atlanta or Oakland.Won�t lose again �til the first Ravens game following Thanksgiving�..lose late at Carolina.

 We get #1 seed again.This time, we beat either KC or Den. In a Heinz Field repeat�..NE wins�at Indy, for the other spot after Vinatieri misses one late.We finally beat NE in the playoffs for the AFC Champ�.re-fuckin�-demption.

 We win the SB�.not sure against who�..don�t much give a shit.Ben is MVP�..Ben cries like a fuckin� baby on the victory stand.We all cry with him.�


Wow�..wasn�t very far off, was I?Only off on Duce by 800 yards.Was right about losing to either Atlanta or Oakland�.okay, okay, who knew we�d lose to both.Was right about losing at Baltimore, too�..

Ya know what else�just occurred to me last week.We lost every pre-season game, too.Doesn�t mean shit, but still�..means that since the SB�.we�ve tuned in our TV to watch out Steelers 15 times, of which they�ve lost 11.

Well, maybe Mill will cut my pay, demote me, make me write obituaries.Better keep the day job�.oh yeah, that�s where I am now�..maybe I should get to work??


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